If someone sold to our forces can be an "enemy combatant, why can't a third rate dictator like Il be a batty enemy? I'd be willing to bet he's responsible for a lot more death and human misery than any of the enemy combatants we tortured, even the ones who were really guilty.
To date, those who were sold to us have mostly been released. Of those, in the public record, there were none that I can think of offhand that were tortured, and those that were they soldiers responsible have been tried.
And, since the torture wasn't really torture but "enhanced interrogation", we could call the assassination an early termination. See? The legal problems are solved by changing a few key words.
I am all for regime change in North Korea, I have written a plan for such in fact, however, under domestic US law, we are not able to assassinate him. Changing the name does not get around the law, Congressional approval is what allows us to act in the manner that the US acted in. If we want to revoke Executive Order 11905, and then have Congress sign off on it, then lets do it.