New species found in 2023

Apes have brains also and can reproduce, just like the lowest tribes of human savages.
And any one of those tribal babies would be nearly genetically identical to either of us and would have an average IQ, just like any other human.

It's like you are learning stuff! Does it hurt?

I kid
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And any one of those tribal babies would be nearly genetically identical to either of us and would have an average IQ, just like any other human.

It's like you are learning stuff! Does it hurt?

I kid
Evolutionist geniuses have no idea how humans supposedly received the ability to think and talk from ignorant accidental natural selection, although there are some fairly stupid guesses out there.
Plenty of educated people who accept evolution as fact believe in god.

It seems odd to me that you are implying that your god isn't powerful enough to have performed evolution.
You are correct that a lot of people believe in god and evolution and to be honest they should as I think evolution is related to god myself.
When we look at the bible we must consider that they had a very limited knowledge of the natural world.
If you recall I said I do not necessarily follow traditional religious beliefs and I am a firm believer in evolution , the 2 can go hand in hand when you think about it.
Theye primates that's a little different then humans .
Apes are primates. Primates are mammals that share the following characteristics: hair instead of fur fingernails instead of claws opposable thumbs higher brain-to-body size ratio, high level of intelligence.

while our DNA is similar to primates even other creatures share our DNA.
If god did indeed create the spark that created life it only makes sense to me much of what lives today has similar DNA.

🐒 Humans share about 99.9% of their DNA with other humans.
🐱 Cats share approximately 90% of their DNA with humans.
🐭 Humans share around 85% of their DNA with mice.
🐖 Humans share a significant amount (98%) of their DNA with pigs.
🐔 Humans share more than half (60%) of their DNA with chickens.

The creation of life if god did indeed create it only makes sense that muchb of our DNA could be found in other creatures,\