Obama: 80% of americans want higher taxes

Exactly. After 10 years of GW policies we are almost to the point reached by Herbert Hoover. And yet, the people who brought us this mess think they have the right ideas about how to fix this mess. Why do the rest of us even let them out of the closet before we get this mess cleaned up?

I don't know.

Now that DODT has ended, perhaps we can let them out of the closet.
Exactly. After 10 years of GW policies we are almost to the point reached by Herbert Hoover. And yet, the people who brought us this mess think they have the right ideas about how to fix this mess. Why do the rest of us even let them out of the closet before we get this mess cleaned up?
That post about the Republicans reminds me of a passage in Gulliver's Travels. A "great physician" was trying to cure a dog of colic:

He had a large pair of bellows, with a long slender muzzle of ivory: this he conveyed eight inches up the anus, ....., the adventitious wind would rush out, bringing the noxious along with it, (like water put into a pump),...... the animal was ready to burst, and made so violent a discharge as was very offensive to me and my companion.

The dog died on the spot, and we left the doctor endeavouring to recover him, by the same operation.
Why do the rest of us even let them out of the closet before we get this mess cleaned up?

Why indeed... I thinks it's time you Leftists showed your true colors and let your totalitarian flag fly. Without all us pesky "right wingers" around to slow progress, I'm sure you Progressives could spend us out of debt and tax the country into prosperity in no time flat.
From the makers of
enron ,world com, tyco, Massive Bank Failures, the Real Estate Collapse, 2 unfunded wars, unfunded Medicare prescription drug, Unfunded NO child left behind, the Not paid for Tax cuts, the 3 million jobs created in 8 years ( Clinton had 23 million by the way) a lack of WMD, Sept 11, and what would have been the end of 2 of the 3 US Auto companies...( possibly taking with it the 3rd who was doing well though) comes

the Debt Ceiling, end of days! part of a long line of sequals...18 of them under Regan..what some viewed as the golden age...

a list off release dates for some of them starring Hollywood man, Ronald Regan!
$985 billion in February 1981;
$999.8 billion in September 1981;
$1.0798 trillion September 1981;
$1.1431 trillion in June 1982;
$1.2902 trillion in September 1982;
$1.389 trillion in May 1993;
$1.49 trillion in November 1983;
$1.52 trillion in May 1984;
$1.573 trillion in July 1984;
$1.8238 trillion in October 1984;
$1.9038 trillion in November 1985;
$2.0787 trillion in December 1985;
$2.111 trillion in August 1986;
$2.3 trillion in October 1986;
$2.32 trillion in July 1987;
$2.352 trillion in August 1987;
and $2.8 trillion in September 1987.

Starting George H W...who co stared in the last series with Regan
by $70 billion to $2.87 trillion in August 1989;
by $252.7 billion to $3.1227 trillion three months later, in November 1989;
by $107.3 billion to $3.23 trillion 11 months later, in October 1990;
and by $915 billion to $4.145 trillion one month later, in November 1990.

Rock star in the making joined the cast as the new leading man in 1993's release
by $225 billion to $4.37 trillion in April 1993;
by $530 billion to $4.9 trillion four months later, in August 1993;
by $600 billion to $5.5 trillion two years and seven months later, in March 1996;
and by $450 billion to $5.95 trillion 17 months later, in August 1997.

In what was sorta a prequil we brought in the young GW Bush...a great actor who convinced Millions he had a clue and could run a nation!
by $450 billion to $6.4 trillion in June 2002;
by $984 billion to $7.384 trillion 11 months later, in May 2003;
by $800 billion to $8.184 trillion 18 months later, in November 2004;
by $781 billion to $8.965 trillion 16 months later, in March 2006;
by $850 billion to $9.815 trillion 18 months later, in September 2007;
by $800 billion to $10.615 trillion 10 months later, in July 2008;
and by $700 billion to $11.315 trillion three months later, in October 2008.

But now we have a new leading man..and to make in interesting..we added a new villian...the Tea party! A group of no nothings who will do anything to watch him fail...this time..they may not do it leading to what was a bunch of easy boring econ movies....into a new direction...Horror!
I wonder why Pocket left off all the times the Debt Ceiling was raised under a Democrat... Oh yeah, partisan hackery!
But now we have a new leading man..and to make in interesting..we added a new villian...the Tea party! A group of no nothings who will do anything to watch him fail...this time..they may not do it leading to what was a bunch of easy boring econ movies....into a new direction...Horror!
And where do you think the line on the debt should be drawn? 110% of GDP, 150%, 200%, 500%? Pick a number... What is the maximum amount of debt you'd be willing to saddle future generations with?
I wonder why Pocket left off all the times the Debt Ceiling was raised under a Democrat... Oh yeah, partisan hackery!

And where do you think the line on the debt should be drawn? 110% of GDP, 150%, 200%, 500%? Pick a number... What is the maximum amount of debt you'd be willing to saddle future generations with?

or you could read....ummm CLinton was in there ...
you may not know this but in the 90s...CLinton was President...he is listed here as "rock star"
I stand corrected about Clinton's inclusion...

You didn't answer my question, please do.

I will answer for him.


It does not matter that the wealthy already pay most of the income tax. They have the f-ing money...take it...thinks the lib...who ALWAYS fails to see the consequences...

And, the consequences of this confiscation will be more deficit spending and an ever growing centralized government resulting ultimately in a complete collapse of the American economy...but WTF...who cares? We will all be good little commies then...
And, the consequences of this confiscation will be more deficit spending and an ever growing centralized government resulting ultimately in a complete collapse of the American economy...but WTF...who cares? We will all be good little commies then...

Calm down before you soil yourself...unless you already have.

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