Michael Phelps vs. The "Drug War"

YES. All that the criminalization of these drugs has done is fill our prisons. And when the kids can't get the "street" drugs, they raid there parents medicine cabinet. All the kids with ADD, and there many drugs to fight this, has given them a wonderful way to make money. By selling those drugs to all there friends.

They will never win this "war" until they make demand go down. And all the punitive punishments that have not worked for 40 years will never work in the next 40 years.

What exactly have we legalized that caused demand to go down? Alcohol? No. Cigarettes.. No. Abortion... No.

I am all for making demand go down, but you do not have to legalize drugs to accomplish that in my opinion.
Yeah....that might actually create a drop in gang-violence and increase tax-receipts....and, make the "conservative"-agenda look LESS-relevant, YET!!!


Organized crime simply moves from one item to the next.

When alcohol was illegal they did that. It was made legal and they moved to drugs. Other counterfeit products as well.

For example, did you know that a group of Hezbollah was broken up in North Carolina selling counterfeit cigarettes and making millions doing it?

Making everything legal that crime has a hand in does not make crime go away.
Are you saying that making all drugs legal (including the hard ones) will not employ a lot of people? You have to make it, transport it, distribute it, etc...
For all-o'-you-folks who're concerned about the availability of hard-drugs, I'm sure your buds, at the Big Pharmas, already have the logistics figured-out.
Prohibition employs no more people than legalizing and regulating it would. That is a ridiculous argument.

It is not an issue of employment, it is an issue of society on a whole.

Yeah it is...cops, judges, prison guards, and countless others are all on the drug war gravy train.
Yeah it is...cops, judges, prison guards, and countless others are all on the drug war gravy train.
Don't forget about the Big Pharmas, who're (absolutely) DREADING the thought the average-American might be able to grow-their-own medicine!!​
Yeah it is...cops, judges, prison guards, and countless others are all on the drug war gravy train.

So if we legalize drugs we no longer need cops, judges, and prison guards? If we legalize drugs who will manage it? The government. When has the government done anything efficiently? They would create some new organization most likely and hire loads of people to oversee it and staff it.