Missile Launch off California - Pentagon has "no clue" who launched it

So far there is no "other nations" that is strong enough to challenge the only super power of the world. It doesn't make sense. The fact is: there is a rocket launching. Pentagon denied it. My two cents here:

Feds planed a nuclear attack in later October. They stole a rocket. When plan went soured, they shoot it to eliminate the evidence.

Here is my explanation for that false flag plot. Extracted from my blog:

Uh, the Russians have the capability of doing this.
Uh, the Russians have the capability of doing this.

765. North Korea crisis (4/1/2013)

Recent days there is a lively stage show in Korea Peninsula in. In February North Korea had its third nuclear test. US and South Koreain March had a military drill. US had B-52 in the drill then showed off with B-2 bombers there. N. Korea upgrades its threat almost everyday. Western media is full of the topics such like: “North Korea said it would attack U.S. military bases on Japan and the Pacific island of Guam if provoked.”, “North Korea threatens to 'settle accounts with the US'”, “North Korea says enters "state of war" against South”…… But it only exists in the mouth not in reality. In fact it is only a sale’s advertisement. The merchandise is the nuclear weapon.

Renewed nuke sale fear after recent NKorea test
By FOSTER KLUG | Associated Press – 3/19/2013

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — North Korea's nuclear test last month wasn't just a show of defiance and national pride; it also serves as advertising. The target audience, analysts say, is anyone in the world looking to buy nuclear material.


North Korea’s Lesson: Nukes for Sale
By GRAHAM T. ALLISON Jr.Published: February 12

Who could be interested in buying a weapon for several hundred millions of dollars? Iran is currently investing billions of dollars annually in its nuclear quest. While Al Qaeda’s core is greatly diminished and its resources depleted, the man who succeeded Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri, has been seeking nuclear weapons for more than a decade. And then there are Israel’s enemies, including wealthy individuals in some Arab countries, who might buy a bomb for the militant groups Hezbollah or Hamas.


Bush invaded Iraq with a justification of un- existed “WMD”. Obama won’t make similar mistake again in Iran war. So they had a puppet show. In this show, N. Korea blows the trumpet: “I developed nuclear bomb. I hate US. If you are hostile to US, come to pick up a bargain.”

So don’t be surprise that US and its Western allies would be attacked by“nuclear terror bombing”. Even none “potential customers” attend this “nuke sale booth”, the organizer will create one. At that time, the “suicide bomber”would all be dead and could never tell truth. You saw them in 911 attack, 7/7 London railway bombing, Madrid bombing and in Sandy Hook shooting, they were all arranged to be dead. Of course, the Feds would gave you evidence from“damaged hard disc” (in Sandy Hook shooting) and “self claimed Mastermind”confession from tortured prisoners (911 case).

You can view the two previous news information as a psychological opinion direction from the Feds- a justification for the coming terror attack.

766. China is an actor in this show (4/6/2013)

In this show, N. Korea and US are the main actors playing war game to the world audience. Another actor is China. Although China is the major supporter of North Korea -without its aid, N. Korea couldn’t survive, this time China unexpectedly approves the resolution of U.N. to sanction on N. Korea. It causes big surprise because China used to veto any resolution in U.N. if it is anti the “friendship of China and N. Korea”.

China voted for new North Korea sanctions. Will it enforce them?
By Peter Ford, Staff Writer / March 8, 2013

Beijing-When the UN Security Council imposed new and harsher sanctions on North Korea yesterday to punish it for its most recent nuclear test, one big part of the story was the fact that China had gone along with the resolution.


Don’t be confuse with this action of China. It’s a stage performance – a gimmick to lure Iran to the hook. It tells the world that N. Korea is really helpless. Even its long ally has abandoned him. It explains North Korea is eagerly to sell his treasure – the atomic bomb, at a bargain price.

It will be easy for US to intercept the “evidence”if Iran falls into the trap. UN resolution authorizes US the privilege to intercept the cargo shipment by force. If necessary the inspector could be China. It joins U.N. sanction.

The Chinese regime is famous for its corruption. It will do anything – when the bribe is big enough. The Feds used to create big events to distract a framed case. One big event is a “false flag terrorist nuke attack”, you have seen my revelation. The other one is a “natural disaster” – a pandemic of bird flu.
765. North Korea crisis (4/1/2013)

Recent days there is a lively stage show in Korea Peninsula in. In February North Korea had its third nuclear test. US and South Koreain March had a military drill. US had B-52 in the drill then showed off with B-2 bombers there. N. Korea upgrades its threat almost everyday. Western media is full of the topics such like: “North Korea said it would attack U.S. military bases on Japan and the Pacific island of Guam if provoked.”, “North Korea threatens to 'settle accounts with the US'”, “North Korea says enters "state of war" against South”…… But it only exists in the mouth not in reality. In fact it is only a sale’s advertisement. The merchandise is the nuclear weapon.

Bush invaded Iraq with a justification of un- existed “WMD”. Obama won’t make similar mistake again in Iran war. So they had a puppet show. In this show, N. Korea blows the trumpet: “I developed nuclear bomb. I hate US. If you are hostile to US, come to pick up a bargain.”

So don’t be surprise that US and its Western allies would be attacked by“nuclear terror bombing”. Even none “potential customers” attend this “nuke sale booth”, the organizer will create one. At that time, the “suicide bomber”would all be dead and could never tell truth. You saw them in 911 attack, 7/7 London railway bombing, Madrid bombing and in Sandy Hook shooting, they were all arranged to be dead. Of course, the Feds would gave you evidence from“damaged hard disc” (in Sandy Hook shooting) and “self claimed Mastermind”confession from tortured prisoners (911 case).

You can view the two previous news information as a psychological opinion direction from the Feds- a justification for the coming terror attack.

766. China is an actor in this show (4/6/2013)

In this show, N. Korea and US are the main actors playing war game to the world audience. Another actor is China. Although China is the major supporter of North Korea -without its aid, N. Korea couldn’t survive, this time China unexpectedly approves the resolution of U.N. to sanction on N. Korea. It causes big surprise because China used to veto any resolution in U.N. if it is anti the “friendship of China and N. Korea”.

Don’t be confuse with this action of China. It’s a stage performance – a gimmick to lure Iran to the hook. It tells the world that N. Korea is really helpless. Even its long ally has abandoned him. It explains North Korea is eagerly to sell his treasure – the atomic bomb, at a bargain price.

It will be easy for US to intercept the “evidence”if Iran falls into the trap. UN resolution authorizes US the privilege to intercept the cargo shipment by force. If necessary the inspector could be China. It joins U.N. sanction.

The Chinese regime is famous for its corruption. It will do anything – when the bribe is big enough. The Feds used to create big events to distract a framed case. One big event is a “false flag terrorist nuke attack”, you have seen my revelation. The other one is a “natural disaster” – a pandemic of bird flu.

Iraq DID have WMD's. You Americans knew it, but were too stupid to find them and display them to the world because Russian intelligence snuck them out and into Syria. Don't believe it? Look it up. The US intelligence community is embarrassed about this. Ironically enough, the majority of the 'disappeared' WMD's were of French manufacture, with the Russians making up a smaller portion of them. You do not find it strange that Syria just suddenly had a chemical weapons industry out of nowhere? You Americans are truly stupid. No wonder the Russians laugh at you.
767. Hook Iran (4/15/2013)

To push Iran to bite the hook, Pentagon created an earthquake at the purpose to destroy Iran’s nuclear facility. If Iran can’t produce the nuke material by itself, they have to import it from North Korea. Though the mission failed.

Quake hits near Iran's nuclear city Bushehr, 37 dead

By Yeganeh Torbati and Marcus George DUBAI | Tue Apr 9, 2013

(Reuters) - A powerful earthquake struck close to Iran's only nuclear power station on Tuesday, ….

…… but the nearby Bushehr nuclear plant was undamaged, according to Iranian officials and the Russian company that built it.


Pentagon voluntarily advertises for the nuke products of North Korea, tries to convince Iran the merchandise is just what they wanted.

Pentagon: NKorea could launch nuclear missile

By ROBERT BURNS and JULIE PACE | Associated Press 4/11/2013

WASHINGTON (AP) — A U.S. intelligence report concludes that North Korea has advanced its nuclear knowhow to the point that it could arm a ballistic missile with a nuclear warhead, a jarring revelation in the midst of bellicose threats from the unpredictable communist regime.


768. Boston bombing is created by the Feds (4/20/2013)

The Boston Marathon bombing case was directed by the Feds. I believe. It happened on 4/15, the last day for tax return. Six years ago, in “478. April plot and tax return (4/13/07)”, I alleged the Feds would frame a case in the name of “tax fraud”. A massacre in Virginia Techoccurred three days later (4/16). 4/17 was the last day for tax return that year. It’s the tactic of the Feds to use terror case to distract a framed case.

I wrote “756. To search by the hands of IRS (2/4/2013)” two months ago. I allege the Feds repeat their old tactic in their plot. The explosion of a fertilizer factory in Texas was not a coincidence. It is part of the plan – to cause public panic.

I think the Feds planned more terror bombings elsewhere – particularly in San Jose area where I live. Last month They have showed an intention to kill by violence. See “764. Plot to eliminate Kat Sung (3/23/2013)”. The Boston Marathon bombing would have justified it if there is bombing happens in library or shopping center where I used to go.

Yesterday morning, (4/19), when I learned that the suspects of Boston bombing are Chechens, I wrote:” The target of a Chechnya should be Russia. Not US. The suspects are more likely the recruits of US intelligence for the mission of "Arab Spring", "insurgents" or snitches to monitor Chechnya's community in US. It's a puzzle. Are they another sacrifice?”

A news at night confirms this.

Boston suspect was under FBI surveillance, mother says

By Timothy Heritage

MOSCOW (Reuters) - One of the two ethnic Chechens suspected by U.S. officials of being behind the Boston Marathon bombings had been under FBI surveillance for at least three years, his mother said.


"He (Tamerlan) was 'controlled' by the FBI, like, for three to five years," she said, speaking in English and using the direct English translation of a word in Russian that means monitored.

"They knew what my son was doing, they knew what sites on the Internet he was going to," she said in what Russia Today described as a call from Makhachkala, where she lives in Russia's Dagestan region after returning from the United States.

Tsarnaeva echoed the boys' father, Anzor, who said on Friday that he believed they had been framed. Both suggested in separate interviews that the FBI had made no secret of the fact that at least one of the brothers was being watched.

769. Make money with terror attack (4/30/2013)

I said “September should be the last month for Robert Mueller in his FBI office. (Sep. 2001 – Sep. 2011,) His term has been extended for two more years to Sep. 2013. He has to finish Kat Sung before he leaves the office. The next FBI Chief doesn’t want to take any responsibility to a criminal action.” So there is only four months left for his term.

That’s why we saw a series of unusual cases took place recently: a meteor hit Russia; former Pope Benedict quit his job; Bin Laden’s son in law was arrested and sent to New York, Boston bombing; fertilizer factory explosion ….. All these were created for a big case – a false flag nuke attack on US (likely at New York) which will end with war on Iran.That big case was used to cover up a small case – to eliminate Kat Sung and his family (because they knew the story, I allege they were recruited by the Feds to monitor me. Informants have to be silenced to keep their masters’ crime a secret.). Since this is a framed case, the Feds need a big case to distract public’s attention.

The Feds prepared a violence death for me in March – a random shooting death in bank robbery. I revealed their intention in “764. Plot to eliminate Kat Sung (3/23/2013)”. In April came the Boston Marathon bombing. I allege it was created to justify multi bombings all over the country. One of which would be in public place where I go.

I used to go to Milpitas Library for a “Computer skill lecture” which is held on every Tuesday. Boston bombing happened on Monday (4/15). I was alarmed by it so I didn’t go. Then a fertilizer factory in Texas had a big explosion. I think that was part of the plan. That was why I wrote, “768. Boston bombing – a false flag terror case (4/20/2013)”

Another unusual thing was Gold plunges to two year low from 4/12 to 4/15.

Gold plunges to two-year low
By Mark Thompson and Hibah Yousuf @CNNMoneyInvestApril 15, 2013



It would give the Feds a chance to buy in gold at low price. If I went to library next day (4/16) and died in a bombing, more bombings would have taken place that eventually lead to a war. At that time the gold price would sky rocket.

Do you still remember there was an unusual stock trading just before 911 attack?

Next Tuesday if 4/16 was 4/23. My daughter gave me a bag of garbage – although we pay monthly garbage fee, I don’t use that service – I am afraid of being planted with illegal stuff, such like drugs in our garbage can. (See “689. Plant in garbage can and 6/10/2011 case (10/17/2011)”.) I assorted the garbage of that bag –I used to throw the paper in the recycle bin in library. I found there was a backpack in the bag. FBI uses backpack as evidence in Boston bombing. Was this a coincidence? Once again I decided not to go to the library.

A similar news came next day:

'Syrian hackers' break into Associated Press' Twitter account and 'break news' that explosions at White House have injured Obama - sending DOW Jones plunging 100 points
Both the DOW Jones Industrial average and Standard & Poor’s 500 Index plunged about 1 percent before regaining their losses

$136.5 billion of the S&P 500 index's value was momentarily wiped clean

Tweet was sent to AP's near 2 million followers and retweeted1,181 times before deleted

White House press secretary: 'The president is fine'

Group called the Syrian Electronic Army has claimed responsibility for hacking

By Nina Golgowski PUBLISHED:12:51 EST, 23 April 2013



Here is my comment on that news:

1. Feds used to commit a crime in enemy’s name. They blamed Al Qaeda for 911 attack. This time they accuse “Syrian Electronic Army” for internet rumur.

2. Twitter is a tool they used to deliver their command.

3. It’s a order to their financial team members to buy in some stock or sell off some stock according to the result of a big terror attack. I have predicted there would be a series of bombings if I went to the library.

4. The mission was cancelled because I didn’t go to library that day. You saw that unusual mark in chart.

I am the one who used to go to Milpitas Library on Tuesday and I have alleged there would be big case applied on me in recent days. These two charts of financial market may have proved my allegations are very accurate.

770. Drill (5/7/2013)

I found that in most of the “terror attack” cases alleged done by the Feds, they always planned drills which were identical to the terror case to assure the success of the plot. The perpetrators – if being caught by security guards – would defend themselves as practitioners of the drill. see “688. Anti-terror drill - bizarre coincidence (9/29/2011)”. Some participants might really thought it was a drill. That was what took place in 7/7/2005 London bombing. The exercise became real bombing, the practitioners became “suiciders”. After that, the informants work for the Feds have been rattled by the fate of those four “suicide bombers”, similar trick couldn’t be used again. Tsarnaev brothers probably were told to prepare for the content of their backpack by themselves. The material might relate to a bomb – Pressure cooker; firecrackers; remote control toys….. only it was not installed into a real bomb. So they were sure they would be safe in a “drill”. What they didn’t know was their master had planted real bomb at site by someone else.

I allege Tsarnaev brothers were recruited informants of the Feds, worked as a cover up team – S.S.G.(special support group). In a big plot, the Feds used to activate a lot of S.S.G. to help the success of the plot and play the role of witness.

The style of Tsarnaev brother cell is similar to Muhammad and Malvo cell in D.C. sniper case. (The sniper killing case was created to threaten law makers to pass the bill (H. J. Res 114) to authorize the use of armed force against Iraq in 2002. see #101 to #128. ) In these cells, Tamerlan (Muhammad in sniper case) was the leader and Dzhokhar (Malvo in sniper case) was the follower. There were pick up as sacrifice because they were minority – Muhammad cell are blacks and Tsarnaev cell are Chechens. The leader was put into death, (Tamerlan and Muhammad) because they knew more than their followers. Dzhokhar and Malvo are in jail (you can imagine what they would be)

Boston marathon bombing happened on same day as 'controlled explosion' drill by Boston bomb squad

Another official rill goes live after Texas fertilizer plant explosion
Texas explosion

April 18, 2013

Coming to light Thursday, only hours after a huge industrial explosion took out a Texas fertilizer plant, also taking out a portion of the small town of West, TX, potentially injuring or killing hundreds more, just so happens to be a little more than an hour’s drive from a huge hospital drill, coincidentally scheduled for the very same day.


The Texas fertilizer plant explosion is not a “terror attack”. What do they want for it?

There is a Gas and electricity terminal near Milpitas Library. I passed by that site sometimes when I go to Wal-Mart after leaving the library. There had been a massive natural gas explosion that killed eight people and destroyed an entire neighborhood in San Bruno, CA, on Sept. 9, 2010. I guess The Texas fertilizer plant explosion was created to justify an Utility gas explosion in Bay Area for a murder purpose.
771. Lies from Media and government (5/14/2013)

(1) If Tsarnaev brothers’ parent were not in Russia then you wouldn’t know it was a framed case and the story government tell you will be thoroughly a different one.

Monday, 22 April 2013 18:00
Russian FSB Reportedly Contacted FBI About Tamerlan Tsarnaev

According to CBS, the FBI initially denied contacting Tsarnaev, but this apparently changed after his mother, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, said they had contacted her son in an interview with Russia Today (RT).


(2) Tsarnaev brother have to be dead since this a framed case

On 4/18 Tamerlan was shot dead. Dzhokhar was arrested and was said in a serious condition.

On 4/21, Dzhokhar remains in hospital, unable to speak, was hinted might be dead any time.

“By Svea Herbst-Bayliss Reuters – Sun, Apr 21, 2013
Tsarnaev was shot in the throat and had tongue damage, said a source close to the investigation, speaking on condition of anonymity.

“We don’t know if we’ll ever be able to question the individual,” Menino told ABC’s “This Week” program. He did not elaborate.


From 4/19 to 4/23, the brothers’ parents in Russia aggressively accused it’s a framed case and believe Tamerlan still alive.

“MOTHER OF BOMBING SUSPECTS: My Sons Would Never Do This And My Older Son Is Still Alive

On 4/23, Dzhokhar now was said in fair condition.

“Boston bombing suspect cites U.S. wars as motivation, officials say
By Scott Wilson, Greg Miller and Sari Horwitz,

From his hospital bed, where he is now listed in fair condition, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has acknowledged his role in planting the explosives near the marathon finish line on April 15, the officials said. The first successful large-scale bombing in the post-Sept. 11, 2001, era, the Boston attack killed three people and wounded more than 250 others.


“Now officials claim Boston bombing suspect was NOT armed in boat showdown - despite police account of firefight and him 'shooting himself'
Officials now claim that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was unarmed as he hid in boat in Watertown

Contradicts Boston Police Commissioner's account of hour-long firefight with Tsarnaev

New York Times said M4 rifle had been found on boat

Police sources suggested Tsarnaev shot himself onboard

By Associated Press and Daily Mail Reporter

, 24 April 2013


It’s not difficult to tell the difference of “armed” or “un-armed”, “fair condition” or “serious condition”, yet it took five days (4/19 to 4/24) for the government and media to correct. It looks like a secret deal has been reached between the Feds and Tsarnaev brothers’ parents (or the Russian government. )So the voice of parents was silenced. Dzhokhar’s life is held to exchange his parents’ silence. The topic of Boston bombing disappeared from media.

772. Bomb “suspect” selection (5/20/2013)

The Feds used to activate a lot of informants and agents in a plot to guarantee its success. The participants used to be told that it was a drill and were ordered to bring a backpack as we have seen in London bombing and Boston bombing.

Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi was a Saudi student. He was injured in the marathon bombing blast and was initially considered a suspect in the deadly terrorist attack. The video shows that he ran quickly away from the bombing site. I allege he was an informant. I think he was frightened that a drill became a real one and worried to be sacrificed in a bombing.

Abdul Rahman has a strong background. (It is said he has a powerful family in Saudi) He is aggressively protected by Saudi government. Saudi also may not want to play the role of “terrorist” again – in 911 attack, 15 of the 19 hijackers have Saudi passports. On 4/18, when the discussion of Saudi student’s role reached peak in internet, the Feds suddenly throw out “Tsarnaev” brothers as the suspects.

Tsarnaev brothers, like that Saudi student, are informants too. They went for a “drill” and ran away when the “drill” became real bombing. Since this was a framed case, they have to be dead. Tamerlan died on 4/18 and Dzhokhar was said shot at throat and can’t speak. Dzhokhar managed to run away for a while (ten hours or so?) The Feds activated a large scale search- 10,000 for an unarmed man.

“Currently 9000 – 10,000 police officers in SWAT gear mobilized in Watertown/Boston.
April 19th, 2013

WATERTOWN – Police have shut down transportation in the Boston area and expanded their search for the second suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing, the man they call “White Hat”.


The unprecedented search proves their fear – Dzhokhar would let out truth if he was not under their control.

Then media told another lie. They said (unspeakable) Dzhokhar admitted that the war in Mid-east was the motivation of the bomb attack. Afghan war and Iraq war took place 10 years ago. Tamerlan hadn’t taken it into his consideration later.

Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect #1 Wanted to Box for U.S.A.

According to a site posting photos of Tsarnaev training at Wai Kru Mixed Martial Arts Center in Boston -- he wanted to be selected for the US Olympic team and become a naturalized citizen.

Tamerlan told the site he'd prefer to box for his native Chechnya, but since it's not an independent country ... he'd choose to box for the US.


The choice of “Tsarnaev brothers” was a sudden decision which caused a lot of inconsistencies. The “Tamerlan’s death” and Dzhokhar’s arrest” story were not concocted well, left many flaws on them. The allegation of “set up” from the parents directly tell the truth. Russia is not an ally. It will not issue statement to confirm a US lie. To make Russia join a cheating needs a secret deal. The Feds apparently hasn’t done this in advance so they fall into dire straits

The Truthseeker: Boston Bombing - What You Aren't Told
773. China is accomplice of the Feds (5/25/2013)

Boston bombing and Virginia Tech. massacre were planned by the Feds to cover up a main plot- "eliminate Kat Sung"(which went soured for some reason). Chinese secret police actively involved in these two cases.

In Virginia Tech. case, the gunman was originally portrayed as a Chinese student.The Chinese government would confirm whatever the Feds said about him,. Here is the news issued right on that day:

"Gunman kills 32 at Virginia Tech before being killed

April 16, 2007

BY MICHAEL SNEED Sun-Times Columnist

Sneed hears authorities were investigating whether the gunman who killed 32 people in a rampage on the Virginia Tech campus was a Chinese national who arrived in the United States last year on a student visa.

The 25-year-old man being investigated for the deadliest college carnage in U.S. history reportedly arrived in San Francisco on a United Airlines flight on Aug. 7, 2006, on a visa issued in Shanghai, the source said. Investigators had not linked him to any terrorist groups, the source added." "

However, the main plot fail to go on their way, the Feds had to change the original plan. Cho Sun-hui - a Korean student, became a sacrifice. (I guess Cho was an informant. In big case, Feds used to activate a lot of informants as special support group)

Here is a news for you to judge how Cho died.

"Virginia Tech Massacre : Police Won't Rule Out Second Shooter/Accomplice, Yet

Killer Shot Himself, Through The Back Of The Head, Blowing Out His Face

Police claim by the time they reached the second floor, the gun fire had stopped and Cho was found on the floor of a classroom. Police claim he shot himself, through the back of the head :

“He opened fire to the back of his head and blew up the front part of his head, which has made it difficult to identify him...”

http://yournewreality.blogspot.com/2007/04/virginia-tech-massacre-police-wont-rule.html "

Same tactic was seen in Boston bombing. There are a lot of pictures of bombing site were issued in internet, they were mainly about the amputee man (Bauman) and other cover up teams. The purpose is to comfort people that it was an stage show that there was no real casualty. The foundation to rule this country is a massive informant’s troop. Those informants were rattled after 911 attack and 7/7 London bombing which reminded them any time they could become involuntary "suicides". Now it’s a big job for Feds to prove them that it was only an actors' show. This is why in those bloody pictures, we saw no real dead victim.

News said that three people were dead in Boston bombing. One was a Chinese student. Chinese government would confirm what the news said. In this case Chinese secret police is an accomplice.

The fate of tsarnaev brothers were decided when the Feds decided to frame them as the suspects of Boston bombing,. The Feds issued suspects’ photo on 4/18. Tamerlan was shot to death that night and Dzhokhar was chased by 10,000 police thereafter before the brothers had chance to know that they had become suspects. The point was to create a case that they had a conflict with police. So there was the odd news of the death of a MIT police and car hijacking that night.

Boston Bombers’ Carjacking Victim Is A Chinese Entrepreneur Named ‘Danny’

Adam Pasick April 26, 2013

The man who was carjacked by alleged Boston Marathon bombers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, and who made a daring escape that helped lead to their apprehension, is a 26-year-old Chinese immigrant engineer and entrepreneur who has asked only to be identified by his American nickname, Danny.

The Boston Globe interviewed Danny and reported that he is from a “province in central China” who studied engineering at Northeastern University before starting up a company in Boston’s Kendall Square. He asked the Globe not to disclose his full name, although it may be made public if and when he testifies against Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.



Danny – The Mysterious Chinese Hero of the Boston Bombings

By Yishi Zuo May 13, 2013


774. China and avian flu (6/5/2013)

The Feds had used bio-attack as murder weapon twice in my case. SARS in 2003 was the first one. The virus was bird flu H5N1. ( see #130, #137 to #164) The second one was Swine flu in 2009. The virus was bird flu H1N1. (see #596 to #608) This April there was the third one- the bird flu H7N9 attack. As usual, Chinese secret police is partner of the Feds in this case.

1. The bird flu starts in Shanghai on April 1.

Two men die in Shanghai in first human cases of bird flu strain

Lo Wei and He Huifeng 01 April, 2013


2. Development.

4/6. “ The New Bird Flu: How Dangerous Is Avian Flu H7N9?” ( forbes.com)

4/18. “China's Bird Flu Is Being Spread from Human to Human” (By Alexander Abad-Santos | The Atlantic Wire 4/18/2013)

New bird flu may be capable of human to human spread - study

By Lavinia Mo 5/24/2013

HONG KONG (Reuters) - The new H7N9 bird flu virus can be transmitted between mammals not only via direct contact but also in airborne droplets, and may be capable of spreading from person to person, Chinese and American researchers have found.

The SARS started in Hong Kong then extended into Shanghai in 2003. It meant the virus was spread by the US intelligence. In 2013, the course reverses. It means the technique has been passed to the Chinese secret police by the Feds.

My wife has relatives living in Hong Kong and I have relatives living in Shanghai. The location of disease may indicate the Feds intended to silence most people who know my story.

3. Beware of a big disaster.

New virus called ‘threat to the entire world’

..By Claudine Zap 5/29/2013

The first death in France from a new SARS-like coronavirus brings the worldwide total for the disease to 27 deaths and 49 infections, CNN reports.


I think in Feds’ plot, the Boston bombing would eventually developed into “war on Iran” which will be protested by other countries. To deal with possible resistance, they changed former Pope Benedict with a puppet of their own. The previous news indicates that the Feds would also punish the disobedient countries with SARS-like disease if others dare to protest.

Bird flu costs China industry $6.5 bn: state media

Agence France-Presse May 20, 2013


China will be paid for this secret deal. It will likely be settled in this meeting:

Obama to meet with China's Xi in California June 7-8

WASHINGTON | Mon May 20, 2013

(Reuters) - President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping will hold their first meeting since Xi became president in March when they sit down for a June 7-8 summit in Rancho Mirage, California, the White House announced on Monday.


775. Events on June 7 (6/10/2013)

The summit of Xi and Obama in Rancho Mirage was prepared within a short time. It was arranged by National Security Adviser Tom Donilon. News was released on May 20. 17 days for a summit was really efficient. Obviously it was arranged by intelligence and bypassed the bureaucracy. A secret deal reached that can’t be written down on a paper because it’s evil. It was assured by oral promising of the celebrities. The summit itself was under the cover up of “promote the relationship of leaders”. Anyhow the lie was broken up by the news that Michelle Obama did not attend the private meeting.

You Know Why Lady M Is Skippin' The Big China Summit, Don't You? Jelous

First lady diplomacy is also very important and the US side has failed to cooperate," he said. "According to normal diplomatic etiquette this is very strange. It shouldn't be like this.


There is no surprise If you know this is for a secret deal. A confidential meeting should not be interrupted by first lady.

The Feds need to finish the case before September. (When the FBI Chief Robert Mueller will retire) The unusual summit was taken place on 6/7. On that day, three relatives of my wife from Canada came to San Jose to live at my house. One was my wife’s niece attending a piano contest. Relatives say that though it was not a popular contest, they came because we live here. I think it was arranged by the Feds. Next day my wife brought them to a shopping tour in Great Mall.

Milpitas: Man killed in fight at Great Mall sporting goods store

By Eric Kurhiekurhi@mercurynews.commercurynews.com

Posted: 06/07/2013


I was rattled by this killing because when I go to Milpitas Library, I used to take a short cut through the parking lot of Great Mall.
776. Boston bombing from another angle (6/21/2013)

1. Obviously Tarmalan Tsarnaev was a recruited informant of FBI whom was used to infiltrate the Chechen rebel group.

Former FBI Employee: Bombers Could Have Been Recruited By FBI
April 24, 2013
Former FBI employee Sibel Edmonds believes the pursuit of truth will eventually lead to a far more secret agenda by the US, which she reveals to RT.


2. Russian intelligence discovered Tarmalan. He lost his value as an informant. That was why he and his brother were sacrificed when the Feds needed some scapegoat in Boston bombing case.

3. Tsarnaev brothers were used as scapegoats in Boston bombing case, they have to be dead so no one could challenge the truth of government story.

4. Tsarnaev brothers’ fate.

April 18, FBI released the photo of suspects while Tsarnaev brothers were arranged in a meeting trap which later was described as a carjacking (As informants they had to answer any call from the Feds). To justify their death, the Feds also created a mysterious death of a MIT police. As a result, Tarmalan was pronounced dead, though other news showed a naked man arrested by police was Tarmalan.

- Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, the mother of the alleged bombers, claims the men were “framed by the authorities” and that the video of a naked man being arrested on the night the suspects were captured, which authorities claim was an unrelated individual who was later released, was in fact Tamerlan Tsarnaev. The video shows an uninjured man being led to a squad car, whereas police claim Tsarnaev was badly injured when he was captured and later died in the hospital.

Dzhokhar managed to escape for some time. The Feds activated 10,000 police to search the escapee to prevent the operation out of control. Such unprecedented action may indicate how scary the Feds were to the truth. You also can see due to the scare of truth, they made Dzhokhar unspeakable. Some news said Dzhokhar was shot in the throat and had tongue damage. Some news said his throat was cut by knife.

Anyhow, the Feds need “suspect’s own confession” to justify a framed case. So unspeakable Dzhokhar admitted
"the American wars in Iraq and Afghanistan motivated him and his brother to carry out the attack," according to “U.S. officials familiar with the interviews." The sources said that Tsarnaev had "acknowledged his role in planting the explosives near the marathon finish line on April 15."

5. The case developing was out of control. The brothers’s parents are in Russia. They revealed the lie of FBI that they knew nothing about Tarmalan before bombing. The parents aggressively accused “set up” plot by FBI. At last, to quite the parents of Dzhokhar, there was a compromise.

Dzhokhar contradicts reports of confession, claims innocence

By Ralph Lopez Jun 2, 2013
Last Friday the AP reported:

"The remaining suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings has recovered enough to walk and assured his parents in a phone conversation that he and his slain brother were innocent, their mother told the Associated Press."

6. Scapegoat in FBI.
Tsarnaev bothers should be dead in Boston bombing plot. Dzhokhar survives which brings a lot of embarrassment for FBI. Some people have to take responsibility.
FBI Agents Killed in Virginia Were Investigating the Boston Bombing
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Two FBI agents died in a “fall” from a helicopter in Virginia this week. Days later it has emerged that these agents were involved in the arrest of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings.

777. Boston bombing from another angle (6/26/2013)

7. Death of witness.

Falsely Identified ‘Boston Bomber’ Found Dead In River

Paul Joseph Watson
Infowars.com April 25, 2013
One of the individuals identified by 4chan users as a possible Boston bombing accomplice has been found dead in the Providence River.

Tripathi’s possible connection to the Boston bombing was first raised by users of the 4chan website when it was pointed out that his image bore a similarity to one of the suspects first named by the FBI who later turned out to be Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev.


8. Attempt to frame Tsarnaev brothers in another case.

To calm Tsarnaev brothers’ parents, the FBI had to let “unspeakable” Dzhokhar call his mother to claim he and his brother were innocent. But how can the Feds now keep on detain innocent Dzhokhar(he may know too much of the truth) and justify the murder of Tarmalan? The Feds obviously intend to frame them in a 2011 triple murder case.

The FBI says that, just before the attack, Todashev had admitted to a role in a 2011 triple murder and was about to sign a written confession.

Like Tamerlan Tsarnaev's mother, Ibragim Todashev had expressed his feelings that the older Tsarnaev brother had been "set up" by the FBI to take the blame for the Boston bombings. On May 30th, CBS News reported:

"FBI agents interrogated the younger Todashev twice before the night he was shot, his father said. Todashev told him that he thought Tsarnaev had been set up to take blame for the bombings."

According to other reports, Todashev had also expressed fears that he himself was being "set up." The Atlantic Wire wrote last week:

Read more: http://digitaljournal.com/article/351376#ixzz2VOHY0WyF
Todashev alleged the set up on Tsarnaevs and was also afraid of being set up on himself before he was shot to death.
9. Todashev ‘s death.

Officials: Man who knew Boston bombing suspect was unarmed when shot
By Sari Horwitz and Peter Finn, Washington Post Published: May 29

Initial reports citing anonymous law-enforcement individuals provided conflicting accounts of what happened. Some law enforcement officials said Todashev wielded a knife and others suggested that he attempted to grab the FBI agent’s gun.

One law enforcement official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation, said Wednesday that Todashev lunged at the agent and overturned a table. But the official said Todashev did not have a gun or a knife. A second official also said Todashev was unarmed.
An official said that according to one account of the shooting, the other law enforcement officials had just stepped out of the room, leaving the FBI agent alone with Todashev, when the confrontation occurred.


10. Boston bombing was a failed false flag case. The punishment for the murderer is retirement. Or is it a reward, compare to that two agents fell from a helicopter ?

Boston FBI boss, key bomb probe figure, steps down

Chief of FBI's Boston office, key figure in marathon bombing investigation, stepping down
By Denise Lavoie, AP Legal Affairs Writer | Associated Press – Tue, Jun 11, 2013.

Richard DesLauriers, who's been special agent in charge of the office since July 2010, said he will leave next month after more than 26 years with the FBI. He said he has accepted a position as vice president of corporate security with Penske Corp., a transportation services company, in Bloomfield Hills, Mich
DesLauriers, 53, four years younger than the mandatory retirement age for FBI agents, said he first learned of the Penske job in March but delayed his decision because of the bombing investigation.
778. Edward Snowden works for the Feds (7/5/2013)

My comment based on the following facts.

1. Time line. Recent events all related to the core plot- elimination of Kat Sung.

(1) The final stage of Boston bombing. It is marked by the killing of Toadshev in late May and the retirement announcement of the Boston FBI Chief in early June.

(2) On 6/7, an unusual private meeting between Obama and Xi (Chinese President) was arranged suddenly in California. Payment of the secret deal apparantly was an issue.
(3) On 6/14, “Former US National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden revealed to Hong Kong’s English-language newspaper, the South China Morning Post, on Wednesday that Washington has hacked into hundreds of civilian targets in Hong Kong and mainland China.” http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2013/06/14/hong-j14.html

2. Snowden’s revelation apparantly is the result of that private summit. It is part of a secret deal between the secret police of US and China.

US recently “has repeatedly accused Beijing of perpetrating cyber-warfare, while China has continuously denied the accusations.

The latest round in this blame game saw the US Defense Science Board publish a report saying that nearly 40 Pentagon weapons programs and almost 30 other defense technologies were compromised by Chinese hackers, some allegedly tied to the military or government.


It’s not a coincidence that Snowden chose Hong Kong as the place for his revelation. Hong Kong belongs to China. it’s a payment to China. His revelation largely releases the pressure on China.

3. It is a reward to Chinese secret police for their collaboration in Boston bombing. In which they confirmed one of the death was a Chinese student. They also joined a carjacking set up to trap Tsarnaev brothers. (mysterious Danny). Also for a big operation to create a bird flu which estimated 6.5 billion in cost. (see “774. China and bird flu (6/5/2013)”)

4. Noimportant information has Snowden leaked to public because his job is just to release the “cyber spying”pressure from China. What he said is to prove US does same thing that China does. It’s common that Government of the world spying on people and foreign countries. Americans know echelon, Patriot Act since 911. So what for Prism.

5. Snowden is helped by Wikeleaks in his travel plan and finance. It proves true what I alleged two years ago that Assange was a false flag. The mastermind behind them is the same organization. (see “655. Bin Laden and Julian Assange, False flag and living plant (12/7/2010)”)
779. Big plot in 2013 (7/10/2013)

Started from this February the Feds activated a series of big operations at the purpose to distract public attention from a small operation – eliminating Kat Sung. It looks absurd for some people, but has been proved true by decade long history. If you have reviewed whole of my story, you may have got familiar with these tactics already.

1. Attempted war on Iran. (1) A “meteorite” exploded in Russia on 2/15. It was an intimidation to Russia with a high tech. weapon which imitated meteor explosion. Russia is Iran’s ally. (2) Almost at same time former Pope Benedict resigned under pressure. As a Pope, Benedict would oppose war on Iran if it happens. (see #759) So they replace him with a puppet-Francis.

2. Natural disease – Bird Flu epidemic. It was carried out by Chinese secret police and started from 4/1. (see “774. China and bird flu (6/5/2013)”)

3. A nuclear war crisis created by N. Korea. N. Korea has been bribed to do this for three times. Each time it related to elimination plot.

(1) 1st nuclear test- 10/9/2006. (see “440. October surprise (10/5/06)” to #445)
(2) Second nuke test- 5/25/2009. (See “614. Secret deal with N.Korea (11/22/09)”)
(3) Third nuclear test- 2/12/2013. (see “765. How to justify a nuclear attack? (4/1/2013)”). The goal is to frame Iran to “nuclear proliferation with N. Korea.

4. Terror attack in US which at last will justify the war on Iran. It will be a “dirty bomb attack” or “nuclear bomb attack”. The likely target will be New York City. You saw their intention (1) In March, Osama bin Laden's son-in-law, who acted as a spokesman for al-Qaida, has been apprehended, transported to New York. The trial on him will justify an “Al Qaida revenge attack” in New York. (2) Tsanaev brothers of Boston bombing were accused of

“April 25, 2013
Tsarnaev Brothers Planned Times Square Attack After Boston Bombing


Korea war crisis, domestic nuclear terror attack, epidemic, war on Iran, each single event could develop to a big disaster, let alone all of them take place together. It’s because FBI Chief Robert Mueller will step down in this September. The punishment of murdering is just resignation. So they took the advantage and chance to plan such big events.

780. Sinkhole plot and HAARP (1) (7/19/2013)

In February 2006, a landslide in Philippine caught my notice.

the landslide that buried a town. 2/17/2006

A massive rock slide-debris avalanche occurred on 17 February 2006 in the Philippine province of Southern Leyte that caused widespread damage and loss of life. The deadly landslide followed a ten-day period of heavy rains and a minor earthquake (magnitude 2.6 on the Richter scale). The official death toll was 1,126


Then on 2/25/2006, the “San Jose Mercury News” issued a warning of “Liquefaction quake”, I thought it was a climate weapon and the Feds would use that on me. I wrote “389. Liquefaction quake and rain (2/27/06)”. In which I said,

“When there was a landslide in Philippine which buried about 1500 people, I thought it might be an experiment of another climate weapon. US happened to have a military maneuvers nearby. So US troops quickly came to help. And I had alleged the tsunami and a meteor event happened in Indonesia were the results of a covert military experiment. US seems like to have the South-east Asia as its test area”

On 2/25, there was an article in Mercury News. "Quake risks mapped', "Improved geological survey maps reclassify parts of Bay Area for threat of liquefaction and provide a much closer look at neighborhood conditions." , "Liquefaction occurs when loose, waterlogged soil is shaken. It loses strength and behaves like a fluid, causing buildings to sink in much the same way your feet sink into soggy sand at the edge of the surf."

I checked the color map and found my house was in red color area - the highest risk area.”

My thought has been proved correct many times. That’s why I put the writing date on my each article. After I said I worried about a liquefaction, there was a continuous rain. 50 days later, I wrote “399. Unusual rain lasted 50 days (4/20/06)” In that period, I saved the water drained from the roof with garbage cans and moved the water to street drainage to avoid saturating the soil in my yard

A few years later, especially after the 2011 earthquake in Japan, see “661. Earthquake of Japan (3/14/2011)” I learned another technique – HARRP.

I learned that to create a landslide, in addition to plenty of water, they also need an energy wave to stir the waterlogged soil to make it can flow like fluid.

The landslide happened in 2006 in Philippine was a massacre in the name of natural disaster. It applied in large area. A news in early 2013 indicated that the Feds has developed it into an individual murder weapon.

A loud crash, then nothing: Sinkhole swallows Florida man

By Michael Pearson and John Zarrella CNN Tue March 5, 2013
Seffner, Florida (CNN) -- The ground just swallowed him up.

A Florida man fell into a sinkhole that opened suddenly Thursday night beneath the bedroom of his suburban Tampa home, calling out to his brother for help as he fell, the brother said Friday.

781. Sinkhole plot and HAARP (2) (7/23/2013)

The foundation of an artificial sinkhole is similar to the artificial landslide – soil saturated with water becomes fluid when it is shaken by energy wave. The Florida case may indicate the Feds have developed it to a murder weapon – to produce a sinkhole in a specific small area. Here is the picture of the site. No sinkhole can be seen from outside because it’s just beneath bedroom.


I got a letter from San Jose Water company several days ago.

Important information for San Jose Water Company customers
The exterior water service line that runs on your property from the San Jose Water Company service connection to your home is your responsibility as the homeowner. If you were unfortunate enough to suffer a break or burst in this line, it would be up to you to get the leak repaired.
You should be prepared and have the best possible service in the case of such an emergency. Activate this optional coverage from Home Emergency Insurance Solutions and you’ll receive a 24/7, 365-day-a-year emergency repair service for your exterior water service line.
Home Emergency Insurance Solutions is an independent company separate from San Jose Water Company and offers and administers this optional insurance as an authorized representative for Wesco Insurance Company. …..”

I suspect the Feds have projected another murder plan with their newly developed technique. In 2006, two weeks after the successful test of landslide in Philippine, there was an unusual 50 days long rain in my area. This time, after the mysterious sinkhole case in Florida in March, San Jose water company had an eagerness to introduce a “water leaking insurance “ to me. It is the second letter to me. They made another offer several months ago which I have left alone. This is the first time San Jose Water company expresses so enthusiastically to me on this issue for decades.

It needs a lot of water to produce a sinkhole. I think the water would come from “water pipe leaking”. The letter urges to “Please reply by 8/9/13”. Still they want to take the advantage of Robert Mueller’s September leaving.

782. Sandy Hook Elementary shooting case from my point of view (8/1/2013)

I think it was created by the Feds. A major actor of that case – Robbie Parker’s story reminds me of my experience.

In 1994, my daughter was 6 years old, she lost her three original playmates. They were moved away with their families. Instead of, the Feds arranged three new same age playmates for my daughter. G-man’s daughter was one of them.

G-man was hired by the travel company where my wife worked. It was a small company with only four staffs including the owner. He spoke same dialect of my wife – Shanghaies so he was well acquainted with my wife soon, especially they had same age daughter. G-man was a hotel manager ran casino division in Sri-Lanka before he migrated to US. There his friends were high ranking celebrities. (see “643. Foreign agents or foreign support groups? (8/12/2010)”)
The Feds used to pick up agents fit for their condition. G-man speaks Shanghaies and had a daughter of same age with mine, so he was chosen.

Robbie Parker was picked up under same condition. In Sandy Hook case, the Feds need children of age of first grade students. First grade children are new to school. Their families had little chance to know each other. Nobody could prove it if there was a fraud.

Like G-man, Robbie parker’s family was picked up to Sandy Hook particularly for the case. He is not local resident. His original society and community is in Utah. You can recognize it from the following donation announcement.

Original funding page in facebook (the content I copied):

Joined Facebook 12/14/2012

Native of Utah, Emilie Parker was killed in the shooting at Sandy Hook Elem. We are seeking to assist the Parkers by setting up the Emilie Parker Memorial Fund at America First Credit Union in Utah.

Instructions on the Emilie Parker Memorial Account at America First Credit Union (account #5001359). For AFCU members making a transfer, select the Savings as the type of account, and the last name on the account is Parker. For non AFCU members, the AFCU routing number is 324377516. This account has been shared by several Utah media outlets and can be trusted. Thank you.

A PAYPAL account is also available if you use the email brookeprothero@yahoo.com

Robbie Parker was selected not only he has a six years old Emilie but also for he has three look alike daughters. Since 911, more and more people don’t believe official’s story. With Robbie Parker’s story, the Feds also created another case to discredit “truthers”.
783. Sandy Hook Elem. Shooting was a false flag (8/5/2013)
No one could do Sandy Hook massacre except the Feds because so many resources were activated: police, media, government officials and informants (some were called as "actors" by people.) Therefore they of course would let out disinformation to meddle the water.
Robbie Parker was planned as a trap to discredit “Sandy Hook truthers”. He was selected because he has three look alike daughters, all with blonde hair and you can hardly recognize them if they wear same dress.
Here is a picture that obviously doctored. Madeline and Samantha have no legs in the photo. It was cut and replaced by other stuff. The two legs of Mr. Park on bottom part is from another photo. The size and location of the leg does not fit Robbie Parker’s body.
In another picture they deliberately let Madeline wearing Emilie's dress in photo with Obama. They also let her have Emilie’s hair style in picture one. The dress and hair style were designed to confusing people (that Emilie wasn’t dead) then to prove the suspicious people are "conspiracy theorists". No others have the motive and resource to do that. Those who could take pictures of Obama and Samantha have the privilege even to manipulate president as an actor.
This picture was created particularly to mislead people to conclude Emily hadn't died. (by letting Madeline wear Emily's dress) It’s a trap set up for suspicious people. See how happy those actors are. Are they family members who just lost a lovely girl and after memory service? It’s more like a celebrating party.
784. Al Qaida terror attack to distract (8/14/2013)
In “779. Big events in 2013 is a big plot (7/10/2013)” I said the Feds had a big plot – from February to June, they activated attempted war on Iran; Korea Peninsula nuclear war crisis; China bird flu epidemic; domestic terror attack (Boston bombing). However, they couldn’t maintain these big operations too long. The payment is huge to keep the big actors – China and N. Korea. The following news hints that N. Korea was still in performance in late May. (N. Korea had nuke test in February 2013)
North Korea missile launches: Pyongyang toying with foes?
By Peter Grier | Christian Science Monitor 5/20/2013
That's one explanation for Day 3 of provocation from North Korea, which again fired short-range missiles or rockets into the ocean. So far, the medium-range North Korea missiles that caused a flap in April are nowhere to be seen.
The big operation seems ended in June which signaled by the June meeting of Obama and Xi (Chinese President) in California and the Snowden case thereafter.
Anyhow the core mission – elimination of Kat Sung failed to go through. There were still two months away from September – when FBI Chief Robert Mueller will step down. Thus the Feds is having a new plan
U.S. issues global travel alert over al-Qaeda threat
Embassies to close in Muslim world this Sunday
The Associated Press Aug 2, 2013
"Current information suggests that al-Qaeda and affiliated organizations continue to plan terrorist attacks both in the region and beyond, and that they may focus efforts to conduct attacks in the period between now and the end of August," the statement said.
Unexplained, conflicting US global terror warnings now extend to American homeland
Do you understand the sentence of “in the period between now and the end of August”. Does it mean anything for any particular Al Qaida mission? It just fits well to Robert Mueller’s Kat Sung murder plan before his retirement.
785. Manipulating puppet Al Qaida (8/18/2013)
The preparation for August plot – They organized big prison breakings.

Interpol issues alert on mass prison breaks in Pakistan, Iraq and Libya

August 03, 2013

Interpol issued a global security alert to 9 nations Saturday after a series of prison breaks in Iraq, Libya and Pakistan, which the agency says may be linked, and in some cases were organized by al Qaeda.


Prison break: Taliban gunmen free 300 inmates from Pakistan jail
Published time: July 30, 2013
Benghazi jailbreak: Over 1,100 prisoners escape in Libya amid protests
Published time: July 27, 2013

Over 500 ‘Al-Qaeda militants’ escape Iraq’s Abu Ghraib in violent break-out
Published time: July 22, 2013

This is a seldom show of the Feds work.
1. 300, 1100, 500 prisoners escaped . It was unprecedented big..
2. All prison breakings seemed to be successful, no casualty heard. It means the cases were carried out with the co-operation of the authority.
3. There was little news about detail. The authority doesn’t want you know too much. This was a let-go-free operation.
4. All these countries are controlled by US. They are either “Anti-terror ally” or “liberated” country by US army or its allies.
5. Apparently the planner has the ability to control the government of these three countries and also can manipulate the Al Qaida.
All prison breakings happened in later July 2013 because they need cannon fodder in coming month.
We saw this from government announcement of “closing the embassies” in Aug. 2nd. “they (Al Qaida) may focus efforts to conduct attacks in the period between now and the end of August,"


The war on terror was invented by the Feds. The purpose is to demand more money and power from people. So when the intelligence and Pentagon are there, the terror will be there too. If there is none, they create one.

Human have hound in their house to protect their family against the wolf. As the hound getting more power, they don't want to be guards any more. They want to be master. So the hound trained some wolf they captured. Let the agent wolf to attack and kill human. Human is frightened. They give hound whatever they demanded -money, power ..... Now hound become master. When they need something, they let the agent wolf have an attack on human, then said, this is a long war, to protect your lives, I need warrantless surveillance, more budget fund, torture prison.... . The hound repeated its demand, "This enemy has struck us, and they will strike again, and we'll give our folks the tools necessary to protect the country," if you don't then the hound "can not protect ourselves".

That's why we saw after 10 years, occasionally a wolf or two were captured. But hundreds of thousands of innocent people died. There is an endless war to control people. A constant blackmail for more power.

786. Plot of August 25 (8/27/2013)

On Sunday, Aug. 25, the media was crowded with the news of “Syria Chemical attack”, “Obama’s red line”…..

Senior Administration Official: ‘Very Little Doubt’ Assad Regime Behind Alleged Chemical Attack
Aug 25, 2013


Navy ready to launch first strike on Syria

Britain is planning to join forces with America and launch military action against Syria within days in response to the gas attack believed to have been carried out by President Bashar al-Assad’s forces against his own people.
By Tim Ross and Ben Farmer
25 Aug 2013


Like what happened early this month that government issued “travel warning”, “US embassies closing”, it was just a one day’s fever. Aug. 25 was Sunday. My family members visited me on that day. They invited me to lunch in Fremont. I refused. We must take the road through Milpitas to that restaurant. The area I avoid to go since Boston bombing and Waco factory explosion that took place in April. I guess the Feds have prepared a bombing trap there.
I think if I have accepted their invitation, a bombing incident would happen and war on Syria and then war on Iran would come successively. I am sad for my relatives. I know they are manipulated by the Feds. They think they are safe to work for the Feds. Like the four “suicide bombers” in London 7/7 bombing and Tsarnaev brothers in Boston bombing, when they were told to join a drill with backpacks, they never had dreamed of they were the sacrifices.
787. Iran war is the core tactic to distract (8/31/2013)

Last month I wrote “779. Big events in 2013 is a big plot (7/10/2013)”and pointed out the tactic the Feds used.
1. Attempted war on Iran. ….. (2) In same month, former Pope Benedict resigned under pressure. The Feds replaced him with a puppet of their own. As a Pope, Benedict would oppose war on Iran if it happenes. (see #759)

2. Bio attack – Bird Flu epidemic. ……

3. A nuclear war panic created by N. Korea. ……..

4. Domestic terror attack which at last will justify the war on Iran. The “terror attack” will be a “dirty bomb attack” or “nuclear bomb attack”. The likely target will be New York City. …..
Last plot ended in June which is signaled by Obama and Xi’s meeting. New plot has been planned in August 25. (see #786). The collaborators - China and N. Korea has been changed into Al Qaida. You can see the new tactic from the two news below.

Pope decries Syrian atrocities

In the wake of a suspected chemical attack, Pope Francis urges the international community to do more to end the country's civil war. Lindsey Parietti reports.

New puppet Pope Francis would have joined US choir to blame Syria regime on chemical attack because US official claims "very little doubt" Syria used chemical weapons."

US arrests man 'with uranium for Iran in shoes'

August 24, 2013 Iran

A man was arrested in New York City's international airport with uranium destined for Iran hidden in the soles of his shoes, the US Justice Department said.

This news proves what I wrote before: Iran is targeted, New York related and nuclear horror is used. The two news were issued on Aug. 24, one day before the action day – Aug 25.

788. Mid-East trip and toy gun (9/9/2013)

On 8/25, I also learned that my relatives might have a travel to Turkey in October. Yesterday, my wife told me they have been there a week already. The trip will be 18 days long. It’s an abrupt change. Apparantly it was an order from the Feds – to catch the fever of Syria’s “chemical weapon red line” crisis. Obama would activate bombing in recent day. It could develop into a big war –with Iran and included. It’s dangerous to take a travel in that area nowadays. My relatives still have to go. They have to follow the instruction of the Feds– even it is an apparent trap.

My daughter bought a townhouse several months ago. She moves to her house last month – it was accordant to the Feds’ plan – I alleged the big plot was planned from Feb. to June. They squeezed all money from my wife and daughter for the down payment of the house. Since they(my wife and daughter) are both designated to be silenced, this is the easier way to loot money – to get it from a foreclosure house. (see “740. Seize the house and frame a case (10/10/2012)”)

One week ago, my daughter had several parcels delivered to my house. She bought them in Internet shopping. I wondered why she was still use the old address instead of her own. She handed me the empty box and told me to throw them away. I always felt the Feds try to frame case on garbage. (see“689. Plant in garbage can and 6/10/2011 case (10/17/2011)” and “690. FBI the trash men (10/17.2011)”). I didn’t follow her words.

Last month, I astonished to find a gun in utility cabinet. Then I found it was a toy gun but it looks like real. My daughter admitted it was hers. She said that it was for Hallowing Festival. I have never seen my daughter playing toy gun and she doesn’t live in my house anymore. Why did she put a toy gun which looks like a real one in cabinet? Police used to shoot victims at the excuse that they held something look like a weapon. This is the second time they try to plant a gun (or look like a real gun) on me. (see “ 25. Neighbor seller and gun”) In Trayvon Martin and Geroge Zimmerman's case. Zimmerman said Trayvon attacked him so he had to shoot him to death. Trayvon Martin could never defend himself because he was dead already.



The toy gun looks like real
789. Ready for Syria war (9/13/2013)
The big plot (started from this February) ended in June. The Feds immediately projected a new one. The main purpose is to eliminate Kat Sung and his family. We saw it on 8/25 and a sudden arranged trip to Turkey. (see “786. August 25 plot (8/27/2013)” to #788)
Curiously the cover up action, though is subordinate one, is much bigger because it has to be large enough to distract public’s attention from a small case. It’s the war in Syria and Iran war thereafter. To prepare the man power for that war we saw the big prisoners escape in late July ( see “785. Manipulating Al Qaida (8/18/2013)”), and material supply in August.
U.S. weapons reaching Syrian rebels
By Ernesto Londoño and Greg Miller, 9/11/2013
The CIA has begun delivering weapons to rebels in Syria, ending months of delay in lethal aid that had been promised by the Obama administration, according to U.S. officials and Syrian figures. The shipments began streaming into the country over the past two weeks, along with separate deliveries by the State Department of vehicles and other gear — a flow of material that marks a major escalation of the U.S. role in Syria’s civil war.
On 8/21, US had a framed Chemical weapon attack in Syria to justify a planned missile attack on Syria.
U.S. intelligence agencies involved in chemical attack in Syria
By debatableopinion August 31st, 2013 13:24
In the message August 22 Eugene Furst congratulates Col. on successful operation and refers him to Wasington Post publication about chemical attack in Syria. From the Anthony’s wife dialog with her friend it’s clear the video with the children killed in the chemical attack near Damascus was staged by U.S. Intelligence.
On 8/25, US government lunched an active propaganda wave to justify an attack on Syria. It seems to be a failure under the opposition of American people. From my opinion, it is because they failed the main action – eliminate Kat Sung. Sign indicates the current plot is not finished yet.
790. Sept. Q.E. tapering off and Mueller’s stepping down (9/22/2013)
Here are some of my articles. Later development used to prove they were correct.
September should be the last month for Robert Mueller in his FBI office. (Sep. 2001 – Sep. 2011) His term has been extended for two more years. He has to finish Kat Sung before he leaves the office. (#694)
That’s why this year we saw the last crazy before Robert Mueller’s leaving. The big events – North Korea nuclear war crisis, the bird flu in China, Boston bombing. All ended with Snowden’s case in June.
Two months left before Mueller’s stepping down. So they hurried off a last minute effort – organized a Mid-East crisis which signaled by great prison escapes, US embassies close and Chemical weapon attack in Syria.
Embassies to close in Muslim world this Sunday
The Associated Press Aug 2, 2013
"Current information suggests that al-Qaeda and affiliated organizations continue to plan terrorist attacks both in the region and beyond, and that they may focus efforts to conduct attacks in the period between now and the end of August," the statement said.
Why Al Qaida “focus to conduct attacks in the period between now (Aug 2) and the end of August, “? More likely, it fits the time of
Mueller stepped down on September 4, 2013, and was replaced by James Comey.[10]
The Feds held many houses in my case partly for the convenience of surveillance. It also created a lot of profit for them because they can manipulate the policy. In my case, Feds bought the houses of nearly whole area according to my observation. It now becomes a hot potato for them. The interest rate now is a very important factor for them to maintain those real estate properties. They have to force the Federal Reserve to start a third Q.E. to keep the interest rate low . I describe the story from #733 to “739. The third housing bubble (10/1/2012)”).
The Q.E. for sure will create a big inflation bubble and a housing bubble as well. Bernanke likely has been assured he could taper off Q.E. after September. The Feds thought they could eliminate Kat Sung before Robert Mueller’s leaving. However, it fails.
To maintain the interest of the Feds, Bernanke has to break up his promise and take the blame.
Bernanke blasted after surprise no-taper decision
Many blamed Bernanke and fellow members of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) for having since May repeatedly suggested a September taper of the quantitative easing (QE) program.