If you believe in stimulus packages (just generalizing here) then really the quickest manner to get money into the hands of people and into the economy is through military spending. We got out of the Great Depression with a war, etc.
Therefore, those who support the stimulus packages, should not be blaming the war for much of anything, since if war spending actually did anything, history would show us that it would have helped the economy more than anything else.
I therefore find it ridiculous when the assumption is made that the war caused our problems, and we therefore need stimulus to get us out of them, since governmental war spending is nothing more than stimulus.
It is akin to saying, "stimulus caused our problems, so we need more to end them."
The war added to our debt, just as the stealfromus package has added to the debt. Both are manifestations of a government that has become too big, too powerful, too expensive, and should be pruned back. Since neither party is willing to try to rein in government spending, it looks like the debt is just going to continue to grow. What the end result of that will be, no one knows, but it is not likely to be good.