It's more important to be Libertarian in all elections. Not ones that suit any particular party. LIVE FREE!!!
Develop a base in Congress. I didn't know they started to take their job seriously??? Yeah let's start relying on Congress to get things done. That's funny. I seen what you did there too. Nice.
Develop a base in Congress. I didn't know they started to take their job seriously??? Yeah let's start relying on Congress to get things done. That's funny. I seen what you did there too. Nice.

Congress writes the checks, that's where things get done. And if you feel they are not taking that job serously (which I agree with) then thats your BEST opportunity to effect change.
Develop a base in Congress. I didn't know they started to take their job seriously??? Yeah let's start relying on Congress to get things done. That's funny. I seen what you did there too. Nice.
The best president in the world can't do much with a congress who is against them. Its silly to think that even if you could get this guy elected (and that isn't even possible) that he could do much of anything with congress against him. Dog is right, get the right kind of people in local politics and in congress first
Considering how polarized this Country is at the moment, I believe it to be impossible to elect a third party member to the White House.

Our best bet is to continue electing TEA Party members to Congress. Eventually they will dominate the Republican party or there will be enough members in Congress to break away from the Republicans.

I agree with dogtowner and Pandora .... build it from the grassroots up!
Considering how polarized this Country is at the moment, I believe it to be impossible to elect a third party member to the White House.

Our best bet is to continue electing TEA Party members to Congress. Eventually they will dominate the Republican party or there will be enough members in Congress to break away from the Republicans.

I agree with dogtowner and Pandora .... build it from the grassroots up!

Correct me if I'm wrong but you just contradicted yourself. "I believe it to be impossible to elect a third party member to the White House" then you said "Eventually they will dominate the Republican party or there will be enough members in Congress to break away from the Republicans" So in other words it would become a third party?!? I know you said "White House" but you have to admit that eventually if a third party can overtake the congress then why not the "White House" Libertarians have been at the grassroots ever since before the Tea Party came about. Just saying.
Correct me if I'm wrong but you just contradicted yourself. "I believe it to be impossible to elect a third party member to the White House" then you said "Eventually they will dominate the Republican party or there will be enough members in Congress to break away from the Republicans" So in other words it would become a third party?!? I know you said "White House" but you have to admit that eventually if a third party can overtake the congress then why not the "White House" Libertarians have been at the grassroots ever since before the Tea Party came about. Just saying.
Yes ... that is exactly what I am saying. It will either dominate the Republican party or become a third party. No contradiction there!

The LP has failed at becoming a grassroots movement all along because they do not resonate with the American people with their passive foreign policy ideas and their social policies.

The TEA Party does ... as evidenced by the movement itself!
Passive foreign policy Hmmm...yeah your right let's police the world some more. While we're at it let's skip the middle man and just go ahead and invade Syria and use some ruse as WMD's or there building nuclear weapons that can hit our friends and allies in the middle east and Europe. Social policies. Hmm...oh yeah LIVE FREE is just a ruse we use to hide our Socialist agenda. You obviously have never read up on the Libertarian philosophy have you??? Crony Socialism is no different then Crony Capitalism. Either way it cronyism no matter how you chose to label it. Obama and Romney are cut from the same cloth. Both of them are Harvard Elitists and both of them are no different then Elitists before them. Ron Paul had a vision for this country and he was demonized for it. Gary Johnson will continue the revolution that Ron Paul started...LIVE FREE!!!
Passive foreign policy Hmmm...yeah your right let's police the world some more. While we're at it let's skip the middle man and just go ahead and invade Syria and use some ruse as WMD's or there building nuclear weapons that can hit our friends and allies in the middle east and Europe.
First of all .... WMD's is a liberal, as in socialist/communist liberal talking point that was supported by world intelligence, not just US intelligence. Nobody is supporting "nation building" here, and again, all normal thinking Americans know this. A stable middle east is essential to a safe and free America!

Social policies. Hmm...oh yeah LIVE FREE is just a ruse we use to hide our Socialist agenda. You obviously have never read up on the Libertarian philosophy have you???

I did not accuse you of having a "socialist" agenda, just a liberal nonsense agenda.

Crony Socialism is no different then Crony Capitalism.

Yes, it absolutely is ... not to support "Crony Capitalism" but there is a stark difference!

Obama and Romney are cut from the same cloth. Both of them are Harvard Elitists and both of them are no different then Elitists before them.

Again, nobody is arguing this point, but the defeat of Obama is imperative. The insane belief that some obscure third party member is going to fix this is just ... well insane!

Ron Paul had a vision for this country and he was demonized for it. Gary Johnson will continue the revolution that Ron Paul started...

Ron Paul failed because he did not resonate with the American people on foreign policy. The very same reason the LP had failed and the TEA Party has succeeded! Gary Johnson will only split the vote and give support to Obama. All normal thinking Americans know this. The LP will never be a serious party in American politics!
First of all .... WMD's is a liberal, as in socialist/communist liberal talking point that was supported by world intelligence, not just US intelligence. Nobody is supporting "nation building" here, and again, all normal thinking Americans know this. A stable middle east is essential to a safe and free America!

I did not accuse you of having a "socialist" agenda, just a liberal nonsense agenda.

Yes, it absolutely is ... not to support "Crony Capitalism" but there is a stark difference!

Again, nobody is arguing this point, but the defeat of Obama is imperative. The insane belief that some obscure third party member is going to fix this is just ... well insane!

Ron Paul failed because he did not resonate with the American people on foreign policy. The very same reason the LP had failed and the TEA Party has succeeded! Gary Johnson will only split the vote and give support to Obama. All normal thinking Americans know this. The LP will never be a serious party in American politics![/quote

So your argument is that if your not Conservative enough or Republican enough then by your definition everyone who disagrees with your philosophy is either a Socialist or a communist. Got it...By the way the TEA PARTY only succeeded by riding the coat tails of the Republican party because if that wasn't the case then why do your candidates have an (R) behind their names. Also We are supporting nation building because I know for a fact Iraq didn't rebuild itself and I know for a fact Afghanistan ain't rebuilding itself with out our help. So try again on that one. As for world intelligence that in of itself is hypocritical to say the least. We hoot and howl on how bad the U.N. is but we sure as hell don't got a problem using that institution to suit our own means. By the way Gary Johnson is taking 8% of the vote away from Obama in Nevada so tell me again how voting for my candidate is a vote for Obama??? You want to know the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. But hey by all means vote for Romney but don't blame Libertarians for the outcome come November because we're voting for Gary Johnson. LIVE FREE!!!
It's cool .... we won't say anything.

We all know how you libertarians feel about personal accountability.

But, it will not change the fact that a vote for Johnson is a vote for Obama!

And will the Tea Party take personal responsibility if Romney loses or will they claim the credit if he wins? If that's the best quote you got then you have more work to do. It's obvious you like to demonize those who go against your candidate but I bet if Gary Johnson endorsed Romney you would be singing a different tune there Texas Tea...