NATO commander says he sees potent threat from Russia

Its not fast
Ukraine has said it does not want to Joint
and whats the point then for any non nato nation to join? Just wait until you need them then join...but have to do nothing unless you need it?

It is absolutely amazing what ignorance can accomplish ...

Published: Tuesday, April 1, 2008

KIEV — President George W. Bush expressed strong support Tuesday for Ukraine's ambitions of eventually joining NATO on the eve of a meeting of alliance leaders in Romania where Ukraine appears likely to be rebuffed.

Beginning a weeklong trip through Eastern Europe, Bush vigorously embraced the long-sought goal of President Viktor Yushchenko of Ukraine, whose aspiration for NATO membership faces fierce opposition at home and from Russia.

"Your country has made a bold decision," Bush said, seated beside Yushchenko during his first visit to Ukraine, "and the United States strongly supports your request."

The NATO meeting, which begins Wednesday in Bucharest, will consider full membership for three countries, Albania, Croatia and Macedonia, and plans for potential membership for Ukraine and Georgia.

The applications from Ukraine and Georgia have met skepticism within the alliance, as well as open opposition from Russia.

Germany and other member nations have indicated they would oppose invitations for Ukraine and Georgia, and France joined them in citing concerns about upsetting relations with Russia.

Next time, do a little research, rather than spread ignorance like the plague.

BTW - think it is a coincidence that the only two countries Putin has attacked (Georgia and Ukraine) are the only two NOT in NATO?
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dogtower, Obalma has said he would not go to war over Eastern Ukraine. Would any US politicians do so?
In the end Ukraine and Russia will have to solve this problem themselves
Cruela, Do not be so sure that Putin Economy is on the edge. It is recovering like the US economy.R

" ... solve this problem themselves."

Amazing ... one side has 40,000 troops positioned, nuclear capability, and a much more advance military. Just exactly what kind of 'negotiation' are you expecting?? Do you seriously believe that the Ukranian people are going to get representation at THAT table?
Cruela, Do not be so sure that Putin Economy is on the edge. It is recovering like the US economy.R

He would take a huge hit financially if his oil supply to Europe was cut off and his only access to a warm water gulf in the Black Sea.

Now if the Chi-Coms decided to get involved in it, then that would be a whole different ball game.