I'm not sure what the moral ground is against marijuana.
Pragmatically, my case against it has to do with the long-term effects I've seen on people I've known. People who lost their jobs, their wives, their children, their entire lives, all because they were stuck on weed.
Most of the people I've met, who were heavily hitting the flower power, were often the most useless pathetic people. Some have told me it's great because people high on pot, are funny and humorous. Not from what I've seen. That kind of funny, is no more entertaining than kindergartners exchanging potty jokes, or tripping a drunk guy causing him to fall, or that guy in California who made homeless bums fight over $10 bucks.
It's not funny, it's sick and pathetic. And the wife who longs for a her husband to come out of his drug induced stupor, and lead her family, or the child who can't figure out why daddy never plays with them, neither finds it very amusing either.
This is what I'm against. Having met enough people in loveless marriages, because one or both, was hooked on some substance, I can say I don't want to meet anymore. And if legalizing it will increase those numbers, then I'm against it.
I'm not sure what the moral ground is against alcohol.
Pragmatically, my case against it has to do with the long-term effects I've seen on people I've known. People who lost their jobs, their wives, their children, their entire lives, all because they were stuck on alcohol.
Most of the people I've met, who were heavily hitting the bottle, were often the most useless pathetic people. Some have told me it's great because people high on booze, are mellow and humorous. Not from what I've seen. That kind of funny, is no more entertaining than kindergartners exchanging potty jokes, or tripping a drunk guy causing him to fall, or that guy in California who made homeless bums fight over $10 bucks.
It's not funny, it's sick and pathetic. And the wife who longs for a her husband to come out of his drug induced stupor, and lead her family, or the child who can't figure out why daddy never plays with them, neither finds it very amusing either.
This is what I'm against. Having met enough people in loveless marriages, because one or both, was hooked on some substance, I can say I don't want to meet anymore.
Should we outlaw alcohol again? It seems to me that social experiment was tried, and that the result was gangs, violence, illicit use, and general disregard for the law, much like what we're seeing today in the pot market.
And if legalizing it will increase those numbers, then I'm against it.
Is there a correlation between the legalization of marijuana and its consumption? I'm not so sure that has been established. Holland has legalized pot, along with a whole lot of worse substances, yet has a lower rate of addiction than we have in the US.
Of course if the disjointed and incomprehensible posts made by some (unnamed, of course) members of this forum are the result of pot use, then there is a case against its use, and I'll choose not to partake. Trying to use the authority of government to impose my values on someone else, however, is not likely to succeed.