OK, I give in. Exactly what "kind of racist" are you?
Well, let's see, I'm the kind of person that want's to live around people who have the same values as I do. Not knowing who your baby's daddy is isn't one of them. Walking out of Walgreen's after a hurricane with 14 pairs of shoes you didn't pay for isn't one of them. Whining about what happened 200years ago, and misusing the "gift" of being given a job just because of the color of one's skin, and then expecting to be "respected" isn't one of them. Being on welfare for 3 or more generations isn't one of them. Living in an area where over 20 stores and some major chains closed up and LEFT the area because they were constantly being robbed isn't one of them. Not having to see stupid people on a daily basis who assume that since I don't want to live a certain way means I am KKK IS one of them.
Is it skin that makes one do these things, or lack of honor? Do you think all of the blacks in prison are innocent, and were just sent there because of the color of their skin? You seem to think it's all about skin I think the blatant lack of respect for others and their property is the issue. I don't give a rat's ass what name you or anyone else applies to my thinking.
It's my Constitutional right to work, save and live the way I want to. It is NOT anyone else's right to question my choices. I'm not telling those in my old neighborhood to live differently or accept my values. They can do whatever they want. However, everyone elses Constitutional rights end where mine begin.
Is that the definition of racism?