And will the Tea Party take personal responsibility if Romney loses or will they claim the credit if he wins? If that's the best quote you got then you have more work to do. It's obvious you like to demonize those who go against your candidate but I bet if Gary Johnson endorsed Romney you would be singing a different tune there Texas Tea...
I am only endorsing common sense! Something you are obviously still missing, even though multiple members have brought this to your attention.

Romney would not have been my first, but the defeat of Obama is imperative. Again, simple common sense!

And why would the TEA Party "take personal responsibility if Romney loses?" The TEA Party is backing Romney with the hope of defeating Obama.

Something that the LP and yourself apparently doesn't understand.
I am only endorsing common sense! Something you are obviously still missing, even though multiple members have brought this to your attention.

Romney would not have been my first, but the defeat of Obama is imperative. Again, simple common sense!

And why would the TEA Party "take personal responsibility if Romney loses?" The TEA Party is backing Romney with the hope of defeating Obama.

Something that the LP and yourself apparently doesn't understand.

No Texas-Tea you guys are resorting to Bullying tactic's which is school yard to say the least. Yeah like I said we'll see how much responsibility the Tea Party takes if he loses. You guys will be the first ones to blame the very party you claim to support. Libertarians understand what's at stake and for the first time people in this country are really tired of the same ole BS coming from both parties and you guys picked the wrong side and after this election we'll see how long your grass root's movement lasts. But hey we'll take you guys in and show that there was another way of actually changing Washington D.C. Now don't get mad. I mean you already think I'm a liberal but that is all you can resort too because believe if I was I would LOL and ROFLMAO every time you went down that road just to prove a point. So please stick's and stones and let's remember Libertarian always begins with the word LIBERTY...LIVE FREE!!!
No Texas-Tea you guys are resorting to Bullying tactic's which is school yard to say the least. Yeah like I said we'll see how much responsibility the Tea Party takes if he loses. You guys will be the first ones to blame the very party you claim to support. Libertarians understand what's at stake and for the first time people in this country are really tired of the same ole BS coming from both parties and you guys picked the wrong side and after this election we'll see how long your grass root's movement lasts. But hey we'll take you guys in and show that there was another way of actually changing Washington D.C. Now don't get mad. I mean you already think I'm a liberal but that is all you can resort too because believe if I was I would LOL and ROFLMAO every time you went down that road just to prove a point. So please stick's and stones and let's remember Libertarian always begins with the word LIBERTY...LIVE FREE!!!
Sorry K ...

Your comments make no common sense to your normal thinking Americans. I am going to error on the side with dogtowner.

You are a liberal troll here trying to convince people to split the vote. Keep voting libertarian/socialist democrat or most likely in your case straight out socialist democrat!

We will continue to vote the socialist out!
Sorry K ...

Your comments make no common sense to your normal thinking Americans. I am going to error on the side with dogtowner.

You are a liberal troll here trying to convince people to split the vote. Keep voting libertarian/socialist democrat or most likely in your case straight out socialist democrat!

We will continue to vote the socialist out!

Once again when you resort to name calling Texas Tea you lose the debate. You've obviously lost the debate and it's unfortunately you have to resort to the latter. It does make sense to no longer vote for the status quo. You want to drink the cool-aid then be my guests. As a Libertarian I won't force you to do other wise. Also the Liberal thing is getting old you can do better than that. Dogtowner doesn't know how to handle people like me and neither do any of you. Your scared I get it. You feel the only way to save America is to support one of the two parties already in place. But you know what you can always look up the latest on the Libertarian movement and maybe just maybe you'll see the light. You see I was once like you and one day a good friend of mine showed that there is another way. He'll I think I'm on the verge of converting a Tea Party friend of mine to the cause because he told me he would check out Gary Johnson and to me that say's a lot because he's hard core Conservative and has the bumper stickers to show it. So you see there is hope for you and Dogtowner and the rest. Just remember it's about LIVING FREE and not just speaking about it but also practicing mentally and physically. LIVE FREE!!!
Once again when you resort to name calling Texas Tea you lose the debate. You've obviously lost the debate and it's unfortunately you have to resort to the latter. It does make sense to no longer vote for the status quo. You want to drink the cool-aid then be my guests. As a Libertarian I won't force you to do other wise. Also the Liberal thing is getting old you can do better than that. Dogtowner doesn't know how to handle people like me and neither do any of you. Your scared I get it. You feel the only way to save America is to support one of the two parties already in place. But you know what you can always look up the latest on the Libertarian movement and maybe just maybe you'll see the light. You see I was once like you and one day a good friend of mine showed that there is another way. He'll I think I'm on the verge of converting a Tea Party friend of mine to the cause because he told me he would check out Gary Johnson and to me that say's a lot because he's hard core Conservative and has the bumper stickers to show it. So you see there is hope for you and Dogtowner and the rest. Just remember it's about LIVING FREE and not just speaking about it but also practicing mentally and physically. LIVE FREE!!!
K ....

Please see my above comment!

In case you didn't get the hint, let me say it like this ....

I am done with your liberal troll comments. I am voting against the socialist and so is every other normal thinking American. You are wasting your time here, try Huff Po or something!
K ....

Please see my above comment!

In case you didn't get the hint, let me say it like this ....

I am done with your liberal troll comments. I am voting against the socialist and so is every other normal thinking American. You are wasting your time here, try Huff Po or something!

do you believe in conspiracy theories Texas-Tea??? The reason I'm asking is because I bet your birther at heart. I mean you probably also believe that the moon landing was a fake and well it's all one big liberal conspiracy to control your freedom...You can only resort to calling people liberals because that is by far your best come back. I mean I know conservatives who actually bring an intelligent conversation to the table but then there's you. :( I mean that's all you've done is call me a liberal a socialist because thinking is not your strong suit. I get it. Know this Texas-Tea. Your movement is fading fast. I don't see your crowd out in the streets like they we're back in 2010. You guys allowed yourself to get caught up in the heat of the moment and now you realize that your fire has burned out along with the OWS. It's unfortunate too because the Tea Party could've been a strong third party but instead you guys jumped on the coat tails of the Republicans and pretend you guys are the ones using them...LIVE FREE!!!