East Anglia CRU
That was a manufactured “crisis” that was debunked in 2009. These are excerpts from wiki:
"By 2011, nine separate investigations by the British government and multiple independent ethics committees had been completed. None found any evidence of fraud or manipulation of data. The CRU data was also independently replicated."
"... a new analysis of temperature data by the independent Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature group, many of whom had stated publicly that they thought is was possible that the CRU had manipulated data, concluded that "these studies were done carefully and that potential biases identified by climate change sceptics did not seriously affect their conclusions."
"Six committees investigated the allegations and published reports, finding no evidence of fraud or scientific misconduct. The Muir Russell report, however, stated, "We do find that there has been a consistent pattern of failing to display the proper degree of openness, both on the part of CRU scientists and on the part of the UEA." The scientific consensus that global warming is occurring as a result of human activity remained unchanged by the end of the investigations."
Himalayan glaciers
In chapter 10 of the IPCC report the Himalayan glaciers were predicted to disappear by 2035. That was a one sentence error in a 3000 page document that the IPCC acknowledged four years ago, and removed from the report.
China's 1990's data
Was contaminated by urban warming and removed in 2009. Many Chinese publications are not peer-reviewed.
You say there is a lack of credibility of the reports basing your opinion on two flaws and one hoax five years ago out of 9200 research studies. None of these problems affected the final IPCC conclusion concerning GW. The next IPCC report will be published soon. Some results were leaked which stated that the certainty of GW is even stronger than the last report.
Will there be errors in the new IPCC report? I wouldn't be surprised. Will the blogosphere, Fox news, and Sara Palin perhaps distort and shout any new errors to the world? You betcha. Will people still believe that the integrity of the report is compromised even if errors are discounted or removed? No doubt about it.
Sharon Begley said, "one of the strongest, most-repeated findings in the psychology of belief is that once people have been told X, especially if X is shocking, if they are later told, 'No, we were wrong about X,' most people still believe X."
You are frightened by a potential economic condition and are willing to risk a run-away warming as we approach the tipping point, because of two errors that were resolved five years ago. I am not willing to take that risk. The stakes are way too high.