Muslim Immigration Invasion !

Facts are Facts you can’t escape or deny...

You are under siege and you will be forced to come to terms with it very soon.

In one form of the Awakening by uncomfortable measures and issues afoot such as this.

Wake Up America, your Pivot Approaches Violently!

If Someone Who Talks the Talk Doesn't Walk the Walk, Patriots Must Break His Legs

It's too bad that a religious Crusade was the only way to stop Islam from taking over the world for a thousand years. But I don't see any Evangelicals promoting this one. After all, they belong to the Chickenhawk Party, actually preaching that a sissyboy draftdodger like Derelict Dubya was sent by God to save us. That's as disgusting, and fatal to our defense, as the gun-owning phonies cheering for a poopy-pants draftdodger like Teddy "I Wasn't Ready" Nugent.
Ouch !

Oh man Sage... that was off the Fricken CHART Mastery !

Wow... what an Epic post seriously you nailed it.

Yeah it’s like they all think Trump is the New Messiah or something.
Bunch of lazy lard ass Joe n Sally 6 packs from coast to coast mostly.
I’m very very disappointed thus far to say the least.
I’m getting more involved in and pushing others to seek out local Militias and begin activating, communicating and more.

If my research is correct, Trump is just the Bell Ringer going forward and not much else is going to change for us.

I pray to be corrected and proven wrong, I truly do, But...
Ouch !

Oh man Sage... that was off the Fricken CHART Mastery !

Wow... what an Epic post seriously you nailed it.

Yeah it’s like they all think Trump is the New Messiah or something.
Bunch of lazy lard ass Joe n Sally 6 packs from coast to coast mostly.
I’m very very disappointed thus far to say the least.
I’m getting more involved in and pushing others to seek out local Militias and begin activating, communicating and more.

If my research is correct, Trump is just the Bell Ringer going forward and not much else is going to change for us.

I pray to be corrected and proven wrong, I truly do, But...
If You've Heard of Someone, Don't Listen to Him

Trump, more than any other Republican, may have started "the revolution of rising expectations." But people can't think he has betrayed us; that would lead to depressing, fatalistic apathy. We have to rescue Trump from the Liberal infrastructure by defying its basic principles, going back to 1965. There's nothing wrong with turning back the clock if it's connected to a time bomb.

For example, the right of asylum. Because it has legally led to an excuse for border-jumping, it must be abolished. Which brings up another point. Since none of the Right-Wing talk-show nannies have proposed that and other radical solutions, we must dump them all and not let them tell us anything any more. From the beginning, they've tried to drag Trump voters into their own version of anti-Populism. Their assignment has always been to channel reactive enthusiasm into conformity to the authoritarians who sponsor them.
You nailed it Sage Thank YOU again !

So now I look and prepare for the Catalyst or a series of which will bring the Stupid propagandized-bamboozled sheeple into the streets finally to reckon with their Criminal Government Duality.

I continue to observe the Article V from a distance.

There are other processes underway such as the Jural Assemblies (Ana Von Reitz) et al.

More later.
You nailed it Sage Thank YOU again !

So now I look and prepare for the Catalyst or a series of which will bring the Stupid propagandized-bamboozled sheeple into the streets finally to reckon with their Criminal Government Duality.

I continue to observe the Article V from a distance.

There are other processes underway such as the Jural Assemblies (Ana Von Reitz) et al.

More later.
No Time for Negativity

I don't like those legalistic solutions, but we should support everything that opposes Liberal suffocation of the majority's will.
Well now look at Trumpy with the Queen again today... wtf ?

Why is she so happy to see him ? Really ?

Wtf is really going on ?

Trump is also a Traitor in the sense that he’s a transplant immigrant too like the rest of his family who came here exploited, never assimilated really much except for Trump sorta and they’re not True Blood Line Descendants either like me and millions of others.

Down the rabbit hole we gooooooooo...

Is Trump selling you out ? Part of me thinks so and I’m going to prove it.

he may have sold you all out early on too...compromised Early on.

Ana Von Reitz and other Groups will soon expose him.

I hope for all your sakes that he is who he says otherwise it’s going to get ugly.

If that’s at all negative ?
In this camp it’s positive no mattter what cause we’re arming and preparing for Plans B, C and D either way.

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