Life on the reservation

The conditions in the state clearly impact reservations
Jobs, 8nc9mes, safety nets etc
The state isnt responsible for the conditions it isnt helping at all and its not just pine ridge

A federal Indian reservation is an area of land reserved for a tribe or tribes under treaty or other agreement with the United States, executive order, or federal statute or administrative action as permanent tribal homelands, and where the federal government holds title to the land in trust on behalf of the tribe.
Why dont you research the subject so you know what your talking about

These are the original American and we treat them like shit . While liberals kiss the ass of millions of illegals instead they should be ashamed of themselves .
Bu again, why didn't Trump fix it? It's a valid question.
Why didn't Clinton fix it or Obama or Biden or Bush or trump or ?
Apparently liberals are very very uninformed
This isn't supposed nothing new heck they gave Indians rotten meat to eat at one time this has been a problem for well over a century.
And it's being ignored . Now we're spending billions on non citizen illegally flooding in and the liberals here can only reply why do snt trump fix it or the Red State of sd.
Your all cluess.and heartless when it comes to poor Americans but kiss ass when it's a illegal or tranny .
There you go again with your weasel comments what about trump lol what about Clinton or Biden or bush or Obama .
This is today and I am exposing the issue here asking why we spend all the billions we do on illegals providing them with food housing medical care etc . When we have abandoned the original peoples. And all you have to say is why didn't trump fix it , you have Showen me several time how anti American you are .
What state do you live in lug nut .
You complain about liberals not fixing the problem
Why didn't Trump fix the problem
Maybe the problem can't be fixed by throwing money at it
In which case money spent on illegals isn't the solution then
That's the point about trump duh
The state isnt responsible for the conditions it isnt helping at all and its not just pine ridge

A federal Indian reservation is an area of land reserved for a tribe or tribes under treaty or other agreement with the United States, executive order, or federal statute or administrative action as permanent tribal homelands, and where the federal government holds title to the land in trust on behalf of the tribe.
Why dont you research the subject so you know what your talking about

These are the original American and we treat them like shit . While liberals kiss the ass of millions of illegals instead they should be ashamed of themselves .
U can't even admit the conditions in the state are a factor
In a red state
Why does noem hate them?

U can't even admit the conditions in the state are a factor
In a red state
Why does noem hate them?
Stop trying to weasel your way out of it or start a argument you spiteful waste of skin .the money spent on illegals would not only
help out American Indians but also be used to help people on ss who need help. Investments in black community's.
O by the way lug nut you poor ignorant thing
the problem has been around even in liberal

states with reservations in them . This isn't limited to just one ridge lug nut.
And lug nut it's been going on sense 1851 or 53 can not recall exactly.
You want to argue the point just to be your usual weasel ways and ignore the simple fact spending in on illegals when Americans need help especially the American Indians
Stop trying to weasel your way out of it or start a argument you spiteful waste of skin .the money spent on illegals would not only
help out American Indians but also be used to help people on ss who need help. Investments in black community's.
O by the way lug nut you poor ignorant thing
the problem has been around even in liberal

states with reservations in them . This isn't limited to just one ridge lug nut.
And lug nut it's been going on sense 1851 or 53 can not recall exactly.
You want to argue the point just to be your usual weasel ways and ignore the simple fact spending in on illegals when Americans need help especially the American Indians
Why didn't Trump fix the problem or gov noem?
Why didn't Trump fix the problem or gov noem?
why hasn't Clinton or Obama fixed it they were in office before trump joes in office now and done nothing yet he has flew in illegals from all over from their nations why lug nut why is he spending money on non-citizens billion upon hundreds of billions lug nut why is he doing that?
Here is some more Indians getting screwed and killed because no one care they are being poisoned

Here is some more Indians getting screwed and killed because no one care they are being poisoned

Yes people get screwed
Hav8ng nothing to do with illegals
As much as you whine about them
There are many problems on the reservations, but the government giving the Indians rotten meat is not one of them and has not been for 100 years or so. Education, alcoholism, drugs, domestic disturbances, poor housing and lack of jobs are the main ones. I don't think most American Indians are disturbed in any way by immigration except for a reservation or two on the border.