Obama at it again, trying to stop free speech


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2008
The people's republic of Eugene
This is the third time that I know of that obama and his "followers" have tried to smash free speech.

He and his "followers" are putting pressure on stations in PA to stop the NRA from doing anti obama ads.

He successfully stopped a Chicago radio station twice from having a guest on with another point of view besides Obama glows like god.

I liked the NRA gun ad and Ill post a link since Obama is doing his best not to let you see it.

full story below

the anti Obama gun ad
He didn't have any problem stifling free speech oversees...

By Aaron Klein
© 2008 WorldNetDaily

Berlin's Victory Column
JERUSALEM – Citing "security concerns," Sen. Barack Obama's campaign reportedly has banned signs and posters from a scheduled outdoor Berlin speech the German media is reporting may draw a crowd of 1 million.

The move effectively bans protesters from brandishing anti-Obama material at the speech, which is expected to garner widespread international media attention.

"Barack Obama forbids protest posters," reads a headline in the German daily Bild.
Of course... PRO-Obama posters, written in German and English, were furnished to the event and plastered all over the area just hours before the Messiah's speech... Which also happened when Obama gave a speech in Israel:
By Aaron Klein
© 2008 WorldNetDaily

JERUSALEM – Sen. Barack Obama's campaign plastered the entrance to the Western Wall – the holiest site in Judaism – with official campaign posters, WND has learned.

Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld confirmed to WND posters that adorned police barricades erected at the Western Wall plaza for Obama's visit were distributed by the presidential candidate's campaign.

"These posters were his campaign and not the doing of the police," said Rosenfeld, whose police department coordinated security and provided protection for Obama's visit today to the holy site.

Asked if it was traditional practice for politicians visiting the Western Wall to bring along posters or campaign materials, Rosenfeld replied, "No."

Obama has created Stormtruthers (he calls them "Truth Squads") for his domestic efforts to intimidate and repress free speech. The OP talks about his efforts in PA but Obama's Campaign has legions of Stormtruthers in every state.... HERE is a video from News4 about his stormtruthers in Missouri - Cops and Prosecutors have been asked to use the power of their office to suppress free speech. God Damn Amerikkka indeed.

Whats scary is these Stormtruthers don't wear brown shirts and goose-step through town with machine guns (not all of them anyway), they look like everyone else and blend in with society. Obama crossed a line when he asked state prosecutors and police to enforce his "no slander against the messiah" policy... Its clear Obama feels that only he, and his followers, should be allowed to lie about and slander the competition - which they do with great joy in their hearts.

From the lighter side of this coming police state:


Paul Begala, Democratic strategist: Our opponents will surely spin this as an outrageous attempt to employ police state tactics of throwing opposition in jail for daring to practice free speech.

But in the spirit of long-established and respected tradition of moral relativity in the national media, we can easily turn it against them, since by virtue of accusing us of illegal activities they will be themselves guilty of outrageous attempt to employ police state tactics of throwing opposition in jail for daring to practice free speech.

Our next step will be, of course, a nation-wide campaign to investigate and prosecute our opponents and affiliated groups, their officers, boards of directors, and donors, complete with televised show trials, teary confessions, revelations of shocking conspiracies, and denunciations of family members.

Community Organizer Youth Kamp
Courtesy of my Progressive Comrades over at the Cube.
Only have to know a few things not to vote for Obama.

#1 He had 97 million in Pork barrel spending McCain 0, yes zero (Citizens Against Wasteful Spending (www.cagw.org)

#2 The other countries want Obama in ..........

Obama is just like a used car salesman ..... He will tell what you want.
He didn't have any problem stifling free speech oversees...

Of course... PRO-Obama posters, written in German and English, were furnished to the event and plastered all over the area just hours before the Messiah's speech... Which also happened when Obama gave a speech in Israel:

Obama has created Stormtruthers (he calls them "Truth Squads") for his domestic efforts to intimidate and repress free speech. The OP talks about his efforts in PA but Obama's Campaign has legions of Stormtruthers in every state.... HERE is a video from News4 about his stormtruthers in Missouri - Cops and Prosecutors have been asked to use the power of their office to suppress free speech. God Damn Amerikkka indeed.

Whats scary is these Stormtruthers don't wear brown shirts and goose-step through town with machine guns (not all of them anyway), they look like everyone else and blend in with society. Obama crossed a line when he asked state prosecutors and police to enforce his "no slander against the messiah" policy... Its clear Obama feels that only he, and his followers, should be allowed to lie about and slander the competition - which they do with great joy in their hearts.

From the lighter side of this coming police state:

Courtesy of my Progressive Comrades over at the Cube.

I had forgotten about this. Next time he pulls his adoph stuff, I will remember this.

thank you gen
Only have to know a few things not to vote for Obama.

#1 He had 97 million in Pork barrel spending McCain 0, yes zero (Citizens Against Wasteful Spending (www.cagw.org)

#2 The other countries want Obama in ..........

Obama is just like a used car salesman ..... He will tell what you want.

He is also the countries most honest chicago machine politician who managed to go from having his credit cards rejected to being very wealthy in record time.

How did he make all that money so fast in chicago politics?

And why have both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac given him the second largest donations ever, ever?
See this is the kind of stuff that has to stop. Copy from Seattle PI Monday Sept. 30, 2008

(Headline)Dow suffers historic drop after House rejects bailout bill.

(Part of article)Dismayed investors sent the Dow Jones industrials plunging 777 points, the most ever for a single day.

(Part of article)In the House, "no" votes came from both the Democratic and Republican sides of the aisle. More than two-thirds of Republicans and 40 percent of Democrats opposed the bill.

(Part of article)
Several Democrats in close election fights waited until the last moment, then went against the bill as it became clear the majority of Republicans were opposing it.

Why can't they forget about elections and do what is best for the USA??

See this is the kind of stuff that has to stop. Copy from Seattle PI Monday Sept. 30, 2008

(Headline)Dow suffers historic drop after House rejects bailout bill.

(Part of article)Dismayed investors sent the Dow Jones industrials plunging 777 points, the most ever for a single day.

(Part of article)In the House, "no" votes came from both the Democratic and Republican sides of the aisle. More than two-thirds of Republicans and 40 percent of Democrats opposed the bill.

(Part of article)
Several Democrats in close election fights waited until the last moment, then went against the bill as it became clear the majority of Republicans were opposing it.

Why can't they forget about elections and do what is best for the USA??


In other words: country first!
Only have to know a few things not to vote for Obama.

#1 He had 97 million in Pork barrel spending McCain 0, yes zero (Citizens Against Wasteful Spending (www.cagw.org)

#2 The other countries want Obama in ..........

Obama is just like a used car salesman ..... He will tell what you want.

Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

America be afraid, very afraid! If this guy gets elected many of constitutional rights may go away.....
Gee.....I wondered what prompted his 14-point-lead, here in PA. :p

Not sure I buy a 14 pt lead. But since the thread is about how Obama and his worshipers are doing their best to stop free speech and stop anyone who can tell the truth about him, I am not sure what a 14 point mythical lead has to do with the topic. Can you explain further?
Senate adds 150 billion to bailout plan and hopes it will pass.

Just like I said before the Senate never misses a raise or a five week vacation.

Instead of 700 billion bailout now it is 850 billion.

Maybe the house will turn it down and the Senate can get up to a Zillon dollars.

Both McCain and Obama voted for this one.
Not sure I buy a 14 pt lead. But since the thread is about how Obama and his worshipers are doing their best to stop free speech and stop anyone who can tell the truth about him, I am not sure what a 14 point mythical lead has to do with the topic. Can you explain further?
If there were any instances of his supporters "...putting pressure on stations in PA to stop the NRA from doing anti obama ads."....I mean, besides your insistance it's happening....he'd never be making the gains, he is, in PA.

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