
Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2012
Now that all the Christmas gifts are opened and most of the wrapping
paper is out of the way, take a few moments to thank God for the best Christmas gift you will ever receive, His Son Jesus.
I hope you had a very Merry and Christ filled Christmas,

It is a time to reflect on the greatest gift ever given. God came down to earth and took on human form. He lived amongst us enduring all the things we do. He grew tired and became hungry. His feet hurt after a long day on the roads. He was ignored by family and friends. Some thought Him crazy. He came down knowing that He would suffer one of the cruelest and most painful deaths imaginable. Still He came down. He came as a little baby

He came as a baby not an all powerful God. He was born in a barn. The place smelled like all barns smell. A feeding trough was His bed. God as a little baby, unable to care for Himself He needed Mary and Joseph to feed Him and change Him. Not exactly how I would have done it. But God did not want to force Himself on us. He wants each to come to Him on their own. So He came as a little baby.

He would grew up just like us. I can imagine Jesus helping Joseph in the carpentry business. He would hit His thumb with a hammer and nick Himself with the saws. He would scrape Hi knees and run home crying like we all have done. Running to the arms of His mother. He lived just like us. He experienced the things we all do, love, heartache, pain and joy. He came to us as a little baby.

So after all the gifts are open Christmas morning and the floor looks like a wrapping paper blizzard hit the house. Take a few minutes and remember, He came as a baby. He came to save the world. He came to change the world. He came to save you and me. That little baby came that day over two thousand years ago. That baby is the reason we celebrate Christmas. Forget all the gifts around the tree, none surpass they gift God gave us that day. He came as a little baby.
Have a merry and blessed Christmas.

Christmas, it’s not what we deserve.

When I write something for the holidays, Like I’m doing tonight, I start about two weeks early, because, I want them to mean something to myself and hopefully others..

You know, through the power of the Internet, I am often able to look like I have my life all together.

I know the things to write and the things to edit.

I know the stories of life to post, and the ones to crop out like they never happened.

I know what to say in conversations with friends to give the appearance of stability.

But the truth is, all too often I kick my own life down a flight of stairs. I make mistakes. I blow opportunities. I chase distractions and hide. I make a mess of things. In those moments, I fear that perfection is the only path out of the chaos. That perhaps if I string together a few perfect days, I can repay the debts I’ve incurred from a life lived with brokenness.

Only I can’t. I know that. I’ve tried that a thousand times before and it doesn’t work. My track record of perfect living is perfectly flawed.

But then there’s Christmas.

It’s not what we expected. It’s not what we deserved. It’s not what we can comprehend most days. Why?

Because what is Christmas?

It is the answer to the question, “Are you loved?”

It is the answer to the question, “Do you matter?”

It is the answer to the question, “Is there more to life than this?”




And it doesn’t make sense, it doesn’t. The gift of grace fails to line up with everything we know about the world. When you make a mistake, you pay for it with an equal consequence. When you have a debt, someone eventually calls you on the loan. You made your bed, now lie in it. In this world, That is how life works.

But not Christmas.

Christmas doesn’t work that way.

Christmas is a gift from a sender who sent himself.

Christmas is enough because Christ is enough.

And in just a few short weeks it will be here.

Sometimes I try to fix myself. I look at all my mistakes, the failures, and think I have to fix it all. But I can’t. I can’t fix me, with me. And the good news of the gospel, the good news of Christmas, is that I don’t have to.

In fact, God knew I’d never be able to. That’s why he sent his son. That’s why he gave us Christmas.

It’s a gift. And The gift was Grace thru Jesus…

Never feel your hands are too dirty to receive it. It was sent because our hands ARE too dirty.

Christmas doesn’t make sense. Thank goodness.

Thanks for reading.

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