Libtards moving out!

Regarding promises and lies: you know how many times Trump looked the nation in the eyes and promised he will release a major position on important issues in two weeks? Did he ever do even one of those? One is not a lie but several?

Yet this seems not an issue with trumpets (Trump-pets). To be fair he did say if he shoots someone in broad daylight his fans would not blink.

Let me remind you guys that this human garbage claimed he had sent detectives to Hawaii re Obama birth certificates and that they have founds thing that people would not believe. Then he said he would share the findings with the nation. Did he? He is not just a liar. He is a man without a soul or conscience. I truly believe he does care about truth and false. He would say ANYTHING. Likely he is also half way to insanity-vile.

God save us! This is one place I give mark Francis the benefit of the doubt and ask him to use his special connection to god and ask him to save our nation.
Is that any thinkm like the one hillary and the dnc faked and made up about trump
I love the sinner, hate the sin. Lol

I have seen no sign that there is god. Many Christians do the most horrible things to their fellow human beings.

If I hate Christians it is for their horrible deeds not for their beliefs. There are many Christians that I love and respect. Obama is one. And according to a mentally unstable poster here I could not possibly be anti Christian because I have Christian relatives.

If you guys didn’t routinely lie or just say about anything you would not be in these kinda humiliating situations so often.
cant answer ?