Now, this President loves our Military!

Sorry "mare " but you blame me , "Always",by quoting words I did not speak. I challenge YOU to produce any post , letter, paper ,etc that states "I wrote about the banning of references to JESUS while accepting references to Allah. Of course YOU cannot not because I DID NOT! AGAIN, PRODUCE THAT POST! or else shut up! "Always" , who thoughts are "always" pure and correct, thus the reason knowledgeable Posters so appropriately named me!
Again, CHECK YOUR FACTS,If you do base your post on truth!

I wasn't able to find the thread about the court decision to allow the word "Allah" and disallow the word "Jesus". Does anyone remember the name of that thread? I was pretty sure that Always started it with a rant, but maybe I'm wrong.

Someone else posted the actual court decision transcript and after reading it one could easily see that the original poster had NOT read it and was misrepresenting it completely.

If that wasn't you, Always, then you have my sincerest, public apology.
I wasn't able to find the thread about the court decision to allow the word "Allah" and disallow the word "Jesus". Does anyone remember the name of that thread? I was pretty sure that Always started it with a rant, but maybe I'm wrong.

Someone else posted the actual court decision transcript and after reading it one could easily see that the original poster had NOT read it and was misrepresenting it completely.

If that wasn't you, Always, then you have my sincerest, public apology.

Of COURSE,YOU are wrong "mare", not just about your false charge leveled against the pure and innocent "Always" but your wrong on all your radical liberal views! Please "Shape up"
Of COURSE,YOU are wrong "mare", not just about your false charge leveled against the pure and innocent "Always" but your wrong on all your radical liberal views! Please "Shape up"

Hush, little boy, your proctological perspective is showing.
Of COURSE,YOU are wrong "mare", not just about your false charge leveled against the pure and innocent "Always" but your wrong on all your radical liberal views! Please "Shape up"

That was just a rude response. No one is "all" wrong and you need to "shape up" on stating your arguments more clearly, and without so much rhetoric. You make some interesting observations at times, but it gets lost in your one sided rants. Before you flame someone, get your own house in order.

By the way, use spell checker at the top right of the box and these guys might not give you so much grief.
I know you guys want to slam "Always" because he is not PC about the way he articulates his opinion, but let's get back to the issue.

I see the President on TV every day. He steps up to a microphone at the drop of a hat. I think it would have shown great support for the military if he had skipped a Healthcare Reform press opportunity to visit Ft. Hood for a few hours. The President's lack of a strategic decision on Afghanistan is my biggest concern of this administration. The politics need to stop and the welfare of our citizens and our soldiers needs to take center stage.

First off if you read any of always rants they are all almost exactly the same with just the words in different order. It's all a smear & slander fest against our President of the United States of America.

As for you you play it a little more close to the vest (appreciate that) but the essence is really not that far away. Look above at your quote and that's clear. The President isn't on TV everyday. He and his wife have done numerous things for the troops and went to them. He personally went to the plane to salute the fallen at Ft. Hood... in the middle of the healthcare debate. He's not a shoot from the hip warmonger liar like Bush/Cheney so if good decisions take a little longer so be it. And Health Insurance Reform IS of major importance & need for the American people.

So I appreciate that you say things in a calmer way. But as to the core quality of your complaints? Well... you can put wings on a pig but that still don't make it an eagle.


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