Liberals can't break 200-year racism habit

What a very stupid thing to say. You do not live in 1860, and you had no opinion in 1860, because you did not exist in 1860.
On the other hand, you support Shitshizpants, who uses Nazi tactics to rile up racists and xenophobes, and you spend most of your time here badmouthing Democrats as though those of 1860 share the attitudes of Democrats in 2024 and bitching about uncivilized savage Black people who do things you consider to be "ungodly". Of course, it is not a proper function of government to punish ungodliness.
You falsely accuse President Trump of racism which is nonsense. Your democrat leaders are the racists.
Conservative Christians of the past did not convert to racist Christians of the present.
Of COURSE they did. The descendents of slaveholders and defenders of the Confederacy erected monuments to Confederate generals between the 1880's and the 1930's, they voted against he voting rights acts in the 1960's and they presently are Republicans, passing laws to prevent Black people from voting.
Of COURSE they did. The descendents of slaveholders and defenders of the Confederacy erected monuments to Confederate generals between the 1880's and the 1930's, they voted against he voting rights acts in the 1960's and they presently are Republicans, passing laws to prevent Black people from voting.
You are talking about mostly democrats, not conservative Christians and republicans.
You are talking about mostly democrats, not conservative Christians and republicans.
The Democrats up to the 1960's passed and enforced the Jim Crow laws and the Republicans did nothing at all to stop them. They refused to pass anti lynching laws until the 2000's. After the Civil Rights Laws gave Black people the vote the racists voted for George Wallace and after he was gone for Republicans. The racists of the past are all dead, but the White descendants of the racists voted for Trump, who uses racism in the same way that Hitler used anti Semitism. Look at Trump's cabinet: not one Black American.

You are aggressively ignorant about the history of this country.
The Democrats up to the 1960's passed and enforced the Jim Crow laws and the Republicans did nothing at all to stop them.
Republicans fought against democrat racism but democrats won many of those battles.
They refused to pass anti lynching laws until the 2000's. After the Civil Rights Laws gave Black people the vote the racists voted for George Wallace and after he was gone for Republicans.
Democrats have been deluding blacks with lies about majority Christian and republican racism for decades.
The racists of the past are all dead, but the White descendants of the racists voted for Trump, who uses racism in the same way that Hitler used anti Semitism. Look at Trump's cabinet: not one Black American.
Leftist looters and liars continue to spew their dishonest unconscionable racist hatred for white republicans and Christians.
You are aggressively ignorant about the history of this country.
I don't agree with modern leftist CRT rewrites of history.
You can believe that if you like but I don't think you can prove that with verifiable facts.
Those conservatives were trying to conserve the way of life which included slavery, no voting rights for blacks and women, separation of races, no interracial marriages, etc etc etc. the idea that liberals were for all these is simply ludicrous.
Those conservatives were trying to conserve the way of life which included slavery, no voting rights for blacks and women, separation of races, no interracial marriages, etc etc etc. the idea that liberals were for all these is simply ludicrous.
I see. You call racist southern democrats of Lincoln's day conservatives because they were trying to "conserve" white racist hatred and enslavement of blacks? God-honoring Christians were not on that democrat boat.
I see. You call racist southern democrats of Lincoln's day conservatives because they were trying to "conserve" white racist hatred and enslavement of blacks? God-honoring Christians were not on that democrat boat.
But they were on the conservative boat. And then they migrated to the gop.
Random guy wants to return to slavery for black people.
He wants to put Jared, Ivanka and their 3 children in a concentration camp because he hates Jews.
That is my claim.
Republicans fought against democrat racism but democrats won many of those battles.

Democrats have been deluding blacks with lies about majority Christian and republican racism for decades.

Leftist looters and liars continue to spew their dishonest unconscionable racist hatred for white republicans and Christians.

I don't agree with modern leftist CRT rewrites of history.
YOu refuse to recognize the TRUTH, because you are a pathetic brainwashed doofus, whose mind has been warped by Shitshizpants.

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