Well-Known Member
Modern liberalism is socialism lite. Socialism in its infancy. No more, no less.
I might agree with that.
If you believe that the US, in any way, is practicing corporatism, then you need to devote more time to learning what corporatism is. Corporatism is socialism and socialism is always left. In any form it it takes, it is left.
I don’t agree. First of all, because you are looking at only one axis of liberal/conservative in making your determination and that is economic.
Nationalism for example, is considered a trait of “right” (as opposed to the worship of an ideology over nationality, such as communism espouses)
Increased role of Church and religion is a trait of “right”
Conservative social policies is a trait of “right”
Promotion of racial, religious or cultural identity is a trait of “right” (as opposed to promotion of class like the “working class” in the so-called “classless” society of the “left”).
If you have all those traits in a government along with a degree of socialism in the economic make up then it is still more “right” then “left” wing.
Originally Posted by Coyote
Socialist tyrannies - look at that term. The emphasis is not on socialist, but on tyranny. Again - some of the countries today with the greatest standard of living and of civil and political liberties are also heavily socialist. Are they also tyrannies? Are they authoritarian?
Palerider responed:
Of course they are tyrannies and of course they are authoritarian when compared even to the US today. As to civil and political liberties, you better check again. Go and try to voice conservative viewpoints in those "free" socialist countries and see how well it goes for you.
What is a tyranny?
A tyrant is a single ruler holding vast, if not absolute power through a state or in an organization. The term carries connotations of a harsh and cruel ruler who places his/her own interests or the interests of a small oligarchy over the best interests of the general population which they govern or control. This form of government is referred to as a tyranny.
No, it is not a tyranny.
Now I’ll ask – what conservative viewpoints can you not voice in say…Sweden? Do you mean Holocaust denial? If so – I actually do agree with you there. I think that those laws are a bad idea. But – that isn’t exactly a “conservative” issue either. The right of free speech is strongly associated with liberalism – as I believe liberalism to be. Censorship is a tool that is used by both the left and the right depending on what they want to push.
People in all the authoritarian socialist states said that they liked the system because they couldn't imagine not being taken care of. They wore their yoke meekly because they can't imagine being free.
Some people in some authoritarian socialist states (I assume you mean USSR, Cuba, China?). USSR needs to be put into perspective. You went from a controlled state to anarchy ruled by mafia, gangs and cartels. There is virtually no other way to describe it. The break of the Soviet Union was chaotic and terrible for many people involved. People worked but didn’t get paid for months or eratically if at all. The black market thrived. Many people suffered deeply. My mother worked for many years in collaborative medical research with colleagues in the USSR during the 70’s and 80’s. She maintained friendships with many of them after. While living in communist USSR was no bed of roses, living there afterwards was actually worse for many people so is it any wonder they look back at the former USSR with rose-colored glasses? “Democracy” and “freedom” were not kind to them .
I think there is a balance between “freedom” and “being taken care of” that must be maintained to be successful. I think a state has an obligation to take care of it’s less fortunate citizens but care must be taken that that group doesn’t become self-perpetuating or all inclusive.
Which elements are right wing? Keep in mind that conservative ideology calls for small non intrusive government. Any large intrusive government is, by definition, left.
See above.
And you actually believe that is ownership? Come on.![]()
Well, property is taxed and subject to city ordinances but we still believe we own it.
No because the right recognizes the need for constitutional protection of certain rights and recognize government's responsibility to protect them. The right's ideal state has been done and it was not authoritarian. See the US right after the revolution. It did not begin to become authoritarian until modern liberalism began to worm its way into the government.
It was quite authoritarian if you were black or a woman.
Again, see the constitution if you are interested in what right wing carried to its extreme looks like.
Not in practice – the constitution represented an ideal not a reality.
Not to insult you, but on this issue, you are conservative, not liberal.
Tolerance does not mean “letting people do what they want”. That would be anarchy. Tolerance stops when another person’s behavior effects your well being or safety or that of the greater society. Tolerance cannot be mandated by the government without becoming increasingly authoritarian in nature. Yet you must have laws in place to protect vulnerable populations from the effects of intolerance or you end up with the law of the jungle.
Again, you are voicing a conservative view. Liberals tolerate all forms of activity that are clearly bad for society as a whole and coarsen it considerably in the name of "tolerance" and in the process become very authoritarian with regard to anyone who speaks out against these things that are hurting society at large. Modern liberalism simply doesn't believe in anything that trancends the individual and rejects the concept of a greater good.
I disagree. Liberals DO NOT tolerate all forms of activity that are clearly bad for society as a whole. The most accurate way to describe it is that liberals seek to expand the definition of “us” – of what is acceptable and good for society. Liberalism believes in constantly pushing the boundaries. Conservatism believes in protecting the boundaries. At one time the “greater good” justified slavery, forced lobotomies and sterilization of certain groups of people, and the removal of indigenous people to “reservations”. Are you saying these activities were “good” for society at large?