Marco Rubio and plight of Latinos


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2014
Part 1

1. When it comes to sheer brazen corruption, chicanery and dishonesty there is one candidate who stands head and shoulders above everyone else and that is the right-wing Cuban-American and Tea Party darling Senator Marco Rubio of—naturally—the great State of Florida....

But it was only after getting into politics that Mr. Rubio really started making big money—and he made it very quickly, with the help of a few intimate companions—especially after taking over as Florida House majority leader and whip in early 2003. In fact, his income nearly tripled during the two years—from $122,000 to $330,000, based on financial disclosure forms—and spiked again in 2008, which may be tied to the fact that he became Florida House speaker in November 2006....

Mr.Rubio would appear to be a terrible money manager. He’s made a ton of cash in politics (and spent piles of political money on what appear to be personal items, such as a family reunion he later claimed was charged to his campaign by mistake), as a “consultant,” and on two real estate deals, but records show he has serious cash flow problems.

All of these raises a lot of questions—to take an obvious one: Where does all of his money go? Whatever the answers, one thing is clear. Marco Rubio has some very, very curious and disturbing political bedfellows.


2. Poor little rich boy indeed! If all his people (the Latinos) are as lucky and smart as him, they would not be facing the plight of being called "drug dealers", “criminals” and “rapists” by Trump.
Part 2

1. ...Rubio repeatedly used this falsehood in his robot type memorization of campaign recitations to embellish his life story by presenting himself as a God-fearing, patriotic supporter of the free market economy whose parents suffered from the communist abuses of the Cuban revolution, when in reality his parents never lived under the Castro regime and therefore did not suffer under it since they did not leave for political reasons but for purely economic ones.

Rubio used this falsehood during his campaign for the Senate for Florida and he stated it in his official web-based bio. Once he was confronted with this dishonest statement he had this falsehood removed from his website and he evades the issue when it comes up while at the same time becoming aggressive with anyone bringing it up....

Rubio has revealed an outright misogynist dimension to this character as he maintains that women are not entitled to abortions under any conditions, i.e. not even if the life of the mother is threatened by allowing the pregnancy o continue its full course, nor if she was the victim of rape or even incestual rape.

This is a position he takes to cultivate his extremist right-wing evangelist constituency and his own aides have admitted that it has helped in inducing online fundraising of about $ 600 thousand dollars....

Rubio also tried to cover up the fact that he charged thousands of dollars in personal expenses to a Republican Party credit card while maintaining that he paid out of his pocket for any personal expenses with an American Express card.

Rubio also used the prestige of his office to recommend his brother-in-law for the obtention of a real estate agent license after his brother-in-law was released from a penitentiary in Florida for being a drug dealer.

According to Slatest and other sources, Rubio used his office’s influence to help his drug trafficking brother-in-law to obtain a real estate agent license.

So to sum up, Rubio cannot be considered or trusted even remotely as a viable and qualified candidate for the President by any stretch of the imagination.....


2. Anyway, electing a living rogue who lies in a vertical position is better than electing a dead rogue who was lying in a horizontal position. :)
Part 3

1. US politicians hit with new sanctions by China responded with a mixture of ridicule and defiance on Monday, calling the punitive measures meaningless but also vowing to continue challenging Beijing over its human rights record undeterred....

Rubio, who co-chairs the CECC, tweeted blithely: "The Communist Party of (China) has banned me from entering the country. I guess they don't like me?"

The senator from Florida has introduced a number of bills challenging Beijing on its human rights record, including the recently enacted Uygur Human Rights Policy Act, which calls for sanctions against Chinese officials for human rights abuses in Xinjiang....


2. Marco Rubio said: "The Communist Party of (China) has banned me from entering the country. I guess they don't like me?"

No, Little Marco, they love you very much. You seem to be more interested in the welfare of the Uygurs than in the human rights of your own kind. Perhaps you should apply for Chinese citizenship so that you could become the governor of Xinjiang to look after the people there. But we have to warn you that you won’t have any chance to wallow in piles of "dirty money" in that poor, remote region.

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