Marijuana U.S.A.

ANA strongly supports the currently accepted medical use of cannabis to alleviate disease-related symptoms and side effects,” it writes. “In these comments ANA agrees with the analysis that cannabis has numerous therapeutic qualities and should be moved to Schedule III. Further, ANA urges the Department of Justice and Drug Enforcement Administration to act expeditiously to have cannabis decontrolled under the CSA [the Controlled Substances Act.]”
"Voters in the city of Dallas, Texas (population 1.3 million) will decide on election day on a municipal ballot measure prohibiting local law enforcement from making low-level marijuana-related arrests.

Activists affiliated with Ground Game Texas collected over
50,000 signatures from registered voters in support of the measure. City officials verified on Friday that advocates had collected the requisite number of signatures to place the initiative on the November ballot."

"Young adults who consume cannabis are far less likely than never-users to suffer from metabolic syndrome (MetS), according to data published in the American Journal of Open Medicine. Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of "fattie" factors, including unhealthy cholesterol levels and abdominal fat, that are linked to an increased risk of heart disease and adult-onset diabetes, among other serious health consequences."

"California cannabis is getting its day in the sun.

Over the past few weeks,
marijuana retailer Embarc has organized dozens of award-winning cannabis brands to sell their products at the California State Fair in Sacramento, marking a new feature at the 170-year-old annual event and a new chapter for the industry as a whole."


Noel and John
"The consumption of the cannabinoid cannabigerol (CBG) is associated with reduced feelings of stress and anxiety, according to placebo-controlled data published in the journal Nature: Scientific Reports.

Investigators reported that
CBG, but not the placebo, was associated with significant enhancements in participants’ verbal memory as well as decreases in their feelings of stress and anxiety. CBG was not associated with either intoxicating or performance-impairing effects."
"Nearly three-quarters of cannabis consumers say that the use of marijuana mitigates their need for prescription pain medications, according to survey data compiled by researchers affiliated with Ohio State University’s Moritz College of Law.

Of the approximately 3,500 consumers surveyed, 78 percent agreed with the statement, “Using marijuana has reduced my need to use prescription painkillers.” Twenty-seven percent of respondents also said that
cannabis reduced their use of other illegal drugs."