Look out OH, PA, VA - obama bankrupting coal

This tape was JUST FOUND! Does anyone actually think it SHOULDN'T BE shown to the American public??

It is very newsworthy!

The paper that "reported" this originally months ago FORGOT to tell THE TRUTH to the AMERICAN PUBLIC. Only ignorant, blind sheep follow a politican without examining his actions and friends.
This tape was JUST FOUND! Does anyone actually think it SHOULDN'T BE shown to the American public??

It is very newsworthy!

The paper that "reported" this originally months ago FORGOT to tell THE TRUTH to the AMERICAN PUBLIC. Only ignorant, blind sheep follow a politican without examining his actions and friends.

Yet you continue to support McMaverick and Barbie tsk, tsk, tsk.

see the following posts....
Lets examine that a bit closer shall we?

example 1 actions

It was July 29th, 1967, a hot, gusty morning in the Gulf of Tonkin atop the four-acre flight deck of the supercarrier USS Forrestal. Perched in the cockpit of his A-4 Skyhawk, Lt. Cmdr. John McCain ticked nervously through his preflight checklist. Then, in an instant, the world around McCain erupted in flames. A six-foot-long Zuni rocket, inexplicably launched by an F-4 Phantom across the flight deck, ripped through the fuel tank of McCain's aircraft. Hundreds of gallons of fuel splashed onto the deck and came ablaze. Then: Clank. Clank. Two 1,000-pound bombs dropped from under the belly of McCain's stubby A-4, the Navy's "Tinkertoy Bomber," into the fire. McCain, who knew more than most pilots about bailing out of a crippled aircraft, leapt forward out of the cockpit, swung himself down from the refueling probe protruding from the nose cone, rolled through the flames and ran to safety across the flight deck. Just then, one of his bombs "cooked off," blowing a crater in the deck and incinerating the sailors who had rushed past McCain with hoses and fire extinguishers. McCain was stung by tiny bits of shrapnel in his legs and chest, but the wounds weren't serious; his father would later report to friends that Johnny "came through without a scratch." The damage to the Forrestal was far more grievous: The explosion set off a chain reaction of bombs, creating a devastating inferno that would kill 134 of the carrier's 5,000-man crew, injure 161 and threaten to sink the ship.

These are the moments that test men's mettle. Where leaders are born. Leaders like . . . Lt. Cmdr. Herb Hope, pilot of the A-4 three planes down from McCain's. Cornered by flames at the stern of the carrier, Hope hurled himself off the flight deck into a safety net and clambered into the hangar deck below, where the fire was spreading. According to an official Navy history of the fire, Hope then "gallantly took command of a firefighting team" that would help contain the conflagration and ultimately save the ship.

McCain displayed little of Hope's valor. Although he would soon regale The New York Times with tales of the heroism of the brave enlisted men who "stayed to help the pilots fight the fire," McCain took no part in dousing the flames himself. After going belowdecks and briefly helping sailors who were frantically trying to unload bombs from an elevator to the flight deck, McCain retreated to the safety of the "ready room," where off-duty pilots spent their noncombat hours talking trash and playing poker. There, McCain watched the conflagration unfold on the room's closed-circuit television

example 2 actions

To watch the Republican National Convention and listen to Fred Thompson's account of John McCain's internment in Vietnam, you would think that McCain never gave his captors anything beyond his name, rank, service number and, under duress, the names of the Green Bay Packers offensive line. His time in Hanoi, we're to understand, steeled the man — transforming him from a fighter jock who put himself first into a patriot who would henceforth selflessly serve the public good.

There is no question that McCain suffered hideously in North Vietnam. His ejection over a lake in downtown Hanoi broke his knee and both his arms. During his capture, he was bayoneted in the ankle and the groin, and had his shoulder smashed by a rifle butt. His tormentors dragged McCain's broken body to a cell and seemed content to let him expire from his injuries. For the next two years, there were few days that he was not in agony.

But the subsequent tale of McCain's mistreatment — and the transformation it is alleged to have produced — are both deeply flawed. The Code of Conduct that governed POWs was incredibly rigid; few soldiers lived up to its dictate that they "give no information . . . which might be harmful to my comrades." Under the code, POWs are bound to give only their name, rank, date of birth and service number — and to make no "statements disloyal to my country."

Soon after McCain hit the ground in Hanoi, the code went out the window. "I'll give you military information if you will take me to the hospital," he later admitted pleading with his captors. McCain now insists the offer was a bluff, designed to fool the enemy into giving him medical treatment. In fact, his wounds were attended to only after the North Vietnamese discovered that his father was a Navy admiral. What has never been disclosed is the manner in which they found out: McCain told them. According to Dramesi, one of the few POWs who remained silent under years of torture, McCain tried to justify his behavior while they were still prisoners. "I had to tell them," he insisted to Dramesi, "or I would have died in bed."

Dramesi says he has no desire to dishonor McCain's service, but he believes that celebrating the downed pilot's behavior as heroic — "he wasn't exceptional one way or the other" — has a corrosive effect on military discipline. "This business of my country before my life?" Dramesi says. "Well, he had that opportunity and failed miserably. If it really were country first, John McCain would probably be walking around without one or two arms or legs — or he'd be dead."

Once the Vietnamese realized they had captured the man they called the "crown prince," they had every motivation to keep McCain alive. His value as a propaganda tool and bargaining chip was far greater than any military intelligence he could provide, and McCain knew it. "It was hard not to see how pleased the Vietnamese were to have captured an admiral's son," he writes, "and I knew that my father's identity was directly related to my survival." But during the course of his medical treatment, McCain followed through on his offer of military information. Only two weeks after his capture, the North Vietnamese press issued a report — picked up by The New York Times — in which McCain was quoted as saying that the war was "moving to the advantage of North Vietnam and the United States appears to be isolated." He also provided the name of his ship, the number of raids he had flown, his squadron number and the target of his final raid.

example 3 friends

In congress, Rep. John McCain quickly positioned himself as a GOP hard-liner. He voted against honoring Martin Luther King Jr. with a national holiday in 1983 — a stance he held through 1989. He backed Reagan on tax cuts for the wealthy, abortion and support for the Nicaraguan contras. He sought to slash federal spending on social programs, and he voted twice against campaign-finance reform. He cites as his "biggest" legislative victory of that era a 1989 bill that abolished catastrophic health insurance for seniors, a move he still cheers as the first-ever repeal of a federal entitlement program.

McCain voted to confirm Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court. In 1993, he was the keynote speaker at a fundraiser for a group that sponsored an anti-gay-rights ballot initiative in Oregon. His anti-government fervor was renewed in the Gingrich revolution of 1994, when he called for abolishing the departments of Education and Energy. The following year, he championed a sweeping measure that would have imposed a blanket moratorium on any increase of government oversight.

In this context, McCain's recent record — opposing the new GI Bill, voting to repeal the federal minimum wage, seeking to deprive 3.8 million kids of government health care — looks entirely consistent. "When jackasses like Rush Limbaugh say he's not conservative, that's just total nonsense," says former Sen. Gary Hart, who still counts McCain as a friend.

Although a hawkish Cold Warrior, McCain did show an independent streak when it came to the use of American military power. Because of his experience in Vietnam, he said, he didn't favor the deployment of U.S. forces unless there was a clear and attainable military objective. In 1983, McCain broke with Reagan to vote against the deployment of Marine peacekeepers to Lebanon. The unorthodox stance caught the attention of the media — including this very magazine, which praised McCain's "enormous courage." It was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. McCain recognized early on how the game was played: The Washington press corps "tend to notice acts of political independence from unexpected quarters," he later noted. "Now I was debating Lebanon on programs like MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour and in the pages of The New York Times and The Washington Post. I was gratified by the attention and eager for more."

When McCain became a senator in 1986, filling the seat of retiring Republican icon Barry Goldwater, he was finally in a position that a true maverick could use to battle the entrenched interests in Washington. Instead, McCain did the bidding of his major donor, Charlie Keating, whose financial empire was on the brink of collapse. Federal regulators were closing in on Keating, who had taken federally insured deposits from his Lincoln Savings and Loan and leveraged them to make wildly risky real estate ventures. If regulators restricted his investments, Keating knew, it would all be over.

In the year before his Senate run, McCain had championed legislation that would have delayed new regulations of savings and loans. Grateful, Keating contributed $54,000 to McCain's Senate campaign. Now, when Keating tried to stack the federal regulatory bank board with cronies, McCain made a phone call seeking to push them through. In 1987, in an unprecedented display of political intimidation, McCain also attended two meetings convened by Keating to pressure federal regulators to back off. The senators who participated in the effort would come to be known as the Keating Five.

"Senate historians were unable to find any instance in U.S. history that was comparable, in terms of five U.S. senators meeting with a regulator on behalf of one institution," says Bill Black, then deputy director of the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation, who attended the second meeting. "And it hasn't happened since."

Following the meetings with McCain and the other senators, the regulators backed off, stalling their investigation of Lincoln. By the time the S&L collapsed two years later, taxpayers were on the hook for $3.4 billion, which stood as a record for the most expensive bank failure — until the current mortgage crisis. In addition, 20,000 investors who had bought junk bonds from Keating, thinking they were federally insured, had their savings wiped out.

"McCain saw the political pressure on the regulators," recalls Black. "He could have saved these widows from losing their life savings. But he did absolutely nothing."

Yeah that's the kind of dude I want running this "Great Nation" in a time of economic upheaval
Then how about ol' box-o-rocks?

Palin accepted at least $4,500 in campaign contributions in the same fundraising scheme at the center of a public corruption scandal that led to the indictment of Sen. Ted Stevens

Palin sought pork-barrel projects for her city and state, contrary to her reformist image. Under her leadership the state this year asked for almost $300 per person. That's more than any other state received, per person, from Congress for the current budget year, and runs counter to the reformer image that Palin and the McCain campaign are pushing. Other states got just $34 worth of local projects per person this year, on average, according to Citizens Against Government Waste, a Washington-based watchdog group.

Palin Served As Director Of 527 Group Called ‘Ted Stevens Excellence In Public Service, Inc.’ As we all know Stevens has been indicted on corruption charges. But panama John stated last October on Fox News Sunday, “The 527s need to be eliminated.”

In her earlier political career as mayor of Wasilla, Palin hired a private lobbyist to help the tiny town secure earmarks from Stevens, entering Washington's "pay to play" culture in which lobbyists, campaign contributions and lawmakers are intertwined. The town (population around 6000) obtained 14 earmarks, totaling $27 million between 2000-2003, according to data compiled by Taxpayers for Common Sense. $27 million for ONLY 6000 PEOPLE!!!! My high scool had more people then that!!!

In fact, Palin was for the infamous $398 million bridge — to connect the town of Ketchikan to an island with 50 residents and an airport on it — before she was against it, speaking in favor of it during her 2006 race for governor.

and then best of all.....

Sarah Palin is Not Ready Says Republican Eaglesburger and McCain Supporter
October 31, 2008 by Sarah Palin Scandals · Comment
Filed under: dirt on sarah palin

A former Republican Secretary of State and one of John McCain’s most notable supporters offered a very frank and remarkably bleak assessment of Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin’s capacity to handle the presidency should such a scenario arise.

Lawrence Eagleburger, who served as Secretary of State under George H.W. Bush and whose endorsement is often trumpeted by Arizona Sentaor John McCain, said on Thursday that the Alaskan governor Sarah Palin is not only unprepared to take over the job on a moment’s notice but, even after some time in office, would only amount to an “adequate” commander in chief.

“And I devoutly hope that [she] would never be tested,” he added for good measure — referring both to Sarah Palin’s policy dexterity and the idea of McCain not making it through his time in office.

The remarks took place during an interview on National Public Radio that was, ironically, billed as “making the case” for a John McCain presidency. Asked by the host whether Sarah Palin could step in during a time of crisis, Eagleburger reverted to sarcasm before leveling the harsh blow.

“It is a very good question,” he said, pausing a few seconds, then adding with a chuckle: “I’m being facetious here. Look, of course not.”

But alas, these are the two people the republicans want in the most powerful chair in the world.......

after all of that, and that is just a small sample of their "actions and friends", I really wonder who the real terrorists are...

My father always taught me,

Actions speak louder than words....

WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FOR AMERICA? How dare you try to smear a mans name who spent years in the service of our Government. What a lowlife thing to do!

Can anyone give me an answer to what I've posted? Why are you ducking this issue? This is an important is to MANY MIDDLE CLASS in those states.

What do you have to say about obama's statement about "bankrupting" this industry?

Don't you care about these folks in this area?

How is obama going to "raise job employment" in these states while bankrupting a staple of these states?

He has PROMISED THEM more jobs, not the opposite.

Try and stick to the question instead of posting lies and partial truths about a
If you can't defend obama on the QUESTION ASKED, myself and others must assume that there is no defense of his plan and actions.

Are you going to talk about what this thread is actually about??
WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FOR AMERICA? How dare you try to smear a mans name who spent years in the service of our Government. What a lowlife thing to do!

I served 6 years in The United States Army as a 31c Front Line Field Artillery Spotter son and I have EARNED the right to say what I God damn well please, and not you or any other weenie is going to tell me I can't. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That information was in an article in RollingStone magazine and if it was untrue then why isn't ol Maverick suing for slander???????????????????????????

What do you have to say about obama's statement about "bankrupting" this industry?

I'm all for bankrupting the coal industry, it will force us to find clean, renewable energy sources. And I don't want to hear any bullshat about "CLEAN" coal either:

""Only five years ago, the coal industry and the Bush administration were assuring us that newfangled coal plants would soon eliminate climate-warming pollution. In 2003, the Department of Energy launched a $1 billion partnership with the coal industry to develop a coal plant with near-zero emissions called FutureGen, which was scheduled to be operational by 2012. In a letter to President Bush, a group of CEOs from the coal and electric power industries also suggested that coal gasification plants, a new kind of coal plant that can capture CO2 emissions and store them underground, would be ready between 2008 and 2010.

Fast forward to today. Earlier this year, after spending for FutureGen had nearly doubled to $1.8 billion, the Department of Energy ditched the project, citing cost overruns. And despite the promises from coal CEOs, not a single new coal gasification plant is in operation in the U.S. In fact, not a single coal plant of any type in America, new or old, is currently capturing and storing a single ton of CO2 underground. In June, Jim Rogers, the CEO of Duke Energy, one of the largest coal-burning utilities in America, admitted at an electric-power-industry conference that carbon capture and storage has been oversold as "a magical technology that solves the carbon problem for coal plants." Indeed, many energy experts now predict that carbon capture and storage won't be widely deployed until 2030.""

Don't you care about these folks in this area?

No I don't. Move, adapt, go back to school and learn a new skill. My father worked at Bethlehem Steel from 1965-1979 when the bottom fell out of the steel industry. At 33 years old he went back to school and learned computers and now has over 20 years of service in the federal government as a senior analysts at DCSC in Columbus OH.

At 35 I returned to school on my own dime and learned a totally new skill and now own my own small business in that field.

Improvise, adapt, overcome, or die, the choice is up to you.

How is obama going to "raise job employment" in these states while bankrupting a staple of these states?

Killing tax breaks for large corps who outsource jobs will make it more attractive to return these jobs to the US. Wouldn't you be happier if the customer service rep you have to call when your computer acts up spoke understandable english instead of "Tank You calling Dell support, my name ees habib how will I fix you"?

Try and stick to the question instead of posting lies and partial truths about a

Lies? like I said, why isn't he suing????????????????????????????

answer that, and then go see your local recruiter and serve your country before you dare question me again pal..................
McCain is not the sue happy type.

Go ahead and lie about a fellow veteran.

Some people can't be saved from their own ignorance...

FYI, I'm not your "buddy".

The people in the coal states NEED these jobs. That industry cannot be allowed to go bankrupt. Yes, coal can be made clean. I suppose you are going to blindly deny that too?
Roflmao!!!! Well let me tell you something pal, I find it hard to believe that ANYONE running for president would allow any long standing, credible publication to print that kind of information and do nothing in response. Who needs saved from their ignorance now?

I will not deny that coal can be made clean, but if you think what Obama has planned for that industry will "bankrupt" them, you should research on how much it will cost to "clean" the industry. We're talking a factor of 5-10 times the cost of the coal itself. It would essentially make coal a non-viable option for energy because of course Big_coal will just pass the cost on to its customers which will then drive those customers to other sources, IE natural gas, oil, etc. which will in turn effectively kill the industry anyway.

Let's be clear. *I* did NOT say obama would bankrupt this industry. HE SAID IT. Biden said it. I've seen the video of Biden and heard the recording from obama.

The people in these states, whom *I* care about (I don't live there) will be put in harms way by such ignorant, uncaring policy changes. This resource, which our country has a lot of, NEEDS politicians help!
When you supply something other than some "home-made" youtube video that been cut, and edited with a specific slant, and then decorated with windows media player visual plug-ins, you can say Obama said it. I can create better videos than that.....
I just saw an interview on tv of an obama rep who DID NOT DENY the charge that he said he will bankrupt the Coal Industry. Her defense was something else. You'll have to find the interview to see what it was! ;)


Any response?
ROFLMAO!!!!! You saw an "Obama represenative" "not deny" a "charge" that the "interviewer" made so therefore "Obama" is "not denying" it?????????????

Do you read your own posts? Do you hear how desperate you sound (I guess it would be "see how desperate you look").

I know a guy, who knows this dude, who knows this girl who said this guy told her that his uncle was blah blah blah blah blah.......

I'm going to let my son do some homework, come back when you have more reliable information, otherwise I have spoken my points.