Non - US posters


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2008
Please indulge me by participating in a little experiment.

I want you to think of the United States, and see what word associations appear in your mind - don't try to "control" it - just write down the nouns or adjectives that come to mind. Eg, I'll do it now with Switzerland:

alps, alpen horns, babsy, banks, watches, gstaad, lucerne, fondue

("babsy" is a girl named Barbara I knew from switzerland)

Get it? The longer you can maintain the free association, the more words, the better.

Thank you.
OK I'll bite.

USA: Constitution. Bill Of Rights. Freedom Of Speech. Melting Pot. Meat. Oil. Protestants. Rebels. Potato Chips. Coffee. Enchiladas (I must be hungry). Wheat. Big Cars. BigMedia. Stubborness. Innovation. Snakes In the grass. Tornados. Central Park. Freight trains.
power, freedom, bad health care, guantanamo, vietnam, preachers

It's a bit sad that it didn't flow long enough...

I don't get the bad health care part. I have great health care, I never use it. I wish they would give me the 900 dollars a month the company "claims" to pay a month for my health care that I do not use. But if I were sick we have great doctors, who have a pill for everthing you can possibly think of.

I took a friend to the emergency room a few months ago. There was almost no wait, I could tell by the people in the waiting room most were illegal aliens, they did not speak english, the hospital had someone who communicated for them. None of them had life threatening injurys, their wait was no longer than mine and the ones that were there before me were all seen before my friend and I have no reason to believe the ones behind me were not seen also. But I am sure they did not pay, but they were all seen and got quality medical treatment in a very clean hospital.

I have heard pretty good things about Canada's health care, and I have heard some nightmare stories. Mostly I hear how cheap they get American meds. They do not actually invent or make the meds there, they just get ours for cheap.
Hertz - aaaaahg!!! really annoying women at Hertz counters in fact any car hire company!

Oregon!! clean and friendly towns in Oregon - love Astoria would buy any house in that town

55 speed limit!!!!!??????

"you have a nice day now"

Fluff and fold

The beer!! uuuuugh really weak beer and please close Starbucks their coffee sucks!!

jaw dropping.... eye watering..... heart aching scenery

grits....what the fu*k are they and how can you eat them without projectile vomiting...

Royal Street

I don't get the bad health care part. I have great health care, I never use it. I wish they would give me the 900 dollars a month the company "claims" to pay a month for my health care that I do not use. But if I were sick we have great doctors, who have a pill for everything you can possibly think of.

I took a friend to the emergency room a few months ago. There was almost no wait, I could tell by the people in the waiting room most were illegal aliens, they did not speak English, the hospital had someone who communicated for them. None of them had life threatening injuries, their wait was no longer than mine and the ones that were there before me were all seen before my friend and I have no reason to believe the ones behind me were not seen also. But I am sure they did not pay, but they were all seen and got quality medical treatment in a very clean hospital.

I have heard pretty good things about Canada's health care, and I have heard some nightmare stories. Mostly I hear how cheap they get American meds. They do not actually invent or make the meds there, they just get ours for cheap.

Think about it this way, you are putting in 900 a month that's just under $12000 so that means if we went to Universal Health Care, your taxes would need to go up at least 12,000 a year for you to even take a loss in taxes.

And for all the talk about how great it is, how great are those pills and Dr's when you work 2 jobs and cant go to one because you don't have a company paying 900 a month to cover you...and also that's 900 per person that company could be investing, or lowing costs to compete overseas with, or marketing, or paying you...

Also if you know anything about medical costs these days, if something did happen, that extra 900 month would have to almost all go into savings for and hope nothing happened for some time to cover the costs. My friend got a very expensive new surgery a while back, that even with a good health care plan before, would not have been covered..she was lucky to lose her job and ended up with a job that paid a bit less, but had a better plan..
Think about it this way, you are putting in 900 a month that's just under $12000 so that means if we went to Universal Health Care, your taxes would need to go up at least 12,000 a year for you to even take a loss in taxes.

And for all the talk about how great it is, how great are those pills and Dr's when you work 2 jobs and cant go to one because you don't have a company paying 900 a month to cover you...and also that's 900 per person that company could be investing, or lowing costs to compete overseas with, or marketing, or paying you...

Also if you know anything about medical costs these days, if something did happen, that extra 900 month would have to almost all go into savings for and hope nothing happened for some time to cover the costs. My friend got a very expensive new surgery a while back, that even with a good health care plan before, would not have been covered..she was lucky to lose her job and ended up with a job that paid a bit less, but had a better plan..

I just want my 900 a month and I will worry about my own self if I should get sick.

I do not like doctors wont go to them unless I already know what I need them to do for me. I can fix most of my problems by myself. Its my money and I should have a right to say I do not want to be part of your stupid health care plan, give me my cash. :D
I just want my 900 a month and I will worry about my own self if I should get sick.

I do not like doctors wont go to them unless I already know what I need them to do for me. I can fix most of my problems by myself. Its my money and I should have a right to say I do not want to be part of your stupid health care plan, give me my cash. :D

you must be younger, my mom is in the hospital right now, since Fri, and I can only guess what that bill would be with no coverage. ( aslo as of a few weeks I will again have Health care as a option, new job yay)
I am old enough to know how to invest my money smarter than the stupid company I work for (the government) could

And IF I end up in need of medical care, it’s my own problem that I made, if I do not invest my money to care for my own problems. But it is a huge waste for them to "supposedly" put 900 to my health care if I am not using it and won’t use it unless I have a strange accident. I could buy catastrophic insurance for less than 100 a month and use the other 800 for other things like stimulating the economy. They claim it is my money, part of my benefit working for them. If it is mine, give it to me and stop being my mother
I am old enough to know how to invest my money smarter than the stupid company I work for (the government) could

And IF I end up in need of medical care, it’s my own problem that I made, if I do not invest my money to care for my own problems. But it is a huge waste for them to "supposedly" put 900 to my health care if I am not using it and won’t use it unless I have a strange accident. I could buy catastrophic insurance for less than 100 a month and use the other 800 for other things like stimulating the economy. They claim it is my money, part of my benefit working for them. If it is mine, give it to me and stop being my mother

alot of people would do that, and then when they got cancer some bad thing later would then cry to be helped. And realistickly the Hospitals or goverment would end up picking up the bill . It would be nice to think that those who could but chose not to would die, yay Darwin. but its not ikey to happen in the real world. Also its still not a fair system to those who happen to have jobs that cant pay for insurance...or fair to put the burdon on the companies that do.
alot of people would do that, and then when they got cancer some bad thing later would then cry to be helped. And realistickly the Hospitals or goverment would end up picking up the bill . It would be nice to think that those who could but chose not to would die, yay Darwin. but its not ikey to happen in the real world. Also its still not a fair system to those who happen to have jobs that cant pay for insurance...or fair to put the burdon on the companies that do.

Private insurance is a better choice. I know for a fact I can get better insurance for a lower cost to cover my family than the Government entity that I work for does. and they have a boat load of poeple to make the cost go lower "they claim"

If I am stupid enough not to take care of my self I sure as hell would not go looking at you or anyone to take care of me. Just make and pass a law saying you can not do that and it wont happen.

If the govenrment gave out free cheese on tuesdays the line would be so long every monday night waiting for that free cheese. If the government says get your own freaking cheese, there is no line!
Private insurance is a better choice. I know for a fact I can get better insurance for a lower cost to cover my family than the Government entity that I work for does. and they have a boat load of poeple to make the cost go lower "they claim"

If I am stupid enough not to take care of my self I sure as hell would not go looking at you or anyone to take care of me. Just make and pass a law saying you can not do that and it wont happen.

If the govenrment gave out free cheese on tuesdays the line would be so long every monday night waiting for that free cheese. If the government says get your own freaking cheese, there is no line!

You say that now, but you would you say the same when yo get cancer, and would your family? If so thats rare and not something to base sound policy on

and still that does nto change that the current system says if you have the wrong job or ,lose you job, or spouse losses there job....if you get sick, to bad.
You say that now, but you would you say the same when yo get cancer, and would your family? If so thats rare and not something to base sound policy on

and still that does nto change that the current system says if you have the wrong job or ,lose you job, or spouse losses there job....if you get sick, to bad.

Yes I would, actually I already had cancer but I did use my health insurance for that. And if the company I work for handed my my 900 dollars each month I would be buying a policy for catastrofic coverage. I am not the type of person who likes doctors so I only go when I need emergency surgery. So I only need insurance for big stuff like surgery. I should be allowed to get my own coverage.

the more you do for people the more they expect. If we did not force some to work extra hard so they can support the lazy bums who dont want to get a job there would be a whole lot less bums.

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