"Me and Mrs. Palin"

My thoughts concerning Sarah Palin :
The liberal left hate her because she is a major threat to them . McCain was a total misfit as a candidate and was only in the lead once in the polls and that was when he named Sarah Palin as his running mate . If McCain had the Conservative Stripe of Palin we would not be suffering from the disease created by an idiot .So please do not buy into the radical liberalm plan led by the obama troopers to ruin her politicial career . The best thing to do is support Sarah Palin if you support her Conservative platform . AS for Obama's upcoming speech to the Nation on Health Care the best thing to do is NOT TURN IT ON!! Everyone has a right to speak BUT we also have the right and good sense not to listen to fabels. THINK!

Correction..though McCain received a temporary bump from naming Palin to the VP slot, polls showed that it was more than offset by the liability she became once the voting public got to know her better.

Unfortunately for Palin and her far right supporters, she is perceived by the American public as stupid, unstable and a quitter. Rightly or wrongly, once you get that kind of reputation, it's next to impossible for a politician to shake.
Who the hell cares what Sarah Palin is doing? She is not an elected official, she is not running for anything.

In June, according to Rasmussen, she is one of the most polarizing figures within the Republican Party, with 44% of respondents having an "unfavorable" view of her. Basically, half the party thinks lowly of her, and you make the claim that she is one of the most "prominent leaders" in the Party. Polls show most of the Party is not even a fan.

The only reason she is still a story is because this keeps getting posted.
Who the hell cares what Sarah Palin is doing? She is not an elected official, she is not running for anything.

In June, according to Rasmussen, she is one of the most polarizing figures within the Republican Party, with 44% of respondents having an "unfavorable" view of her. Basically, half the party thinks lowly of her, and you make the claim that she is one of the most "prominent leaders" in the Party. Polls show most of the Party is not even a fan.

The only reason she is still a story is because this keeps getting posted.

Nope, considering what party you align yourself with, I don't blame you for wishing she would go away...but Democrats aren't keeping her in the limelight, Palin and her fellow Republicans are:

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin this week will begin accepting and rejecting the more than 1,070 invitations she has received for paid speeches and political appearances since she resigned from office, aides said.

Twenty speakers’ bureaus made offers to represent her. She has signed with Washington Speakers Bureau, which represents everyone from George and Laura Bush to Bob Woodward and Katie Couric to Alan Greenspan, Colin Powell and Rudy Giuliani.

More than 950 requests for speeches have poured in for Palin, and over 120 candidates for office have asked her to appear, including folks running for Senate, House and state Legislature, aides said.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0809/26604.html#ixzz0Q0hKpCMR
Nope, considering what party you align yourself with, I don't blame you for wishing she would go away...but Democrats aren't keeping her in the limelight, Palin and her fellow Republicans are:

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0809/26604.html#ixzz0Q0hKpCMR

I don't care if she goes away, she is never going to be President. She can give speeches all she wants. More power to her.

How often do you see reporting on other political people (either Dem or Repub that are not an elected official or running for something) giving speeches though? Not often. Why is a Palin speech any different?
Why is a Palin speech any different?
Because Obama's poll numbers are swirling the toilet. The radical left wing agenda in Washington has had the same effect on the Democrat party as a whole and so they must now resort to what they know best, go negative - the Politics of Personal Destruction.

The Radical Left is just following their own Rule Book, Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals:

RULE 1: "Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have."

They have total control of Washington, executive branch, both houses of congress and filibuster proof majorities, but they can't get any of their radical agenda through Washington. As one of the Radical Lefts hero's would say, they are a paper tiger.

RULE 2: "Never go outside the expertise of your people."

The radical left certainly excels at being insulting, vile and derogatory.

RULE 3: "Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy."

As Popeye has stated, its difficult, if not impossible, to repair the destruction of someones character.

RULE 4: "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."

Attacks on Palin, and republicans in general, for failing to live up to the ideals they preach concerning family values are a regular talking point for Radical Leftists.

RULE 5: "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."

Pretty self explanatory... They do what they do best.

RULE 6: "A good tactic is one your people enjoy."

The Radical Left certainly loves circle jerking to attacks on Conservatives and Republicans.

RULE 7: "A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag."

They cycle through victims, Rush, Palin, McCain... Republicans in general, they seem to think that keeps it fresh.

RULE 8: "Keep the pressure on. Never let up."

The Radical Leftists around here take that one to heart... no matter how wrong they are or how many facts stack up against them, they keep plugging away at their talking points and pushing their collectivist agenda.

RULE 9: "The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself."

This goes into their belief that perception is reality, rather than reality being reality. They carefully attempt to craft the public perception through polling and focus groups, a trick Republicans have picked up on but make the mistake of doing it out in the open rather than behind closed doors.

RULE 10: "If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive."

I call this the "lesser of two evils" rule. Since the Radical Left are poisonous snakes slithering across the ground, they have to pound all opposition into the ground far enough to give the perception that the opposition is beneath them.

RULE 11: "The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative."

They have one answer for every problem: More Government. That's the only "answer" they ever offer.

RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."

They are doing this with Glenn Beck at the moment by trying to peel away his commercial sponsors. They do this with every target and Palin is no exception. If they can piss and moan loud enough, if they can go negative on her long enough, she too will start to lose "sponsors" because the speaking engagements will dry up... At least that's their goal and that's what they're hoping will happen. Its not enough that she's out of office, they want her broke, ruined and miserable because she needs to appear lower than the poisonous snakes pounding her into the ground.
She is far from a bad mother and you can keep doing what you are doing but all you are doing is making normal people like her more. Normal people do not like it when others are attacked without reason.
....And, feeling the need to point-out that two women are Gay doesn't really qualify as an attack....at least, when a normal-person does it....right??

So please do not buy into the radical liberalm plan led by the obama troopers to ruin her politicial career.
Selling-yourself (by the hour) as a fund-raiser, hardly qualifies as a politicial-career.


AS for Obama's upcoming speech to the Nation on Health Care the best thing to do is NOT TURN IT ON!!
....Or, watch FAUX Noise. The outcome is pretty-much the same....

Who the hell cares what Sarah Palin is doing? She is not an elected official, she is not running for anything.
Uh, YEAH!!! We know that, NOW!!!

That's what LEVI said!!!!

"When Sarah came back to Alaska following the election, Johnston writes, “Sarah was sad for a while. She walked around the house pouting,” and “a week or two after she got back she started talking about how nice it would be to quit and write a book or do a show and make ‘triple the money.'
Uh, YEAH!!! We know that, NOW!!!

I would say that quitting the Governorship, and not really making any moves to run for anything was a pretty clear sign that she was in fact not running for anything at the moment.​
How often do you see reporting on other political people (either Dem or Repub that are not an elected official or running for something) giving speeches though? Not often. Why is a Palin speech any different?
Probably because you don't see guys with short-hair, white-shirts & ties, 3-and-4 deep (after having fought to get to the front-of-the-herd), with their (overly-active) hands stuffed, deeply, into their trenchcoat-pockets...at those other political peoples' events.
Because Obama's poll numbers are swirling the toilet. The radical left wing agenda in Washington has had the same effect on the Democrat party as a whole and so they must now resort to what they know best, go negative - the Politics of Personal Destruction.
Yeah....I wish we were as sophisticated as the average Palin-fan.....

Here's more from Levi Johnston giving us an inside look at the Palin family.

For one, Sarah appears to have been lying when she touted her efficiency with a gun and the ability to live off the land:

"She says she goes hunting and lives off animal meat - I've never seen it," said Mr Johnston, 19. "I've never seen her touch a fishing pole.

"She had a gun in her bedroom and one day she asked me to show her how to shoot it. I asked her what kind of gun it was, and she said she didn't know, because it was in a box under her bed."


And then there's more on Sarah's parenting skills, or lack thereof:

"The Palins didn't have dinner together and they didn't talk much as a family," he told Vanity Fair, adding that the mother of five never came home later than five and would often disappear for an hour-long bath.

"She always wanted things and she wanted other people to get them for her. If she wanted a movie, Bristol and I would go to the video store.

If she wanted food, we'd get her something to eat, like a Crunchwrap Supreme from Taco Bell."

Hmm..instead of eating with her family, Sarah preferred to barricade herself in the bathroom, only to emerge giving orders.

You know, we've been referring to this lying absentee mother as Caribou Barbie..though considering Levi's revelations, perhaps we should drop the Caribou part. I know, how about.. Bathtub Barbie?

Despite describing herself as a "hockey mom with lipstick" - a line which delighted Republicans at her forceful national convention debut last year - Mrs Palin rarely attended her son Track's hockey games, claimed Mr Johnston.

You mean Sarah isn't a REAL "hockey mom with lipstick?" Is anything about Palin REAL? Well, we know she's a bimbo, a liar, a poor mother, a poor wife, egocentric, and definitely an attention whore...but most importantly, Palin is great comedic fodder.


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