Muslim world?

According to WHO, world hunger is a big problem:

But 800 million people is not 2/3, not even 1/3, more like 1/7 of the human race.

Not that it should be ignored, of course, but exaggerating the scope of it isn't going to help.

And, I'd be willing to bet that a smaller proportion of the world's population goes hungry now than was the case a couple of hundred years ago.

200 years ago, Indians had buffalo, peoples of Africa were hunters/gatherers/farmers (not converted to white mans culture, not yet subserviant to it.), peoples of the world were integrated with nature, not living in large cities. "...exaggerating the scope of it isn't going to help..."
200 years ago, Indians had buffalo, peoples of Africa were hunters/gatherers/farmers (not converted to white mans culture, not yet subserviant to it.), peoples of the world were integrated with nature, not living in large cities. "...exaggerating the scope of it isn't going to help..."

No, exaggerating the scope is not going to help. It will simply decrease credibility.

Your post sounds a lot like Rousseau and the "nobel savage."

The bottom line I get out of this is how great Americas system of government is if the Religious Right doesn't sink us in their ever ongoing attempt to remove separation of church & state.

It's all ducky when it happens and you're the big group in power. But as I've said repeatedly I bet the Christian Conservatives will not be so accepting of the "numbers game" if the numbers aren't in their favor. They'll be devastated.

KEEP ALL RELIGION OUT OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT LIKE IT WAS INTENDED... or eventually be some sects version of a Taliban.

That's the choice. The trade off for more Christian Conservative power short term would be a disaster for all America in the future.

World Health Organization. It is defined as: Take a trip to Africa and see the bloated bellies, the sunken eyes, the vitamin deficiency diseases (rickets, et. al.). But then, conservatives describe water boarding as fore play.

Well your response certainly does not mean anything in terms of reality.

The WHO states:

* 1.2 billion people live on less than $1 per day.
* 800 million people go to bed hungry every day.
* More than 6 million children under five die each year from malnutrition.

However, living on less than $1 a day does not mean you are hungry. They state 800 million people go to bed hungry, without defining hunger. I want their definition of what exactly "hunger" is.
If the west is supporting the Muslim world, it is by continuing to buy their oil. If we achieve energy independence, who will support them?

I do not understand the difficulty here. The Muslim numbers are growing at a very alarming pace. I see within this thread individuals who have already given up, suggesting that liberalism is at an end. Well, I surely hope so, BUT I do not seek to see it replaced with the crazed rantings of Islam. I already have the solution for this problem.

Close ALL borders to the West to Islam. Remove all Muslims from Western lands, by use of force if necessary. As for their oil, simply TAKE IT. After all, the Muslims have openly declared jihad against the West, therefore we are ALREADY at war with Islam. We have the nukes, they do not. There we go. ALL problems solved. Any questions?
Come on, some of you people are substituting emotions for facts. Poor, ignorant people from undeveloped countries have "unrestrained population growth". Africa is a case in point. People of all religions are making babies faster than they can grow food to feed them.

Meanwhile in Bahrain and the UAE, two developed Muslim nations, the population growth rate of its citizens is 1.3% and 1.6% respectively.

Just because someone is a Muslim doesn't mean they are ALL making babies like rabbits.

I wonder if the American Indians said to themselves, "OMG, all those Christians are coming here to our continent and are having babies like crazy. Pretty soon there won't be any room lift for us Native Americans?" Do you think that is a racist statement?

I do not believe the American Indians had any idea what they were seeing when we arrived. They often believed we were gods.
This film is obviously not intended to initiate a reasoned, calm debate. The heavy music and obvious Christian overtone put this in the category of propaganda.

However, in an attempt to pull the facts out of the propaganda, there is no question Muslims (or perhaps more accurately, immigrants from the Middle East and Africa) are migrating to Europe. But to suggest they are somehow a threat because they are Muslims is fear mongering.

People change when they migrate to a new country - especially the children of migrants. They learn the culture and language of their new country and take on its customs, morals and traditions.

My family emigrated to the US from Germany - does that make me a son of the holocaust? Or perhaps a child of the barbarians who conquered Rome.

If you want to worry about something, I suggest you worry about the population growth in the world. When I was born 62 years ago the population of the world was 2.3 billion people. Now it is 6.7 billion people.

If you think we have global problems with pollution, deforestation, lack of food, energy, etc. now, then just wait until 2050 when the population is 11 billion people. I honestly do not believe we will make it that far before mass starvation kills billions and billions of people.

Ah, I'll take this one. Easy pickings.

When your family emigrated from Germany, did you DEMAND the US change their laws to accomodate you? I should think not, for it never occurred to your famly to do so. Why is that? Quite simple really. They understood they were foreigners in a strange land, that they must conform to the wishes of their new countrymen, just as Germans would expect them to do them same in Germany. They must accede to the dominant culture, that is the culture of those who founded the nation called the USA.
Now, we get to the Muslims. They arrive in the West and demand those nations of the West change to suit THEIR needs. If such nations are not accommodating, then threats are hurled by the Muslims at their new fellow countrymen. They 'suggest' their way is the right way... or else. Do recall the 'cartoon' incident, when Muslims across Europe tore up the capital cities, destroying property and endangering the natives of those European states.

Surely all of you have been privy to many videos which clearly show the imams in many Western countries shouting 'you will be conquered!' I do find it odd that the libtards of this world sit there, and smile whilst their very lives, their very country, is threatened, whereas fascists like myself would beat the bastards upside the head for daring to threaten my people, my country, then toss them out under heavy armed guard.

You see, my good man, your family did not raise **** anywhere. You coexisted peacefully with your new countrymen. You were already similar. I should remind you that German almost became the official language of the US. The USA is European in many ways. There is absolutely NOTHING Islamic about the USA. Muslims are absolutely alien to the Western way of life, and as such, completely incompatible. Would you attempt to install Mac OSX onto a PC? Then why would you attempt to allow Muslims to mingle amongst us? We would be signing our own death warrant.
I do not understand the difficulty here. The Muslim numbers are growing at a very alarming pace. I see within this thread individuals who have already given up, suggesting that liberalism is at an end. Well, I surely hope so, BUT I do not seek to see it replaced with the crazed rantings of Islam. I already have the solution for this problem.

Close ALL borders to the West to Islam. Remove all Muslims from Western lands, by use of force if necessary. As for their oil, simply TAKE IT. After all, the Muslims have openly declared jihad against the West, therefore we are ALREADY at war with Islam. We have the nukes, they do not. There we go. ALL problems solved. Any questions?

Yes, two:

Do you really believe that we're at war with the entire Muslim world?

And, why in hell do you insist on posting everything in red? Do you think that lends some credence to your opinions?
Yes, two:

Do you really believe that we're at war with the entire Muslim world?

And, why in hell do you insist on posting everything in red? Do you think that lends some credence to your opinions?

Ah, this is easier than I thought.

Yes, I do believe we are at war with the entire Muslim world. Ask THEM what they think. They are very hostile towards us, and our ways. Do you honestly believe they are settling in Western countries for our 'freedom'? It is prelude to invasion. Where they cannot defeat us militarily, they decide to do so via entrenchment within our borders, and growing their numbers. Absolutely 100% I believe we are at war with them, and we had better smarten up quickly, or we will be bowing down 5 times a day to Allah.

Why do I post everything in red? Well, you see, I am an ULTRA-nationalist of the highest order...

Ah, this is easier than I thought.

Yes, I do believe we are at war with the entire Muslim world. Ask THEM what they think. They are very hostile towards us, and our ways. Do you honestly believe they are settling in Western countries for our 'freedom'? It is prelude to invasion. Where they cannot defeat us militarily, they decide to do so via entrenchment within our borders, and growing their numbers. Absolutely 100% I believe we are at war with them, and we had better smarten up quickly, or we will be bowing down 5 times a day to Allah.

Why do I post everything in red? Well, you see, I am an ULTRA-nationalist of the highest order...


An ultra nationalist Canadian, now there's a new one!

You're wrong about us being at war with the Muslim world, of course. The lunatic fringe of Islam, like Al Qaeda and the Taliban, are enemies of moderate Muslims just as much as they are enemies of western nations.

Nevertheless, if you're ready for the end of times, the battle of Armageddon, and the Rapture, then sure, let's be at war with Islam.
Close ALL borders to the West to Islam. Remove all Muslims from Western lands, by use of force if necessary.

Why? Most of them (including leadership in the Middle East) openly condemn Bin Laden's movement and other radical fringe movements. Why make enemies of everyone when only a few hate you to begin with?

As for their oil, simply TAKE IT.

To carry that out you would need to occupy the entire Middle East more or less. You would also either have to exterminate the population or fight a continued insurgency. The US citizenry has lost its nerve for war after Iraq, your plan would destroy that nerve completely.

After all, the Muslims have openly declared jihad against the West, therefore we are ALREADY at war with Islam.

Not all Muslims have declared this war, only a select few have.

We have the nukes, they do not. There we go. ALL problems solved. Any questions?

Pakistan has nukes, and many other Muslim nations have the capacity to quickly develop a nuclear program. Further, what good does nuking the region do if you want their oil?
An ultra nationalist Canadian, now there's a new one!

You're wrong about us being at war with the Muslim world, of course. The lunatic fringe of Islam, like Al Qaeda and the Taliban, are enemies of moderate Muslims just as much as they are enemies of western nations.

Nevertheless, if you're ready for the end of times, the battle of Armageddon, and the Rapture, then sure, let's be at war with Islam.

You are surprised solely due to the fact that our failed multiculturalism (Canada INVENTED this bull****) has wiped out any chance at all of many Canadians becoming ultranationalist. You see, it is actually ILLEGAL for one to love his country beyond normal patriotism here in Canada. Immigrants seem to have far, far more rights than the average Canadian here in Canada. White Canadians, by comparison, have ZERO rights. As my country was founded by my British forebears, the country should be nothing but British culture. It isn't because one Pierre Trudeau, a Canadian communist, made certain that the British culture of Canada never again sees the light of day. Today, there is no Canadian identity, as it has been successfully quashed by all liberals. Awhile back, I had a British flag waving on my balcony at my apartment building. A Chinese ***** whose balcony was next to mine saw the flag, and began to scream at me to take it down. I smiled at her, and told her in no uncertain terms to '**** off'. Of course she went to the landlord who told me he may have to ask me to take the flag down. I told him 'over my ****ing dead body asshole.' Apparently, he did some checking, and found out he had absolutely no right to do so, so he dropped it. Never saw the Chinese ***** again. My culture is both Canadian and British, therefore I intend to keep them. I am up against the liberal hordes, but to me, it is no contest. I am better than they, and they know it. Their use of 'racism' as a means by which to crush my culture makes me laugh, and never succeeds. I was actually banned from one Canadian site for even mentioning my British ancestors because it was 'racist' to do so.

Muslims are at war with each other? Do you see 'moderate' Muslims seeking out 'radical' Muslims? I don't. Islam is clearly at war with the West. They have even pointed out to others that it clearly states in the Quran that the 'infidels' shall be wiped from the face of the earth if they do not fall before Islam. They are right, for I have seen the passages myself. The very existence of Islam is based upon its successful destruction of all other religions, which is why they are a danger, and should be treated as such. As I am a fascist, I would be working towards a Western alliance which I would have arm to the teeth, and begin a new Crusades to destroy Islam once and for all. I cannot possibly be branded a warmonger for seeking to save civilisation from the insane Muslim hordes. If you wish one day to be praying on a ****ing carpet 5 times a day to a fictitious entity called 'Allah', you go right ahead, whilst I arm myself two ways from Tuesday.

A war with Islam would lead to Armageddon? Didn't Saddam, with the MOST-POWERFUL army in all of Islam, get his ass kicked so very easily by only TWO countries who did not even have a large portion of their military up against him? Where was your Armageddon against a man who claimed it would be the 'Mother of all battles'? The West rolled up on his forces quite easily. YOu need be reminded that this current war with Islam, being fought in Iraq and Afghanistan is only against insurgents as that is how easily the 'mighty' forces of Islam were destroyed. There are no active armies up against the forces of the West. The ONLY REASON we are still even there would be due to the fact we are fighting a narrow war against a group which hides itself. The West cares too much about civilians. Let us suppose for a moment that the West decided to hand over both 'wars' to the Israelis. Do you for a moment believe there would be an insurgency? No, because the Israelis don't give a **** about any 'civilian casualty' count. When they destroy a country, they actually DESTROY a country, which is how the West should deal with the Muslim states. If their wars against the West continue, destroy EVERYTHING. Nukes aren't even needed. Conventional destruction is enough. Even now, I am amazed at how we deal with the insurgents. I have suggested to those who make war on Islam to start dealing with terrorists the way they deal with us. KILL THEIR CIVILIANS, enough that their own people will turn against them. It works wonders. Make the Muslim bastards so afraid of losing their families that they will no longer fight. Don't destroy their ability to make war. Destroy their WILL to carry it out.
Why? Most of them (including leadership in the Middle East) openly condemn Bin Laden's movement and other radical fringe movements. Why make enemies of everyone when only a few hate you to begin with?

The leadership in the Mideast do not like their power threatened. The Saudis condemned ONLY Bin Laden, not his wealthy family, because he was a threat to their kingdom, and their hold on power. Al Quaida was based upon ensuring Islam be embraced HIS way. The Saudis do not like threats to their kingdom. The Saudis are smart enough to know that their very existence is dependent upon the West supporting their economy via oil sales, for they have nothing else to offer. If the Saudis were to be completely cut off from the world, which the West could do if they so desired, their kingdom would collapse, regardless of how much oil they have. Their true wealth stems not just from how much oil they have (we have more), but how very easily it is extracted. Imagine the West deciding to band together and STOP all Saudi oil sales? Prevent any Saudi investments in the West? The kingdom would collapse overnight. Do you have any idea how much Saudi money is tied up in the United States? The US could easily snag that money. who is to stop them? You do not recall the US freezing Saudi assets the moment they found out about the 9-11 hijackers? That's the easy part. Now, the harder part would be to embargo the Saudi oil via the huge US navy. For those who would say 'the Saudis would simply sell the oil to the Chinese and Indians who crave it', how are the Saudis going to sell them oil when they cannot even get their tankers out of their own ports? The US has the most-powerful Navy in the world. USE IT!

To carry that out you would need to occupy the entire Middle East more or less. You would also either have to exterminate the population or fight a continued insurgency. The US citizenry has lost its nerve for war after Iraq, your plan would destroy that nerve completely.

You mean like the USA had no nerve for fighting right after 9-11? Damn, even US peaceniks wanted the Muslim states crushed. Why would the West need to occupy the Middle East? Just smash their ability to wage war. Destroy their infrastructure, as you destroyed Iraq's. Keep hitting them until THEY lose their desire to fight. I do recall the US destroying the Iraqi infrastructure AT WILL. Keep pounding at them, until their own people call for an end to any desire to destroy the West as they have now. No one likes to keep rebuilding that infrastructure again and again and again. Remember, this is how the Nazis attempted to destroy the British, but with one very important difference. The British had an airforce. The Muslim states do not have very powerful airforces. They could be taken out in the first day, as the Iraqi War proved. Also, Britain was receiving materiel aid thanks to the Americans, with the world's most-powerful navy protecting the convoys. The Nazis had no true navy to speak of. It was too small. The Muslim states have NO navy. Zero. Nada. Who in hell would aid them anyway? So, keep pounding away again and again until there is nothing left of Islam but rubble. They WILL cave, and surrender en masse. They will have thus become too weary of war to ever set up an insurgency. Once they have surrendered, THEN you move your ground forces in, and crush Islam completely.

Not all Muslims have declared this war, only a select few have.

Ah, you mean the Muslims who are 'silent'? Those who are smart enough to know that the West could never be defeated militarily by Islam? Those who are also smart enough to seek our conquest in the manner they have set up today, via IMMIGRATION? Those 'silent' Muslims have pushed for massive emigration from Islamic states and into Western states, vowing to conquer us from WITHIN. They have silently declared war. What is the very first thing these 'silent' warriors do once they are within our borders? DEMAND their rights via change to our social structure (sharia law etc.) They have quietly told their brethren in the West to breed, breed, and breed some more, comfort in their knowledge of democracy's greatest weakness, majority rule. As their population within our states grows, so too does their power. This is the work of the smarter, quieter Muslims.

Pakistan has nukes, and many other Muslim nations have the capacity to quickly develop a nuclear program. Further, what good does nuking the region do if you want their oil?

I only brought up nukes as a last-minute gesture, if Islam does indeed manage to organise into one massive cohesive group, and threaten to conquer the West through their massive advantage in sheer numbers.
The question about Pakistan is an easy one. Pakistan will in no way turn their nukes away from India. No way, no how. Those nukes of theirs are their ONLY line of defence against the Indians, who are chomping at the bit for a chance to conquer their Muzzie asses. Pakistan has caused them too much trouble for them to turn down a chance to OWN their asses, and Pakistan knows this. As such, they will NEVER retarget their nukes, and the West knows this. Given the opportunity to see a destroyed Pakistan, India would gladly ally with the West. Pakistan is not even a consideration. We of the West own Pakistan so badly that we have them fighting their fellow Muslims IN THEIR OWN TERRITORY. You think this is mere coincidence? Pakistan does not fight Al Quaida because they do not agree with their idea of conquering the 'infidels'. No, the Pakistan leadership are concerned with their hold on power. Any chance Al Quaida had for Pakistani aid, which they enjoyed against the Soviets, is gone, exactly what the West wanted. As for the Muslim states having the ability to quickly begin their own nuclear program, no, they do not. Iran has been receiving assistance from North Korea in this area. Hell, their very missiles are North Korean. Their nuclear technology is from the West. NOTHING that has to do with nukes in Iran is Iranian in origin. NO other state comes even close. Hell, the Pakistanis learned their technology from my country. Much of the nuclear technology in Iran is Russian in origin. If ever we could get Russia on to our side in any war against Islam, which I believe to be a slam-dunk when one considers Beslan and Chechnya, not to mention the fact Russia is surrounded by Muslim states, they would jump at the chance.

Bottom line, we in the West could destroy Islam once and for all. Islam exists today only because we ALLOWED it.
Islam slumbered peacefully for hundreds of year until smart alecks in the US decided to rekindle the fire to destroy the Soviet Union.

FACT : When the Crusaders took Jerusalem, they slaughtered every Jew and Muslim, including women and children. Jews or muslims were not allowed to return until Saladin regained the city. This was convenient for the Moors who were being removed from Spain guessed it..the Christian Church.

Not quite the view of history we are currently being invited to accept - the good christians versus the evil muslims.

Comrade Stalin of Gori