lets look at what social media is saying

Thanks for pointing out how gullible and stupid you and right wing mor.ons are lol
10 seconds of googling exposed the liebin your first picture

God you are stupid
Hey ***** I just posting what people are saying on social media if you do not like it then go tell them .We all know you do not like it and are suffering from butt hurt.
Lol you were caught posting stupidity
Or was your point that Republicans are mor.ons? Lol
I love it when Republicans vare mor.ons duh
LOL Your a idiot I said I was posting what social media was saying . If you do not like what they are saying take it up with them dumb ass.
All patriots should object to hateful antiamerican lies like the first picture

As a patriot I Object to these hateful anti-american lives I notice you just posted it Without comment so either you were too stupid to understand there was a lie or you agree with the lies either way you're not a Patriot
LOL Your a idiot I said I was posting what social media was saying . If you do not like what they are saying take it up with them dumb ass.

Lug nut is a personality combination of Amy and Samy from Amy's baking company but less intelligent.

More Samy I suppose.

Just a complete asshat of a human being. Thinks if he yells stupid loud enough he might win an argument. No sense of humor either.
Lug nut is a personality combination of Amy and Samy from Amy's baking company but less intelligent.

More Samy I suppose.

Just a complete asshat of a human being. Thinks if he yells stupid loud enough he might win an argument. No sense of humor either.
i see i've hit a nerve that you felt the need to whine about me to him. lol
i guess exposing you as a snowflake racist POS would do that :)
n o, it was a lie. harris never said that. he posted a lie.

of course, as a right wing anti-american hater, you think anti-american lies are "opinions".
god you are pathetic


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