Lol. Greco Lol.
What makes you think that ANYONE supports Bush anymore? I'm not a Republican, haven't been for at least a decade, and I haven't supported anything that he has done. Sorry to burst your bubble. I claim no culpability. I think he's the worst president ever too, and I have lived through 10.
You support Obama. He has nefarious acquaintances too. Ayers is one. Obama does not condemn Ayers, but tries to make it sound like Ayers was a different man by the time he met him. Is Obama that stupid?
By your way of thinking, McCain is responsible for the actions of his acquaintances, but not Obama. You are condemning McCain's but not Obama's. Why? Is that so impossible for you? That’s what drives me nuts about libs. You simply refuse to admit that any lib could do wrong, and if he does, then it must have been a conservative right wing conspiracy.
As for your facts, ll I'm saying is to quit putting all of your faith in stupid arbritary quotes that don't by any means define an entire human being, and be reasonable, just a little.
Tell me this: Do you think Barney Frank has any culpability in the current economic meltdown? You do know him don’t you? he’s the one who was screwing Frank Raines, and you and me at the same time.
Not only is he culpable, but he’s a coward. He’s trying to take the blame off of himself as chairman committee by expressing that the current administration is racist. Do you respect that in your fellow lib? Wanna see a link?