No... wasting valuable time trying to explain to a deadbeat Conservative shill how 95% of the American working people would get a tax cut was a waste of time.
I mean 8 straight years of cuts for the rich probably was enough (and we all now see how well many of those financial top dogs ran their businesses into the ground under Bush even with that).
But hey if Joe The plumber is your hero. Love him up all you want...
Joe the plumber might not be my hero, but he's got way more credibility than you and your lame videos
So Top Gun, do explain how those tax cuts for the rich, cut my taxes by 5%? I got a pretty nice cut in taxes. I was earning less then, than I am now. Am I "the rich"?
You might also want to explain how Obama can cut taxes, while spending 1/3rd of the total US budget? How does that work Top? Is he going to shake the money tree behind the white house, and just hand out the cash?
See, I'm all for cutting taxes. Of course I support cutting taxes on everyone. Not just idiots that think they are poor, when in fact they have the best standards of living almost anywhere in the world.
But catch this Toppy, Obama has spent $1 Trillion in just 2 months, and many estimate, that he's already signed into future spending, $10 Trillion dollars. Now do you really think that the Rich are going to pay for all that? Of course not. They are going to move someplace else, or hide their income in other ways.
So who's going to pay for that? (psst: us... the tax payers)
That's right bro, you are going to pay back Obama's billions.