man goes crazy, kills Blank in Blank

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Re: Piitsburgh shooter was a right wing nut

I really don't care. Only an idiot would claim that "Glenn Beck" is causing idiots to go off and kill people, when they were mentally unstable for years.

Glenn Beck is a sniveling lunatic, I would say "raving" instead of "sniveling' but he cries like a baby...I can just imagine him on election night.

Anyway, his latest is that Obama is building concentration camps to house Republicans.. Which, on the surface, might not be a bad idea but I doubt very much is happening. Beck is literally insane ...and you fools call him Daddy.

Re: Piitsburgh shooter was a right wing nut

Glenn Beck is a sniveling lunatic, I would say "raving" instead of "sniveling' but he cries like a baby...I can just imagine him on election night.
This from an antisemitic bush hating moonbat....

Oh look, you lied about what Beck said... How shocking... You must have been channeling Keith Overbite for a minute.

Hack away with your political hackery...

Fema is building the camps... they were being built while Bush was in office too... and their history goes back to the Carter and Reagan years. Beck did NOT say Obama was building them, he did NOT say they were for Republicans and he did NOT call them 'concentration' camps... That was all propagandistic drivel added by you moonbats...

But that is your "Progressive" modus operandi, straight outta rules for radicals, set up strawmen by lying about what someone has said then attack the messenger and avoid dealing with the substance of his message.

Oh yeah, Beck is a crying crybaby who cries... He's also Satan's mentally challenged younger brother.
My issue was more with this rash of violance by people off all groups, not making this a attack the Right issue, thats why I stated I wanted these seperate.

Is this just a sign of things that where there before, but just all happened at random in such a short the state of the econ, and stress just making this a almost daily thing? ( not even a hour after I posted my first thread on this, new story of father killing his 5 kids and then himself was posted on the news wire...Why must people feel this need to take out a bunch of people who have nothing to do with anything before they pop them self off. Your depress fine, blow your own head off, but that seems not good enough anymore, must break out the assault rifle, or a few pistols and clips of ammo . Is our nation just predisposed to random violence? is it access to guns...or I am sure some would suggest we need more guns to stop is just a product of hard times.....
Re: Piitsburgh shooter was a right wing nut

This from an antisemitic bush hating moonbat....

NEWSFLASH for the Glenn Beck apologist: Opposing the Isreali government's action in Gaza and their treatment of the Palestinians does not make one antisemitic, anymore than opposition to the Iraq war made one unAmerican. I guess I shouldn't be overly surprised that a Faux News worshiper would fail to understand the distinction.

There is a large peace movement inside Israel, of which you could learn something about by clicking the dominant organization's link below.

Peace Now
Re: Piitsburgh shooter was a right wing nut

Looking at the Klans political ideology, what would you consider 'far-right' about it? From what little I know about the Klan, I have nothing in common with them. So am I a leftist? Or are they not as 'far-right' as you claim?

Is the Black Panthers a far right group? They are just as hateful and racists from what I've seen.

I think you must be the last to know that's a standard bearer Right Wing nut job philosophy.[/COLOR]

Is Jesse Jackson, Louis Farakan, and Reverend Wright, all part of the right wing nut job philosophy? I've heard each of them make similar claims about the evils of Jews.

Well then you're just not trying.:)

The Klan ALWAYS supports the Republicants. In fact they had a direct campaign link on one of their websites to the Ron Paul campaign just this last election cycle.

You didn't know that??????????

Come on... I'm sure I saw you in this video didn't I???????????

Re: Piitsburgh shooter was a right wing nut

NEWSFLASH for the Glenn Beck apologist: Opposing the Isreali government's action in Gaza and their treatment of the Palestinians does not make one antisemitic, anymore than opposition to the Iraq war made one unAmerican. I guess I shouldn't be overly surprised that a Faux News worshiper would fail to understand the distinction.


Newsflash, for the flaming antisemitic Bush hating moonbat: One must watch Fox news in order to worship it. I realize the truth does get in the way of your predisposition to sweeping generalizations and accusations of hero worship (its funny when an Obamaton accuses others of blind worship), so continue - as always - to ignore the truth when convenient.

There is a large peace movement inside Israel, of which you could learn something about by clicking the dominant organization's link below.

Peace now... Israel's version of Code Pink... they even support Hamas:

A Palestinian mother dressing her child for a trip to Israel...

His first and only trip to Israel.​
My issue was more with this rash of violance by people off all groups, not making this a attack the Right issue, thats why I stated I wanted these seperate.

Is this just a sign of things that where there before, but just all happened at random in such a short the state of the econ, and stress just making this a almost daily thing? ( not even a hour after I posted my first thread on this, new story of father killing his 5 kids and then himself was posted on the news wire...Why must people feel this need to take out a bunch of people who have nothing to do with anything before they pop them self off. Your depress fine, blow your own head off, but that seems not good enough anymore, must break out the assault rifle, or a few pistols and clips of ammo . Is our nation just predisposed to random violence? is it access to guns...or I am sure some would suggest we need more guns to stop is just a product of hard times.....

........which seemed like a good thread but as usual it has descended into a flaming farce.

Pocket I'm going to shut this thread as its losing its grip on reality if you want it re-opened PM me :)
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