The skeptic should also have shouted that back radiation doesn't exist because there is a dark streak between light bulbs. Do you still believe that? That would have been great for the comedy show.
Open up a page for your banking account....transfer $10 from your savings account to your checking account and then immediately transfer $10 from your checking account to your savings account. Do you believe that any money actually changed places? Your bank statement will show the transfer but do you believe the money actually moved?
The net effect of the transfer was zero which is the effect that CO2 has on the climate.
In that same vein....see if you can find yourself a cellar that has reached thermal equilibrium...take yourself a radiometer down there...set it int the center of the room and take readings.
Take multiple readings off all 4 you see any temperature changing anywhere? My bet is that your radiometer will read somewhere in the vicinity of 356 W/m2, which is in and of itself damned strange since climate science and its models say that the earth is receiving something like 161 W/m2 from the sun, but that is fodder for a different discussion.
So according to your radiometer, each wall is radiating about 256 W/m2 but the temperature isn't changing... So are the walls constantly changing 356 W/m2 with each other or is the thermal energy in the walls just staying where it is since there is clearly no temperature change happening in the walls?
Now I am sure that you genuinely believe that the north wall is exchanging energy with the south wall and the east wall is exchanging energy with the west wall but that isn't the point...even if this exchange of "Provotst's Energy" was real, the effect is zero...
Now take a look at Trenberth's energy cartoon which is the basis upon which modern climate science is built...
See the two circled numbers....356 Wm2 of surface radiation and 333 Wm2 of back radiation. the greenhouse hypothesis says that there is an energy exchange going on between the surface and the atmosphere....but unlike the observed experiment you did in the cellar which showed no temperature change, the greenhouse hypothesis says that this exchange results in the surface being 33C hotter in the temperature of the surface...
. . . the Earth . . . radiates . . . primarily in the infrared part of the spectrum. Much of this thermal radiation emitted by the land and ocean is absorbed by the atmosphere, including clouds, and reradiated back to Earth. This is called the greenhouse effect.” IPCC, AR4
When [greenhouse gases] absorb the energy radiating from Earth’s surface, microscopic water or greenhouse gas molecules turn into tiny heaters— like the bricks in a fireplace, they radiate heat even after the fire goes out. They radiate in all directions. The energy that radiates back toward Earth heats both the lower atmosphere and the surface, enhancing the heating they get from direct sunlight.”NASA
. . . our atmosphere absorbs some of the infrared heat radiation [from the surface], and some of the trapped heat is reradiated downward to warm the planet’s surface and the air immediately above it.” Tufts University
. . . infrared radiation [from the surface] is absorbed by the greenhouse gases and clouds in the atmosphere and then re-emitted in all directions . . .
Some of the re-emitted energy remains within the atmosphere or returns to the surface and warms the lower atmosphere and surface.” American Chemical Society
Some of this terrestrial radiation is trapped by greenhouse gases and radiated back to the Earth, resulting in the warming of the surface known as the greenhouse effect.” Harvard
When there are greenhouse gases present in the atmosphere, some of the radiation emitted by the earth is absorbed again before it escapes to space. This radiation absorbed by the atmosphere can then pass back down to the surface, warming it further.”Berkeley
The atmosphere, heated by the absorption of Earth radiation by these greenhouse gasses, in turn radiates heat back to the Earth’s surface increasing the Earth’s surface temperature.” Columbia
The heating of the ground by sunlight causes the Earth’s surface to become a radiator of energy in the longwave band . . . This emission of energy is generally directed to space. However, only a small portion of this energy actually makes it back to space. The majority of the outgoing infrared radiation is absorbed by the greenhouse gases . . .
Absorption of longwave radiation by the atmosphere causes additional heat energy to be added to the Earth’s atmospheric system. The now warmer atmospheric greenhouse gas molecules begin radiating longwave energy in all directions. Over 90% of this emission of longwave energy is directed back to the Earth’s surface where it once again is absorbed by the surface. The heating of the ground by the longwave radiation causes the ground surface to once again radiate, repeating the cycle described above, again and again, until no more longwave is available for absorption.” Physical Geography
Each one of these descriptions of the greenhouse effect claims that when the surface exchanges energy with the atmosphere, the result is an increase in the temperature of the surface of the earth. Why do the cellar walls continuously exchange energy (by your belief) but the temperature never changes while the same sort of energy exchange (by your belief) in the outside results in a 33C temperature change in the surface of the earth?
CO2 you say?....go down in your cellar and add some CO2 to the atmosphere down there....according to climate science, that should result in some sort of temperature change but of course it doesn't happen...even if you raise the CO2 level to tens of thousands of PPM....the temperate will remain the same...
But on a more serious note, it's back radiation of the ever rising CO2 that is a concern because it keeps the earth from loosing the all the heat that it gets from the sun. Do you still not believe in back radiation? All other scientists do.
On a factual note, the amount of energy escaping at the top of the atmosphere keeps increasing as CO2 increases in direct opposition to your claims...