Liberals think unions are great... until they are affected?

so you are now for no gun control at all, Evil corperations are good, for geting rid of the ozone, pumping more cfc's and freon, and ( ok that tax cut one, I think you screwed up there) and now say Screw the poor do nothing for them....

Must be nice

No, I realize that gun control does not work, and results in more innocent deaths, and crime.

I realize that corporations provide jobs, and are actually filled with people... you know, people just like us.

I figured out that you can't get rid of Ozone from scientific perspective, and thus the entire "save the ozone layer" was a fraud and lame attempt to justify more government control.

I found out that taxing the rich, you know, the people that provide jobs and invent in new companies and technologies, is a bad idea.

In short, I found out that all those "well meaning" ideologies that I used to support, were in fact very bad policy, and counter productive. This is what education does. I learn new information that challenges, or contradicts prior assumptions.

Nearly everyone starts out liberal, and then is educated into being conservative. Read Thomas Sowell's A Personal Odyssey for example. A black man who grew up right through the 60s and 70s. Of course he was a massive liberal... until he started thinking. You should check it out.
really? so what about liberals in the military ( yes they exist even if republicans like to think they don't)

If they come home squealing about how we shouldn't fight....

Obama sent 17,000 more troops to Afghanistan know where the Taliban and Al Qaeda who actually attacked us on 911 he not liberal, or where the troops not armed maybe?

WAR MONGER! ANTI-AMERICAN WAR HAWK! Oops sorry I had a Bush flash back....

Or maybe you think I am soft on terrorist....or maybe I am not liberal...but of course you cant find one place I have not been hard on terrorism...

Shockingly Pocket... not every single post I right is only about you. Although this one is.

more Worthless drive with no basis trying to lump all of left to some ideal that some on the right have decided fits all.

I have yet to meet a liberal that would stand up to a 2nd grade playground bully.