Well-Known Member
So raise it with the understanding that they will block any attempts to further increase the debt ceiling after that. Republicans have to go on offense, they can't keep playing defense and expect to win. Force Dems to work within the fiscal constraints of the new debt limit with whatever magical solutions they're offering. Dems keep overspending because they know Republicans don't have the political spine to stand up to them.The debt ceiling is going to be reached at the end of this year -- there is no room to enact any program to raise revenue and even if there was a massive tax hike, whatever revenue they project wouldn't come in anyway for quite some time.
When Republicans overspent, Dems were screaming like chicken little, even Obama himself said that the $4 Trillion in debt that Bush racked up over 8 years was proof that he was irresponsible and unpatriotic:
All of a sudden, now that Dem's are in charge, the debt doesn't matter... Obama racked up 5 trillion in just 4 years and he's on track to rack up 8 or 9 trillion by the end of his 8 years. I guess it's only irresponsible and unpatriotic to rack up debt when Republicans do it.
Republicans need to remind Dems about the Pay-As-You-Go rules Democrats were crowing about the entire time Republicans were in control, they've totally ignored those rules since taking power and Republicans could hammer Dems on that issue. Dems want to return to Clinton era tax rates but, for some strange reason, have no interest in returning to the Clinton era PAYGO rules that forced Congress to fund expenditures without borrowing.
I sure as hell didn't vote for them to go to Washington and play footsie with Democrats and fold like card tables every time the dems pick a fight.I don't know about you, but I didn't vote for my leaders to go to DC and vote "present" in some effort to make a political point.
Isn't that exactly what you're suggesting Republicans do? Work with Democrats for the sake of bi-partisanship, sing kumbaya, and make compromises in order to get at least SOME of what they want?Didn't we learn the lesson with Reagan that you don't make concessions now in the hopes of future changes.
I disagree. Force Dems to return to PAYGO by blocking any further increases of the debt ceiling. If they object, there are countless soundbites from when Republicans were in charge where those same Dems who would now complain were then demanding Republicans be forced to use PAYGO instead of additional borrowing. Republicans could win on this issue, if they had any balls.All that said, the whole debt ceiling vote is idiotic and should be abolished. Congress already votes to approve the spending in the budget, appropriations bills etc ... it should go without saying if Congress gives you authority to spend it, then you by extension have the authority to borrow it.