It is very disturbing listening to the right-wingers complain that the Democrats are not ruthless enough in their warmongering. Actually, the Democrats are even better warmongers than the Republicans! Democrat Woodrow Wilson got the US militarily involved in the pointless slaughter of World War I. The Democrats escalated the war in Vietnam. The Democrats invented the atomic bomb under FDR. The Democrats used the atomic bomb under Harry Truman. Harry Truman the Democrat also got us into the Korean War. Oh, and let's not forget the Democrat John F. Kennedy. John F. Kennedy invaded Cuba, or tried to. And John F. Kennedy brought the world to the brink of a nuclear holocaust during the Cuban missile crisis. Meanwhile, I think Obama has proven himself an excellent warlord.
(Oh by the Way I am a Trotskyist sympathizer and I defend North Korea against American imperialism!)
Actually, it was Kruschev who brought the word to the brink of nuclear war, and Kennedy who pushed it back. Other than that, you've got it right. War is pretty much a bipartisan issue.
I picture North Korea as a bu.. I mean unfortunate homeless person on the street corner with a little cardboard sign, "Will quit building nukes for food".
Edit: I didn't notice that absurd last sentence about a Trotsky sympathizer and defending NK. Why would you defend the bu.. oh, there's that non PC word again, against the guy giving him a handout?