Next 9/11 false flag will frame Truthers: Like Germany Framing opp political party's

Nov 16, 2009
The next 9/11 type false flag attack will frame 9/11 truthers who wanted a new investigation into 9/11.

Just like Germany used a false flag to frame opposing political party's in the past.

Then the "Patriot Act" will come into effect where millions will be arrested and held without dueprocess of the law by simply saying they are a suspected terrorist.

Homeland security who over-rides the FBI etc and takes orders directly from the Whitehouse will likely do the arresting.

Then the "suspected terrorists" will be stripped of U.S. citizenship via the new law being proposed by the U.S. military.

Yes there is a new law in the works to legally strip any suspected terrorist of U.S. citizenship and legally kill them.

I also predict anyone in an opposing political party other than Democrats or Republicans will be framed or discreetly arrested too.

Just like Germany did legally to kill MILLIONS and people within the German country went along with it.

How is it so easy to convince citizens to arrest their neighbors and ship them off on trains to be killed?

YouTube- Alex Jones Tv 6/6: Obama is The Next False Flag!!!
Re: Next 9/11 false flag will frame Truthers: Like Germany Framing opp political part

Germany used railways to efficiently transport millions of people to what they were led to believe were "relocation" camps that in a hidden reality were actually death camps.



The American Whitehouse Administration has a proposed Railway plan... along with the proposed Fema refuge camps on military bases... along with the proposed new "National" police force equal in size to the I really need to say something here?

Whitehouse plan to spend $8 Billion on railway trasportation from America's most populated cities:


Many in Germany compare the 9/11 event to their Reichstag event which gave the German government new Acts and Emergency Powers.

The Reichstag event was contrived by the German Government itself which was a staged attack on a Government Building in Berlin to frame another group and push people into fear and allow new laws and government policies.

Right after the German government framed an opposing party with a fake attack on itself, there were "emergency" pushed bills deemed "For the Protection of the People".

The 9/11 event had "emergency" pushed bills which changed the very core of the U.S. Constitution. Now anyone can be arrested and detained forever by simply saying they are a suspected terrorist and the arrested people do not get due process of the law.

The organization created from the 9/11 event Homeland Security is a seperate organization taking the place of the FBI and Police, etc. This organization can arrest and detain anyone, hold them forever, and not give them due process of the law.

The organization created in Germany with equal powers were the SA Storm Troopers which took the place of Police and Military. This was the group that arrested thousands in Germany that had opposing political views. Which comes to did they Data Base everyone that had an opposing political view?....scary.

The Patriot Act is the most horrifying, unconstitutional Act ever put into place in American History.

This Act pushed through as an "emergency" after 9/11 gave Homeland Security the right to lock you up, deny you the right to trial, never let you have a phone call, and even hold you forever......basically worse than being convicted of murder and it's only on someones command.

There were many disturbing laws after manipulating events setting the stage for disturbing times in America.

If you put a frog in a pot of water and slowly turn up the heat, the frog does not notice the changes. If you turn the heat up slow enough the frog will not notice and you can cook the frog without him jumping out to save his life....

Are we the frog?

It is only a matter of time until the new disturbing laws implimented after 9/11 will start to be used regularly........perhaps after another False Flag?

How did Germany control the Media while they were killing millions? How did Germany manipulate their Military and Police force to go along with arresting many thousands that have opposing political views? Where was the Media during all of this?

Why is America pushing for a new Act to be able to shut down the Internet in the Guise of an "emergency"?

Why did this man say this?......

"If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy".......James Madison
Re: Next 9/11 false flag will frame Truthers: Like Germany Framing opp political part

I feel sorry for the Troofers... They post all this stuff online where gub-mint can trace the IP address back to their home address.... It's going to be so easy rounding these people up, tossing them onto trains, putting them into fema camps and legally killing them.

Now all we have to do is figure out how to attack ourselves, in a classic "false flag" operation, and blame it on the troofers so our evil master plan can all come together....

The New World Order is coming and they are powerless to stop it! :cool:
Re: Next 9/11 false flag will frame Truthers: Like Germany Framing opp political part

You are in denial.

The US Government uses all sorts of techniques to make the gullible believe that what it does is right. This is mostly propaganda and if you think you live in a country where it does not happen you are very naive.

It also engages in false flag activities as all governments do and if you think you live in a country where this does not happen you are very naive.

And the original post is right.

More and more civil liberties are being taken away so that the state can control the individual. And people like you Gen are the facillitators.

Wake up.
Re: Next 9/11 false flag will frame Truthers: Like Germany Framing opp political part

Already happened in this country many times....

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