Media still at it: ABC "poll" finds Obama ahead 49%-46%... after counting 35% more Dems than Repubs!


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2009
San Diego, CA
You have to give the liberal media credit for persistence. They are still doing their best to slant polls in favor of Obama.

Their latest effort doesn't list the actual numbers of Democrats, Republicans, etc. they asked. But it says that, among "likely voters", they are counting 35% Democrats, only 26% Republicans, and 33% Independents. This 9% advantage of Dems over Republicans, amounts to 34.6% of the entire Republican count!

But did Obama get 34.6% more votes in the poll, than Republicans? Nope, try 6.5% more, which is what the 49-46 outcome difference measures out compared to the Republican score.

The actual conclusion this poll shows?

If equal numbers of Dems and Republicans vote on Nov. 6, and they vote the same way they did in this "poll", Romney will win by twenty-something percent more than Obama's tally.

And keep in mind that in the 2010 national election after the American people had had a few years of seeing how Obama actually ran things, **MORE* Republicans voted than Democrats...

Does anybody think the American people are happier with Obama now than they were then?

Me neither.

Again...Odd how even Fox news Polls the same way and gets same results....There are more Registered Dems and more "republicans" don't list them self as Republican anymore...Thank W and the Tea party for that.

but just keep saying shit and pretend its true..or go take a Stats Class and use some facts.
Again...Odd how even Fox news Polls the same way and gets same results....There are more Registered Dems and more "republicans" don't list them self as Republican anymore...Thank W and the Tea party for that.

but just keep saying shit and pretend its true..or go take a Stats Class and use some facts.
in 2010 (the last election) more repubicans came out to vote than dems and they voted R
It doesn't matter what the polls are saying. They have been all over the place. What determins the election are the electoral votes, and there are only a dozen states that will decide. It looks very close, and could even tie at 270 each. In that case, it goes to the House of Representatives to decide. Wooopie:p
in 2010 (the last election) more repubicans came out to vote than dems and they voted R

And your point? Your talking about Turnout...Also that Independents voted more Republican....That is not the percent of people in the US who are Republican. The Polls is not saying who will turn out...its saying who would win right now...if the Election where today...and every likely voter voted....
And your point? Your talking about Turnout...Also that Independents voted more Republican....That is not the percent of people in the US who are Republican. The Polls is not saying who will turn out...its saying who would win right now...if the Election where today...and every likely voter voted....
There was just an abc washington post poll that said republicans are 30 percent more enthusiastic about voting than democrats and that 9 percent less demcorats were planning to vote than in 2008

and that is a poll that likes to side with the d's every chance they get
There was just an abc washington post poll that said republicans are 30 percent more enthusiastic about voting than democrats and that 9 percent less demcorats were planning to vote than in 2008

and that is a poll that likes to side with the d's every chance they get

Again that has zero bearing on who you poll when asking about the Election...All that means is that if both are polling at 50%...Republicans would have a better chance a winning...You are asking the polls to tell you something they are not checking...thats why they have other polls to check enthusiasm. That does not mean that the Polls are means they are different things...In order to guess who will win you need both numbers. There is a reason when republicans first started bitching about this...the Fox polls said the same numbers....because they all polled the same way...because it is how you do a poll.
an update from Pew bringing it to present day if you're interested. as proposed, the mushy middle has shifted right in their polling.

that was not my point...the point was the rise in Independents and drop in republicans...the fact that the same independents now lean more right is not they are the same that where republicans before...But if they still say they are independant then that would show in the polls as independents not Republicans
that was not my point...the point was the rise in Independents and drop in republicans...the fact that the same independents now lean more right is not they are the same that where republicans before...But if they still say they are independant then that would show in the polls as independents not Republicans

and now the departure is from the left

In more than 13,000 interviews conducted so far in 2012, 35% of registered voters identify with the Democratic Party, 28% with the Republican Party and 33% as independents. The share of Democrats has fallen three points since 2008, while the proportion of Republicans has remained steady.

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