Obama can compromise away most of Obamacare, if he just gets SOME small part passed


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2009
San Diego, CA
Even if Obama takes out the Public Option, gives up on reducing Medicare, and compromises on most of the rest, if he can just get a bill passed and signed that says the Fed Govt is responsible for SOME part of Health Care, Obama will have accomplished his primary goal.

And that primary goal is to extend Federal power into the field of paying for people's fundamental health. Once that's done, he can start passing "additional" laws.

For example, to start restricting drinking because if there's less drinking the Fed Govt will have to pay less to treat people with cirrosis and people in drunk-driving crashes.

And to regulate and restrict skydiving so the Fed Govt can save money on treating people whose canopies don't inflate right. And then restrict pickup games of tackle football. And then rugby. And then soccer.

And to regulate the amount of fat in foods so that the Fed Govt won't have to pay so much to treat obese people's heart disease.

And to lower speed limits across the country, so there will be fewer high-speed crashes and less money spent by the Fed Govt to treat victims of same.

Once the leftists can get the Federal Government responsible for even a small part of your Health Care, that opens up a huge new vista of things the Federal government can start to regulate. And they can pile up the new rules and restrictions endlessly - because it's up to them now, to save money on Health Care, so they'll be able to spread that money around and treat more people.

See how it works?

It doesn't matter how much of Obamacare gets chopped out of the present bills in Congress. If the leftists can pass just a small fraction of what they ultimately want, they can then start the process of expanding government's control of the rest.

For your own good, of course.
Re: Obama can compromise away most of Obamacare, if he just gets SOME small part pass

Does anyone think that, once the Fed gets its claws into even a tiny bit of responsibility for paying for Health Care, that it WON'T start expanding that responsibility later, gradually taking over more and more? And that the money it spends to do so, won't start increasing without end?
Re: Obama can compromise away most of Obamacare, if he just gets SOME small part pass

gosh if only the government was in charge of some part of health care? we could call it like medicare , or some other names? smacks head....

Yes that bankrupt program that they are now trying to expand... you more or less made Acorn's point.