It is and it is not -- Romney had to lurch so far to the right in order to even secure the nomination (due to the far right conservative base) that coming back the center was just about impossible for anyone to believe.
Exactly! The tea party forced Romney (who wasn't a bad candidate, and certainly the best you had this year!) to twist himself into a pretzle. . .I believe I heard someplace (don't remember where, but it doesn't come from me) that after the contortions you forced Romney to engage in, he will have a second career as a star contortionist at Cirque du soleil!
And, obviously, when he got twisted soooo far to the extreme Right by the hyper religious and the tea party, he had NO CHANCE to be elected! He would have had no vote either from the Left or from Independents!
Then. . .when his campaign realized that, and AFTER it was too late for the tea party to remove their endorsement of Romney, he had to make a quick (and not very honest) move toward the middle, to try to at least get the independents!
Because of that, he never looked like a strong leader, he never looked like a man with integrity, and he never looked honest. He looked like a wishy washy guy with no principles and no vision. . .like a mouth piece, only interested in making his wife the White House hostess.
Too bad for you Christie wouldn't run this time. HE would not have let the tea party and the hyper religious zombies force him into a shape that was not his . . .(and I'm not referring to his weight! LOL!). He would have been respected (if not liked!) for his straight talk, his strength, and his integrity.
It is not your candidates that need to change. . .it is the extreme edge of your party, unless you want to lose the REAL Republicans who will more easily move to the Independents!