Andy;81810]Which still implies they could pass something, now doesn't it? Are you claiming that the amazing republicans were able pass everything they wanted without any democrat votes at all, but the poor pathetic democrats couldn't pass anything whatsoever without the republican vote, even with a majority some of the time?
Do you not follow politics Andy? There is always some legislation that gets through by members crossing over. NAFTA was passed by President Clinton and the Republicans in Congress working on this together. Bush was not a "work together " sort of President.
You still are not making me very confident the democrats have anything to offer at all. In fact, nearly every point you've made seems to indicate utter incompetence at anything but complaining. Something that seem the major of the democrats ability even on this forum. No ideas, no support, tons of complaints.
Well then you are going to be THRILLED!!!!!!!!! Watch how quick legislation moves now with the Obstructionist Party in the background. Just watch your TV... you'll see the roll out of positive changes one right after another!

To be honest as hard as President-elect Obama has tried to let Bush finish out his term he's really been in charge for weeks!
Funny, I remember 1993-1994 when democrats had both houses and the executive, and they simply screwed up everything. It was so bad, that 1994election was a landslide victory republicans in all of congress.
Republicans had there little scam that worked for a minute... their Contract on America!

Bush is leaving with more than he deserves... a dismal 25% approval rating... and truthfully that's about 6 or 7 points to high !

Yeah, I already see him following the same pattern of Bush. Huge changes... *cough*
I was actually kind of surprised to watch Bush at the end start taking foreign policy cues from President-elect Obama! President Obama will govern from the middle just like Clinton did and things will be soooo much better.
ooooOOOOooooo.... So the National Highway Safety Institute can read a car's owners manuel too.... well great. Nice to see other government agencies have litterate people employed.
I know you have a problem with the truth Andy but it's kinda a universal thing. When something is true and for the good EVERYBODY should be promoting it. For instance... that's why I supported a winner, President Obama!
Tell you what. Since you got it figured out, and I have yet to find it... by all means, explain what his energy policy is?
Come on Andy stop the stupid filibustering (man you certainly are a Pubbie!)

Go to Obama's webpage and look up his energy policy yourself... I'm not posting all his numerous goals and ideas... I'll post a couple quick YouTube overviews of the process. Believe me his team will be all over it!
Later on? Then why wasn't there a retraction or correction of the report? I know there hasn't been, because I downloaded the report itself from the Senate Post-Iraq Intelligence report, to verify the claims. Rockefeller can say anything he wants after the fact, but unless he has new evidence, that he's failed to add to the report, I'm going with the findings by the Senate Intel committee.
Once a report is filed it is what it is for the time it was delivered. If things are later found out people come forward. That's exactly what Senator Rockefeller did... to his credit he even publicly apologized for not uncovering the Bush administration's misinformation.
The only option would be to open up some new investigation and up till 2006 the Dems didn't have control to open an investigation and after that to their credit they have chosen not to focus on hearings or even an Impeachment that would appear vindictive.
They simple wanted to win the Presidency and get to work actually fixing something. I'm so proud of their tone. President Obama really does have people thinking differently than before.