Mr. Ramsland’s central conclusion is that “the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemicfraud and influence election results” (¶B.2). His reasoning is that the systemintentionally generates many errors while scanning ballots in order to cause theimages of the ballots to be reviewed by an EMS operator, a process known as“adjudication” during which the votes can be manually edited (¶B.12). This provides an opportunity, Mr. Ramsland believes, for a malicious operator to changevotes without being detected. Citing his forensic examination, Mr. Ramslandclaims that a “staggering number of votes [in Antrim] required adjudication”(¶B.12), and that “all adjudication log entries for the 2020 election cycle aremissing” and must “have been manually removed” (¶B.15).There are several problems with this theory. First, adjudication occurs afterballots are scanned and poll tapes are printed. In Antrim County, the finalreported results match the poll tapes in essentially all cases. Therefore, the finalresults could not have been altered using adjudication.Second, Mr. Ramsland mischaracterizes the adjudication process. Dominion’sadjudication system produces detailed logs, which are recorded in the EMS together with the ballot scan and the scanner’s original interpretation, as illustratedin Figure 9. Far from being an ideal way to cheat without possibility of detection,adjudication creates abundant digital evidenceThird, and fatally, adjudication functionality was not enabled at all in AntrimCounty during the November 2020 election. The adjudication software applicationis an optional component of Democracy Suite. Antrim did not purchase it, andmy examination of the EMS shows that it was not installed. There are no adjudication logs for the simple reason that adjudication was not used. Moreover, thetabulators were not configured to store ballot images—a necessary preconditionfor adjudication—and my inspection of the memory cards confirms that no ballotimages are present. This means that it would have been impossible to use theadjudication feature even if the software were somehow installed after the election.Far from a “staggering number” of ballots being adjudicated, the actual numberwas zero. Therefore, Mr. Ra
there are no such logs because they didn't use that feature.