Ma Nature vs. The Least Educated

good article on how stupid the cintel report is. lol

The two main Dutch actors behind the declaration are Guus Berkhout, a retired geophysicist who has worked for oil giant Shell, and journalist Marcel Crok. Less than 1% of the names listed describe themselves as climatologists or climate scientists.

Eight of the signatories are former or current employees of the oil giant Shell, while many other names have links to mining companies. According to an independent 2019 count of the declaration's signatories, 21% were engineers, many linked to the fossil fuel industry. Others were lobbyists, and some even worked as fishermen or airline pilots.

well, if fishermen say it, it must be true. hahahahahahahhahahahah
are they climate scientists? lol

. The document lists only around 1,600 purported signatories, the vast majority of whom have no listed expertise in climate science. Hundreds of the purported signatories are not listed as being scientists of any kind

USA TODAY found around 100 purported signatories listed as having college degrees in the fields of climate science, climatology, meteorology, paleoclimatology, environmental science, atmospheric science or atmospheric physics or as being scientists in those fields.

so its another BS article, making a claim that turns out not to be credible. lol
no need to refute something that isn't credible to start with.
this is why the things you post are so laughable.
Wrong. The names are all listed and their credentials are unassailable, especially when compared to "expert wannabes" like "How dare you" Greta and worldwide jet setting climate change medicine man Al Gore.
quacks? they may be very intelligent in thier own fields, for all I know, but very few are climate scientists, so their opinion on...climate science, laughable.
You sound knowledgeable on paper. Why not prove the world will end in 10 years if we do not rob American taxpayers of money to give to leftist quacks pretending to have the power to heal the weather.

good article on how stupid the cintel report is. lol

The two main Dutch actors behind the declaration are Guus Berkhout, a retired geophysicist who has worked for oil giant Shell, and journalist Marcel Crok. Less than 1% of the names listed describe themselves as climatologists or climate scientists.

Eight of the signatories are former or current employees of the oil giant Shell, while many other names have links to mining companies. According to an independent 2019 count of the declaration's signatories, 21% were engineers, many linked to the fossil fuel industry. Others were lobbyists, and some even worked as fishermen or airline pilots.

well, if fishermen say it, it must be true. hahahahahahahhahahahah
There are now more than 1,800 signatures on the living document and all may prove to be more knowledgeable about climate science than you seem to be.
You sound knowledgeable on paper. Why not prove the world will end in 10 years if we do not rob American taxpayers of money to give to leftist quacks pretending to have the power to heal the weather.
Where did I claim that? Lol
Stay off the drugs
Wrong. The names are all listed and their credentials are unassailable, especially when compared to "expert wannabes" like "How dare you" Greta and worldwide jet setting climate change medicine man Al Gore.
Lol unassailable? Random people lol