I see now that you're going to do nothing but lie since your argument has been beaten. The Swiss never said any such thing. They made it very clear they would fight the Nazis to the last man if they invaded.
LOL. Really? Please tell us exactly what they want?
If they want something, they'll have to invade and occupy us to take it. Please explain how Al Qaeda will invade and occupy the U.S.
Straw Man. You're full of fallacies on this round, because you know you've been beaten. You need to check your Cognitive Dissonance and accept the truth.
Except for the fact that neither Bin Laden nor any of the Fatwa's have mentioned that as a reason. Switzerland is an incredibly wealthy country also, yet they're not attacking them.
But it does prevent you from being invaded and successfully invaded by a Nation State. Iraqis are armed also - and they are preventing us from achieving our objective there, are they not?
Then Nation States are ultimately the threat if they're supporting the threat. How we're dealing with Iraq as a rogue nation state though, is failing miserably,
and Bush has admitted that:
Bush: ‘My Stupid Invasion Of Iraq Has Helped Terrorists’
"Bush said that in the spring of 2005, bin Laden also instructed Hamza Rabia, a senior operative, to brief al-Zarqawi on an al-Qaida plan to attack sites outside Iraq. ‘Our intelligence community reports that a senior al-Qaida leader, Abu Faraj al-Libi, went further and suggested that bin Laden actually send Rabia, himself, to Iraq to help plan external operations,’ Bush said. ‘Abu Faraj later speculated that if this effort proved successful, al-Qaida might one day prepare the majority of its external operations from Iraq'."
But even after admitting that his unnecessary war has endangered innocent people all over the world, they still won’t impeach him.
ROTFLMAO!!!! An Islamic government in the U.S.... LOL. What will you think of next??? Then they'll have to invade and occupy at some point. And they cannot do that.
Again, an invasion of the U.S. won't happen if we declare neutrality because:
First, if we remove the cause of the fatwa against the U.S., the terrorists will have no reason to invade our territory if we're not in their territory and not interfering in their region. So there should be no reason for them to waste time attacking a neutral people. After all, they're not attacking anyone in Switzerland, Sweden or New Zealand, now are they?
Secondly, even if they did try to invade and occupy us after we left, they would fail miserably.
For one thing, they couldn't afford it. We're practically the richest country in the world, yet look what it's costing us to invade and occupy the tiny country of Iraq - and we're FAILING. And add to this that private Americans are far more heavily armed that Iraqis were. Our insurgency would be devastating to any invader. They can certainly try to attack me, but I'm well-trained in the use of firearms, so I doubt they'll get close enough to try.
And last but not least,
no nation state wants a war with us. Why?
The simple reason is that we have enough nuclear weapons to nuke every square inch of every country on earth. We are not helpless and we are not defenseless. No one could ever successfully invade and occupy the U.S. No other country's economy could stand the strain, let alone the bombardment that would follow.