Muslim Youths


It is not Islam and Muslims who are creating problems, actually it is
British society creating problems for the Muslim community.

The Muslim community has been vicitm of (expletive deleted)-bashing in all walks of life by the British society and Establishment for the last 60 years. Now it is
vicitm of terrorism by the British Establishment. Thousands of Muslim
youth are being serched in the streets and hundreds of them are behind the bar without any trial.

State schools with non-Muslim monolingual teachers are not suitable for
Muslim children. This is the reason why majority of them leave schools
with low grades.

God has created diverse human beings to live in this tiny global villageas of one family. Creation by its very nature is deverse with different species, different communities, different cultures and languages. These differences represent the beauty and wonder but diversity is sometimes not fully appreciated, resulting in all sorts of clashes. The British society and Establishment must learn to respect and accommodate others, as if in a family.

A Muslim is a citizen of this tiny global village. He/she does not want to
become notoriously monolingual Brit. He/she is supposed to be well versed in standard English, Arabic, Urdu and other community languages, to be part of the Britisah society, as well as proud of his/her cultural roots and enjoy the beauty of his/her literature and poetry
There you go again Bobodie with the two wrongs make a right nonesense.

Stop it it is childish.

The current hatred of Muslims towards the US is cuased by many things but attcaking them repeatedly to steal their natural resources is one thing and supplying their arch enemy with WMD is another.

That is what I and millions of other people think.
It is not Islam and Muslims who are creating problems, actually it is
British society creating problems for the Muslim community
Therefore since Muslims are flocking to England, I guess the motive is revenge?

Why don't you just admit this: Muslims blame Britain/Churchill for the establishment of Israel, and you think that THEY don't have a right to live in what you perceive to be Muslim lands. But the rest of the world is supposed to accomodate your beliefs? Don't like England? It's not your land. Go home to the Middle East, where they don't accomodate anyone else but Muslims. Problem solved.
Look, the Brits along with most of Europe mounted a Jihad against Muslims in the 13th century and travelled to the middle east to kill or convert muslims.

It goes back a long way.

And now the US supplies their arch enemy with WMD and hi tech weaponry that Israel uses to kill Arabs.
Dawkins, Showing all sides of this world situation isn't childish. Never answering questions that are posed because you have no answer, and assuming that you know anything about people in another country that you have never lived among isn't childish it's self defeating.

The current hatred of Muslims towards the US is cuased by many things but attcaking them repeatedly to steal their natural resources is one thing and supplying their arch enemy with WMD is another

Arch enemy as in Israel? And they are Muslim arch enemies because of what? Because they wanted THEIR belief system respected? Because they want an established country? Why are Muslims so adamant about stopping another people from having a small home on this planet? Is it because it's such a religion of peace and wants to be a non threatening part of the global village?

Another history lesson: Iran's problem with America is that we put the Shah back in
power. Which begs the question? what was Iran's motive for invading Iraq?

That is what I and millions of other people think.
And you think WE buy into propaganda? LOL! and again, LOL.
Listen I think Muslim funda-mentalists are lunatics.

I think the relgion of Islam is medieval ****.

But so is christianity.

All religion is nasty and pernicious and trying to see which relgion has got the biggest dick is ludicrous.
Look, the Brits along with most of Europe mounted a Jihad against Muslims in the 13th century and travelled to the middle east to kill or convert muslims.

This is the 21st century. At least in non Muslim lands.
All religion is nasty and pernicious and trying to see which relgion has got the biggest dick is ludicrous
did America initiate a recent war of Christianity against Islam? Do you think our motive is religious? Do your comic books still have us burning people at the stake as witches?
Those ignorant of history usually try to suggest it is not important.

This is especially true in relatively modern countries like the US where the land was stolen from the indiginous population and genocide committed against them
Those ignorant of history usually try to suggest it is not important
So true. Good thing that's what I got my degree in. Let's talk history. Relatively modern genocide? Like Turkey and the Armenians? Like Mugabe and the people of Zimbabwe?
Like Sadaam and the Kurds?

If you actually did know anything about history, you would know that imperialism isn't something America came up with.

How many of those countries did the US need to regime change?

Oh the one with the oil.

And as for the Kurds

The US secured their help in the first gulf war and then abandoned them to their fate when it finished despite assurances this would not happen.

And they paid with their lives.

You must stop asserting that two wrongs make a right.

It is childish
And as for your point about Imperialism, the US didn't invent torture or imprisonment without trial but that does not make it right for the US to prrcatice it
And as for your point about Imperialism, the US didn't invent torture or imprisonment without trial but that does not make it right for the US to prrcatice it
I KNOW. We shouldn't saw someone's head off and put in on the internet. Oops, wait a minute that wasn't us.

torture or imprisonment without trial
Like the way women are treated in Muslim land: imprisoned by forced marriage to an older pedophile, and the torture of being subjected to his will? Don't those qualify?

It isn't about two wrongs, that's a disciplinary action for a child, it's about survival, and the bottom line is that he with the best toys wins. That's what you are mad about. So sorry. Mankind is a sorry thing. Evolved badly, eh?
The people who did that are an illegal group of nutters killing a handful of people in a most heinous way

The US has bombed and burned half a million Iraqi civillians.

You are still doing the two wrongs make a right thing aren't you?

And in this case the US has killed about a thousand times as many

Are you 5 years old?
Ahhh, if only Iraqi's could have gotten their act together, and used BOTH HANDS to take advantage of being freed from Sadaam's tyranny sooner. Didn't they learn anything from their previous conflicts? Can you give a ball park figure on how many Iraqi children have died because Iraqi's blew them up in the name of Allah? Our biggest mistake was thinking that Muslims could take care of themselves, have any value for their own kind, and deal with personal freedoms without being told what to do by some pedophile mullah.

Wanna use swiftboating as your catchphrase now, instead of the two wrong thing? I can go with either.

Unfortunately for you, I can vote, 5 year olds can't.

Why don't you bag on Jews? Just curious.

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