Liz Cheney loses Wyoming Republican primary to Trump-backed candidate

81 million didn't think that.
Yea thats true 81 million decided to put a old man who has dementia or other issues likes ice cream and smelling kids and touching them . and he calls his criminal crack head gun felon hooker chasing son the smartest man he knows and brags about passing a bill that has not even been voted on . lol great choice
Yea thats true 81 million decided to put a old man who has dementia or other issues likes ice cream and smelling kids and touching them . and he calls his criminal crack head gun felon hooker chasing son the smartest man he knows and brags about passing a bill that has not even been voted on . lol great choice
Yep and that's called democracy.
That's the same democracy that Trump tried to destroy.

Aren't you pleased you bought that up? I am.