Michael Moore/"Sicko"; RIGHT, About Health-Care!!!

True....but, totally cuttin' 'em outta-the-game would be the most-obvious desired-result!

Another brilliant quip by the forums least accurate poster. So in your world.... a program that is bankrupting the entire nation, is somehow worse than insurance companies providing a service people want.... right.

The parade of stupidity never ends with Shaman.
Bush tried to reform Medicare and failed, due to political reasons......
Aw, c'mon....how do you expect to be taken seriously, when you embed your opinion with "conservative"-fantasy?


What was the failure....that the health-insurance industry didn't get larger-$ub$idie$????

"But nowhere is the corruption more glaring than in the Medicare Part D disaster passed in the dark of night in November of 2003 after a 3-hour vote—the longest recorded vote in the history of the United States. The bill created a Medicare drug benefit that relied on private companies. Republicans claimed privatization would give beneficiaries more choices and that competition among private plans would keep program costs down. :rolleyes:

This $80 billion price-tag is based on two specific provisions where Republicans sold out seniors for their industry contributors. First, they created a confusing web of competing and inefficient private plans run by private insurers—who receive huge $ub$idie$ from the federal government—that beneficiaries must choose from, rather than a simple stand-alone benefit run by Medicare. The low overhead costs of a single administrating agency could save $4.8 billion annually.

Second, they made it illegal for the federal government to negotiate the price of drugs with manufacturers, despite the fact every other industrialized nation negotiates these prices. When the government does negotiate lower prices for bulk drug purchases, as does the Veterans Administration, it saves more than 40 percent compared to the market cost. Applied to Medicare, this would save about $560 billion over the first eight years of the program. The cost of the disastrous Medicare plan is even greater when the subsidies given to insurance companies are factored in."
I did a post on this. I tried to tell them... CLICK ON SHAMAN'S UNDERLINED WORDS AND LEARN SOMETHING.

They'd rather not learn something.....
.....For obvious-reasons:


The news is starting to come out that things are turning around for the better. But sadly they have a vested interest rooting for America to fail.

They hate loosing to President Obama so much that's all many on the far Right have left... blind useless nonproductive negativity.
Ya' gotta remember....there's a whole new, younger herd o' Freepers & Dead-O-Heads, that are unaware this tactic failed, before...

"Conservatives’ hidden agenda: we want to allow our wealthy supporters—the ones who benefited most from the economic policies that forced huge sacrifices onto American workers during the 1980s and 90s—to be able to keep more of their money."

But America is starting to make that big comeback!!!!!!!!!!!

......And, THAT'S what they dread, the MOST....that they'll be wrong....again.....​

"On a day when consumer confidence was reported at a record high, President Bill Clinton seized on the prolonged U.S. economic expansion Tuesday to propose paying off the government's public-held debt by 2013, two years sooner than had been expected.

Those developments underscored the extraordinary vitality and durability of U.S. economic growth — aided by an expanding global economy — and the ways it not only has improved Americans' lives and perspectives but is being counted on to ease their future burdens."
True....but, totally cuttin' 'em outta-the-game would be the most-obvious desired-result!
Another brilliant quip by the forums least accurate poster. So in your world.... a program that is bankrupting the entire nation, is somehow worse than insurance companies providing a service people want....right.

The "..insurance companies providing a service people want...", ARE "....a program that is bankrupting the entire nation...."!!!!

Does it hurt when you confuse yourself????​
So again, your brilliant idea is that we are going to have all doctors become volunteers? RAM is a volunteer mission. You really think we can just force all doctors and nurses to become volunteers? Well that's just brilliant. Another classic Forest Gump quality post.

He simply didn't say that.

He didn't say "have all doctors become volunteers" was the plan.

Show us where he said that.

The fact there are volunteer groups has nothing to do with our current bloated healthcare system that is full of not only instability because it's totally tied to an employer but also the rampant denials from the Insurance companies for everything from preexisting conditions to treatments that they just have yet to embrace often only because of their costs.

And the having to resort to personal attacks... name calling fellow posters "Forest Gump" only proves you really truly have nothing of substance to contribute.


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