obama care

diamonds in the sky<>

Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2013
Obamacare is really called the affordable healthcare act really its just to make health insurance more affordable. Its not there to damage s its there to help us Obama was trying to help us and all are their doing is ddoting on him.Obama doesn't make decisions by himself all laws go to the House of Representatives so it's not just obama you can't blame him.:mad:
Obamacare is really called the affordable healthcare act really its just to make health insurance more affordable. Its not there to damage s its there to help us Obama was trying to help us and all are their doing is ddoting on him.Obama doesn't make decisions by himself all laws go to the House of Representatives so it's not just obama you can't blame him.:mad:
Considering there are multiple threads and literally hundreds of post on how "Obamacare" is destroying this Country, perhaps you would like to post on just how this disastrous policy is affordable in any way or just how it is "helping us all".

And, considering all laws go through both the Senate and the House, not just the House and not one Republican voted for this disastrous policy I think it is more than fair to blame this disaster on Obama and the Marxist Democrats! o_O
I didn't say it was working all I said is that you can't blame everything on Obama when we estabished this country we made sure it wasn't one person ruling a nation.
Yes Obama care causes certain financial issues with the higher earners,but it helps those who don't earn as much. Just like America. Its not a perfect system but its working.:(
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I didn't say it was working all I said is that you can't blame everything on Obama when we estabished this country we made sure it wasn't one person ruling a nation.
You did say Obamacare was there to help us. If it is "not working" then obviously it is not helping anyone. In fact, there more than enough data to suggest it is damaging this country in many ways.

Obamacare is Obama's signature achievement when he forced this law on the American people against our will and against all the Republicans in Congress. This destructive law even bears his name.

The POTUS is the Comander and Cheif. The buck stops with him. Most are aware that many of the Marxist Democrats were involved in this legislation, but Obama is president and Obama signed it into law.

Again, it is more than fair to blame Obama for Obamacare!
The political parties are damaging the country .
before George Washington resigned from office he warned us against political parties yeah we did it anyway but is it really damaging our country that bad. Obamacare is it damaging our country so bad that the country's just gonna fall apart.:eek:
Americas in debt there's nothing we can do about that if you really want Obamacare out of here then you need more people to see how bad it really is because if you can't convince the people then you just another voice. America's ruled by the people not by one person one voice won't be heard above the crowd but many voices make a difference.:unsure:
If you were paying attention when it was in congress you would know that the house did not approve it as procedural gimicks were employed to bypass the normal process.
It is not merely the upper crust that are finding it unhelpfull. Most of the middle class are seeing higher costs and reduced coverage. The lower classes may see some benefit via welfare.
And, of course, as has been shown over and over there is nothing in the legislation that reduces (makes more affordable) medical care. And while Obama had help in Congress, it was his signature initiative which he expended all his political capital on.
Its Obama's tar baby 100%. Its an albatross for those who aided the scam but its his to own.
The political parties are damaging the country .
before George Washington resigned from office he warned us against political parties yeah we did it anyway but is it really damaging our country that bad. Obamacare is it damaging our country so bad that the country's just gonna fall apart.:eek:
Americas in debt there's nothing we can do about that if you really want Obamacare out of here then you need more people to see how bad it really is because if you can't convince the people then you just another voice. America's ruled by the people not by one person one voice won't be heard above the crowd but many voices make a difference.:unsure:
George Washington did not warn us against political parties. Washington warned us against a two-party system. Considering both parties are leftist parties, we essential live under a one party rule at this time.

When oue political process is circumvented under one party as Obama has done with Obamacare and many other illegal policies, even "many voices" can not make a difference.

There is no defending Obama nor Obamacare. The mess this Country is in is clearly the fault of Obama and the Marxist Democrats!
Obamacare is really called the affordable healthcare act really its just to make health insurance more affordable. Its not there to damage s its there to help us Obama was trying to help us and all are their doing is ddoting on him.Obama doesn't make decisions by himself all laws go to the House of Representatives so it's not just obama you can't blame him.:mad:
You are correct.. we can't blame Obama for everything, and I would like to say thanks for posting your thoughts...But he is the man at the top, anything my company does is my fault.. That's just the way it is..
That being said..If Obama were the CEO of a private company, writes George Mason University economist Don Boudreaux, "he would be sued, publicly lambasted by all the major media, perhaps hauled before an admittedly grandstanding Congressional committee, and possibly prosecuted, convicted, fined, or even imprisoned for fraudulent misrepresentation." But politics isn't the marketplace, and politicians are held to a different standard. We entrust elected officials with far too much power, then routinely fail to hold them accountable when they abuse their power and betray that trust.
[qdidn't think about it in that peddle
That being said..If Obama were the CEO of a private company, writes George Mason University economist Don Boudreaux, "he would be sued, publicly lambasted by all the major media, perhaps hauled before an admittedly grandstanding Congressional committee, and possibly prosecuted, convicted, fined, or even imprisoned for fraudulent misrepresentation." But politics isn't the marketplace, and politicians are held to a different standard. We entrust elected officials with far too much power, then routinely fail to hold them accountable when they abuse their power and betray that trust.

"cashmcall, post: 219847, member: 3966"]You are correct.. we can't blame Obama for everything, and I would like to say thanks for posting your thoughts...But he is the man at the top, anything my company does is my fault.. That's just the way it is..[/quote]
I didnt think about it in that perspective. I guess this is what he signed up for .
Why is it that people hate Obama Carr but when you call it the affordable health care act more people agree with it.:sneaky:
Why is it that people hate Obama Carr but when you call it the affordable health care act more people agree with it.:sneaky:

Not sure I agree with you on that point, but it's easy to fool the American public. Mainly because they are uninterested and uninformed.

“How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think” Adolph Hitler
That being said..If Obama were the CEO of a private company, writes George Mason University economist Don Boudreaux, "he would be sued, publicly lambasted by all the major media, perhaps hauled before an admittedly grandstanding Congressional committee, and possibly prosecuted, convicted, fined, or even imprisoned for fraudulent misrepresentation." But politics isn't the marketplace, and politicians are held to a different standard. We entrust elected officials with far too much power, then routinely fail to hold them accountable when they abuse their power and betray that trust.

Agreed. If BO were an R, the Ds would be drafting articles of impeachment right now....and the MSM would be cheering them on along with many liberals and progressives.

If the Rs had any balls, they would be running at least three independent investigations of BO and his corrupt administration. But since they have allowed themselves to be de-balled, injustice and corruption rules the day.
We elect representatives to represent us that is why the American public doesn't really care to be informed and it is the governments job to inform us in the first place.:cool: