Well-Known Member
What is wrong with you guys?
The US faked the rescue of a hostage in Iraq. It is on public record
But you have no problem believing that the seals found OBl, executed him and hurriedly buried the body at sea and then the seals involved all died in a helicopter crash
Aren't you remotely suspicious about this?
You know that the US does fake stuff like this and yet you still can't question the official narrative even though it makes no sense
If they really had killed OBL they would have filmed the body and paraded the success.
And that stupid fake, ( that actuly did happen they just changed it) was found out in a few days..because they can't actuly do those things. You have no proof of anything your saying outside of , one time Bush Co did something stupid...so all must do it all the time.
You know who else says Bin Ladin is Dead...His family.and his terrorist group. If you want to be ignorant of basic facts to believe Bull conspiracy theory's I can't stop you. Truthers, Birthers, Global Warming Deniers...Its all the same...They belive what they want...regardless of the facts.