Most people do not know this

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
One of history's more famous people Christopher Columbus was a Jew.
We all know Albert Einstein was , how many knew Elizbeth Taylor was a Jew.
the very talented and drop-dead gorgeous Paula Abdul.
And the extremely talented Stan Lee is also a Jew.

Leads me to a story,
The was a new freshmen class and one of the kids was beautiful very alethic young woman, she had blue eyes and thick long blonde hair. Her last name was not Jewish, and she didn't look Jewish. She was involved with the Lacross team as a coach for the guys team we didn't have a female Lacross team.
I liked working the Lacross games as it was required that at least one officer for any sports event . And when we had regular football games there were usually around 2o to 20 of us depending on if it was nationally or locally televised.
ANy way I got to know here pretty good and she would stop by from time to time when I was working in the commercial property off campus. she always stopped gave me a hug and talked for a bit and she would go have a beer or eat at one of the restaurants.
One evening she called the office and asked for me to respond. Odd but i went . The Muslim kids had found out she was Jewish somehow and tore up her bicycle and attached a hate note to it and her door . She was concerned but didn't want to cause trouble she just wanted to be safe.

Well I had a pretty good ideal who it was as we had had some issue with a few Muslims who had gave a Jewish boy problems but that also included a drug transaction cocaine they lived in the same building she was in and we had already arrested one of them and deported his ass.
So I told her to give me 6 or 7 mine to get up to the fifth floor and get one of then to the door then call me.
Well I was talking to them asking if they had seen anyone around . She called I answered and started a fake conversation No worries, Chief I'm investigating it now . I know it looks bad you are being Jewish. Yes I agree they should be arrested then deported. Ok by Chief. Then I said well guy thanks for your help if your Rember, anything give me a call and handed then a card. It scared the shat out of them . they left here alone especially after she would stop by when I was checking the hookah bar out and make sure she was seen with me. I was well known after working there a few years and I was fair but I didn't put up with any racist crap. I had a drunk coming out of a bar one night and started giving to of the Saudi kids a hard time his ass was off the property running his mouth making threats. but he left and that allI wanted. It came back to bite him in the ass. I found him drunk and passed out in the botanical graders about a 40 acre . He didnt want to leave and took a poke at me , sadly he was drunk, or I might have been a bit less friendly but he went to jail and it turned out he had a outstanding Warrant out of Georgia and they actually wanted him, so he went bye bye. I might still have a copy of his mugging photo .

I treated everyone the same regardless of race or religion and the kids trusted me . If they came to me they knew I would not say who told me things . I had another Muslim kid bring me information about some Saudi kids off campus that were selling various drugs to other kids all Muslims . He felt as a good Muslim he could not ignore it and gave me their on line accounts and their contacts name and car and plate number but he was from the keys so we gave it to the state police and left them alone on campus for a while. 2 ended up being arrested then deported back to the Saudi government where it would go so smooth shall we say from what the other Saudis said, He was a devoted Muslim and felt their were dishonoring their religion and their king and their nation by doing what they were doing .Never had any trouble out of him or any of the kids I know he was friends with. good kid he had a great wife she sure could cook .
Columbus may have had Jewish ancestors, but he was a practicing Christian. He would never have received ships from Queen Isabel if he had been an actual practicing Jew.
He was Jewish and I don't think you knew that.
I have read two biographies of Columbus and of course I knew it. Columbus had Jewish ancestry, but he was a practicing Roman Catholic all his life, as were his children. Columbus is Latin for colombo, the word for turtle dove, which is a symbol for the Holy Spirit. The name Christopher, (Cristóbal) means "Christ bearer". He signed his name Cristo Ferens, maccaronic Latin for "Christ bearer". He certainly was NOT considered to be Jewish by Queen Isabela, who was famous for driving the Muslims out of Granada.