I do not understand how he can promise all the things he promises. At times he says he will use the money currently spent from the war that he will end. At other times he complains we are borrowing money for the war and that is outrageous, and he will change that. Well does he want to borrow money from China for health care? Because if he is taking money that was going to the war for health care then we are still borrowing money from China to fund things we can not afford.
I think his foreign policy is a joke, but don’t get me wrong I don’t think bush did any great job either. I almost want him elected just to watch him sit down with the nut job leader of Iran to have talks. It’s much like trying to reason with Hitler, it’s not possible.
I guess if we are to mean when he says “hope” he means his for foreign policy then ugh that’s scary that we have to “hope” it work. I don’t want this idiot playing games like this with my Country.
When Bill Clinton ran for president they started that “rock the vote” kids were all jazzed up, asking cute questions like does he wear boxers. But they were MIA on voting day. I don’t know that this will be any different. Besides I don’t think because you have a lot of youth excited to hold Obama sign that is a sign that he is worthy to be president.
I don’t think either of the other candidates have good platforms either. Don’t get me wrong, I am not railing against Obama because I want Hillary or because im a McCain backer. I don’t like any of them I just think Obama is by far the most dangerous. I see him as a wild card that has more of a chance of being something dangerous than just bad.
I don’t think a college education should take 20 years to pay off, but they took less than that to pay off the college education for two people at 4 Ivy League schools. And she complained about It.! Things are not free. If you want to go to a prestigious school it’s going to cost you more than a normal university or community college.
Another thing I begrudge about her statement is that she encouraged others not to do what she herself and her husband did. Went to great schools, became professionals and lived the upper middle class dream most strive for.
I respect that you don’t like our troops being in Iraq. And you might be one of the nice ones who verbalize it and leave it at that, or perhaps carry a sign by the side of the road. I love seeing protesters, it makes me smile because I like that I live in a country that you can protest.
I learned in training (for my work) when you are going to give some negative comments to someone who works under you, always be sure to think of a couple of nice things to compliment them before you tell them the negative. I guess it would be nice if one in every ten criticisms made about our country there could be one positive comment. I never hear anything from the left good about our country. If I were in some other country listening to the crud they spew out, I really probably would dislike our country too.
To some degree yes I would say the oil played a part, but it was not to rape them for their oil as the left said it was. It’s a matter of national security that we have oil, so keeping regions stable would help us, and help the poor folks there who were being tortured. And if we are to protect Israel as we agreed to do, we can not let crazy dictators make bad weapons. If the UN was worth their salt they would of dealt with it, but they are not and did not and that means we had to.
I can not agree with any excuse you can come up with for John Freaking Kerry. What he said was uncalled for; I would say he is the second most UN American, American in this Country. Only second to Barrack Hussein Obama. Ugh… maybe third because I have to add his wife. Oh dang and the pastor… and then there is always Chappaqua Ted. Oh heck I think all of his friends, and maybe anyone he touches
You think women have less rights than men I disagree whole heartedly.
Women I would say have more rights than men by far.
You said women don’t have rights about their own bodies? I say they not only have rights where their own body is concerned they have rights where their off spring are concerned.
A woman can have her child killed inside of her up to the due date in some states. A man has zero rights where his off spring are concerned until after they are out side the woman’s body, no matter how viable the child is. And even after being born, in most states women have huge advantages to the rights of what happens to the child. Its really quite crazy. If the woman wants to kill the baby and the man wants his child, he is crap out of luck, but if the man does not want the baby and the woman lets the baby be born, the man will pay for 18 years OR MORE for half of the cost of raising that child, even if he did not want it. The woman holds EVERY SINGLE CARD
Also I would say women have more rights written in law, there are no rights on paper that you can not discriminate against a white man but there are laws written that you can not discriminate against a white woman or a black woman or any kind of woman. (I put in white here because white men are the only group I know of that has zero protection against discrimination but all women enjoy this protection.
Another way women have more rights than men. Here in our city there was a little tavern that was serving the gentlemen of Eugene since 1902 or some date. Women were not allowed in, it was a guys club to smoke cigars, play pool and get away from the wife. Women sued and they had to let women in. Now there is no club for the guys to go get away from women any more. But women have a nice gym that is women only. No men thank you very much! But the men can not have a men’s only gym. There was a golf course that was men only, women sued to get in and now it’s for both. And still there are women only clubs out there but no where do I know of men’s only clubs. If one pops up I can assure you some crazy woman someplace will sue and get in.
WestPoint was men only till women sued to get in there too. But there are plenty of private girl’s only schools. Women have far more rights than men. I do not see how you can argue this point but if you want to its ok with me

One place I would welcome my extra special women’s rights is this……
We all (at least in my state) are forced to do with our bodies what is against our will. White black Asian, pink people with blue polka dots. Where helmets and seat belts are concerned. I hate that I am forced to wear a seat belt, it’s my body if I want to not wear one I should have the right. No one ever can be hurt besides my self (unless im pregnant) if I don’t wear my seat belt. But I am forced to wear it. How nutty is this? I can kill my child living inside my body, in my state I can have a doctor help me commit suicide but I can not go one block to the market without my silly seat belt. Ugh ok I just went off topic sorry.
Topic was…. Obama sucks! @