It is only plain and simple if a person is "plain and simple."Get over yourself...stop being so petty and answer the question. You either love the idea of this country or you don't...plain and simple, that is the question at hand? Well, do you? If so, then we are on common ground and we can figure out our differences.
There are times when I do not love this country. For instance, when a USA government entity shot the 14 year old Weaver Kid. Or, when a government sniper shot Vicky Weaver while attempting to shoot someone else. Or when government entities precipitated a massacre near El Paso. Or when American sniper soldiers wearing Gillie suits shot and killed an innocent high school student who was herding his goats near the Rio Grand. Or when American soldiers in Afghanistan tortured a taxi driver to death(See documentary: Taxi to nowhere), while in detention without even questioning him. Like when the military prosecuted a female soldier who attempted to gather evidence that the U.S. military had tortured that man to death. Or when torture of suspects (some of the same methods that horrified us when they were applied to American soldiers in WWII, and Korea), becomes acceptable.
I love what this country was susposed to be, but not what it frequently is. So you see, it is only "plain and simple" to a dullard.
.If not, then there is plenty of real estate on this planet.
Oh great, the "love it or leave it", platitude. Get over yourself.